Wendy Topic4

go into cardiac attack

recite life-saving instructions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation

grubby: dirty; unwashed

deliver: ~ (on sth)give what is expected or promised 不负所望; 履行诺言:They promise to finish the job in June, but can they deliver (on that)?

gather pace: to start to happen more quickly and have more success

That is an extreme, but other countries face rising cost pressures from health spending as populations


Spending on administration varies sevenfold between rich countries.(赞!第一次见这种表达!)

In rich countries about one-fifth of spending on health care goes to waste, for example on wrong or unnecessary treatments.(具体解释怎么浪费)

sift 很有画面感

If there is to be a health-care revolution, it will create winners and losers.

three groups are fighting a war for control of the “health-care value chain”

One group comprises “traditional innovators”—pharmaceutical firms, hospitals and medical-technology companies such as GEHealthcare, Siemens, Medtronic and Philips.(前面是公司,后面是名字)A second category is made up of “incumbent players”, which include health insurers, pharmacy-benefit managers (which buy drugs in bulk), and as single-payer health-care systems such as Britain’s NHS. The third group are the technology “insurgents”, including Google, Apple, Amazon and a host of hungry entrepreneurs that are creating apps, predictive-diagnostics systems and new devices.

These firms may well profit most handsomely from the shift to digital.

get much better insight into

reimburse: pay back to sb (money that he has spent, lost, etc); refund sth

                  reimbursement n [C, U] repayment (of expenses, etc)

The big question is whether drug companies will be big losers.

More data will not only identify those drugs that do not work. Digital health care will also give rise to new services that might involve taking no drugs at all.

Diabetes is an obvious problem for the pharma business in this regard, says Dan Mahony, a partner at Polar Capital, an investment firm. Since evidence shows that exercise gives diabetics better control of their disease (and helps most pre-diabetics not to get sickat all), there is an opening for new services. United Healthcare, a big American insurer, for example, has a prevention programme that connects pre-diabetics with special coaches at gyms.

deride: treat sb/sth as funny and not worthy of serious attention; mock sb/sth:

            They derided his efforts (as childish).

wearable device: 穿戴式装置

Although Fitbits are frequently derided for ending up in the back of a drawer(多具体)

be motivated to

Players of Pokémon Go have collectively walked nearly 9bn kilometres since the smartphone game was released last year.(什么事、多长时间交代地很清楚)

That (照应、又见照应)is the backdrop to a new firm

Later on, Onduo wants to help those who are at risk of diabetes not to develop it.

hedge ~ (against sth) means of defence against possible loss 防止可能造成损失的手段:buy gold as a hedge(ie to protect one's money)against inflation为防通货膨胀而购买黄金

hedge fund 对冲基金

在一个最基本的对冲操作中。基金管理者在购入一种股票后,同时购入这种股票的一定价位和时效的看跌期权Put Option)。看跌期权的效用在于当股票价位跌破期权限定的价格时,卖方期权的持有者可将手中持有的股票以期权限定的价格卖出,从而使股票跌价的风险得到对冲。在另一类对冲操作中、基金管理人首先选定某类行情看涨的行业,买进该行业中看好的几只优质股,同时以一定比率卖出该行业中较差的几只劣质股。如此组合的结果是,如该行业预期表现良好,优质股涨幅必超过其他同行业的股票,买入优质股的收益将大于卖空劣质股而产生的损失;如果预期错误,此行业股票不涨反跌,那么较差公司的股票跌幅必大于优质股。则卖空盘口所获利润必高于买入优质股下跌造成的损失。正因为如此的操作手段,早期的对冲基金可以说是一种基于避险保值的保守投资策略的基金管理形式。——http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/对冲基金

This kind of thinking does not come easily to drug firms. Switzerland’s Novartis is one of the few (前后两个呼应得也太棒了)to have acknowledged that digital innovation will mean selling products based on patient outcomes. But if pharma firms do not design solutions that put the patient,rather than drug sales,at the centre oftheir strategy, they risk losing relevance, says Mr Sluijs.

relevant~ (to sth/sb)connected with what is being discussed, what is happening,what is being done, etc

Increasingly, machine-learning programs are able to

Naturally enough, the health-care entrepreneurs have the boldest visions.

Overall, telemedicine is expected to grow rapidly

India is another innovator. To take one example, LiveHealth, based in Pune, is an app that lets patients assemble all their health records in one place, see test results and communicate with doctors.

a growing array of apps

field:deal successfully with (a series of questions, etc) 顺利处理(一系列问题):The minister easily fielded all the journalist's awkward questions.

. A paid service called Push Doctor offers

The firm maximises the efficiency of its doctors by reducing the time they spend on administrative duties. They spend 93% of their time with patients compared with only 61% in Britain’s public sector. Babylon reckons that 85% of consultations do not need to be in person.

stalk: v. move quietly and slowly towards (wild animals, etc) in order to get near without being seen

exacerbate a heart condition

at risk of depression(抑郁)

The medical world places importance on informed consent.

Yet enormous change looks inevitable.

Investors hope for billion-dollar healthtech “unicorns”. Payers eye equally sizeable savings. Amid such talk it is worth remembering that the biggest winners from digital health care will be the patients who receive better treatment, and those who avoid becoming patients at all.

eye: look at (sth) with longing





虽然高中是学理,后来念了英语就很少看理科的东西了。前几天跟着安妮看科学的历史和相对论,感觉自己的脑很烧很紧绷,这种感觉很久没有了,像是把之前在小黑洞洞里的我拖拽到洞口,指给我看,这个世界大到星空,小到一滴水,背后都有颠覆你想象的美妙规律和未知之境。突然感觉自己之前太局限了,很多时候看文章拘泥于字词,没有深入思考,也不主动去关心专业之外的领域。就像安妮说的,相对论就应该是通识教育的一部分。是啊,知识是没有边界,真正学得好的人一通百通,谋生之外,这些知识就是在拓展个人的边界啊。另外,看来鲸鱼同学她们的笔记也真是佩服,除了字词, 她还通过这篇文章思考整个行业,想到用财报去分析对比。










The third group are the technology “insurgents”, including Google, Apple, Amazon and a host of hungry entrepreneurs that are creating apps, predictive-diagnostics systems and new devices.

The firm maximises the efficiency of its doctors by reducing the time they spend on administrative duties.

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