


1.How old are you ?

This is the  first time I meet Mr.Tyger。He asked me " How old are you?"

2.call you later

I  was driving. I received  a call from my mother. I told her" I am driving now, I will call you later."

3.you made it 

I drew  a beutiful  picture. mom said " oh, you made it "

4. you can keep it .

mom gave me RMB ten to  buy a pen .I paid  RMB 8. when I reture money to mom.

she said "you do well. you can keep it ".I am so happy.

5.what time is it ?

I asked my classmate "what time is it ?"

6.who bought it ?

The Candys are delicious .I asked "who bought it ?"

7. It is my first time to visit  Beijing .

my uncle came to meet me in airport. I told him"it is my first time to visit Beijing .I am very exciting.

8.who'd like to try?

Mr. Tyger asked " who 'd like to try?"

9.my heart is broken

he lost his beautiful girlfriend ,He told me "my heart is broken"


10. I was shocked

My classmate broken my book. I was shocked.

11.Don't touch me 

I am not happy.I said to my friend "Don't touch me .Let me have a rest."

12.you are one of my best friends.

I talked with my classmate" you are one of my best friends"

13.May I come in? come in ,please.

one person was out of my home.

he asked"May I come in?"

I reply "come in,please."


"Now you can pay for my dinner"


15.I will be back

I want to leave home for work.I said to my daughter " Honey, I will be back soon"

16.see you next time 

When I finished dinner in my friend Tony's home, I want to leave. I said "see you next time .Thanks your dinner"

17.where are you from?

I was having dinner at resturant when my friend came in. He asked me "where are you from?“

18. Could you lend me some money?

my friend asked me " could you lend me some money ?" I said "Yes, I can give you some money."

19.Give  me five.

when I did the work very good. Teacher said " Good job! give me five "

20.Never Mind!

I broken a cup in my friend 's home. she said "Don't worry .Never Mind!"

21.Go for it 

I want to sleep at 7 o'clock. Mom was surprised.But she said "go for it "

22.Tommorrow is another day.

I am very  sad for my dog's death .mom said "Don't cry. honey.Tommrrow is another day."

23  Nice  to meet you

I introduce my friend to Liliy .

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you,too"

24.To  be or not to be 


她说命在旦夕的时候,自己问自己,”to be or not  to be "

25.<little Prince>

The <little Prince > is a very good book.

26.many thanks

Lily help me many times. I said "many thanks" to her.

27. How time flied

I always watched TV in the weekend .Mon said " How time flied. You should study hard"

28.Tyger.please say hello to your friends

I meet my classmates in public garden, Mom said"Merry ,please say hello to your friends"

29.Do it right away.

I watched TV in living room. Mom asked" Do you finish your homework?"

"No." "Do it right away."

30.I am very proud of you .son /daughter.

She got 100 in English test .Her Mom said"I am very proud of you.my daughter"

32. I will take part in a birthday party tomorrow

I told my mom "I will take part in a birthday party tomorrow.Could you make a birthday cake for her?"

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