

英文 中文
She was kicked out of her third home 她第三次被寄养家庭赶出来
because her foster mother accused her 是因为她的养母指责她
of trying to seduce her husband. 试图勾引她的丈夫
A week later, that house burned down. 一周后那所房子被烧毁
- You did those things? - You can't believe -你干了那些事-他说的一个字
- a fucking word he says! - Jade, watch out! -你都不能信-老天看着点
Before we put him out, 我们给他注射前
he wrote you this note. 他给你写了留言
Said it was important. 说这很重要
- Did you talk to him? - No. -你跟他说了话吗-没有
Taylor came to see me in jail. 泰勒来监狱看了我
You really fucked me this time! 你这次把我害惨了
Your membership to the club has been revoked. 两位在俱乐部的会员资格被取消了
It's because I'm ill. 因为我生病了
It was you. 是你干的
You seduced my child. 你勾引了我的孩子
Do you think that I would be satisfied 你真以为只是把你赶出乡村俱乐部
just getting you kicked out of a country club? 我就会满意了吗
I am just getting started, bitch. 我才刚开始呢贱人
Dad always said that you were vindictive. 爸总是说你报复心很重
I am still your mother. 我还是你妈妈
No, from now on, you're just some lady that I used to know. 不从现在起你只是我曾认识的一个女人
- You pulling out? - Not yet. -你要开走吗-先不走
I'm waiting for someone. 我在等人
My husband likes to threaten me with a loaded gun 我丈夫喜欢拿床头柜抽屉里
he keeps in his bedside drawer. 上了膛的枪威胁我
Our daughter died because of me. 我们的女儿因我而死
I'm the one who's responsible. 闯祸的是我
The last time I slept with your husband 我最后一次和你丈夫上床
was the day your child died. 是在你孩子死的那天
While you were coming in the front door, 你们从前门进来的时候
I ran around the side of the house. 我绕着房子跑出去
Did Rob know you had not closed the gate? 罗伯知道你没有关门吗
I called him that night and I told him. 我那晚跟他打了电话告诉了他
What can I do for you? 有什么需要帮助的
I need to buy a gun. 我要买把枪
So, what do you think? 你们觉得如何
It's impressive. Square footage? 很不错建筑面积
5,000. 五千
Give or take. 左右
Four big bedrooms upstairs. 楼上有四个大卧室
Got kids? 有小孩吗
We had a little girl. 之前有个女儿
Her name was Emily. 她叫艾米莉
Was? 之前
Could you excuse us a moment? 我们失陪一下
You've got to stop telling total strangers our daughter died. 你能别再告诉陌生人我们女儿死了吗
He asked me a question. 他问了我一个问题
It's been over a year. 已经过了一年多了
How are we gonna move forward in our lives 要是我们一直谈论发生了什么
if we keep talking about what happened? 我们的生活要怎么翻篇
I don't even understand what we're doing here. 我都不知道我们在这做什么
The house we have now is fine. 我们现在的房子挺好的
It's got too many memories. 有太多回忆
We need a fresh start. 我们需要一个崭新的开始
I mean, this could be good for us. 这可能对我们来说是好事
Don't you want to find a way to be happy again? 你不想找到再次幸福的办法吗
Of course I do. 我当然想了
Well, then let me buy this for you. 那就让我为你买下这房子
If you do that, I'll spend every day 如果你这么做我就会每天
just trying to put the smile back on your face. 都努力让笑容重回你的脸上
The one I fell in love with. 我当初爱上的那个笑容
I guess we could be happy here. 我想我们是可以在这找到幸福
Of course we can. 当然可以
Now where's that smile I love? 给我展示下我爱的那个笑容
I bought a gun yesterday. 我昨天买了把枪
What? 什么
I'd left an appointment at my cancer doctors, 我从我的癌症医生那看完病后
and I passed the most adorable gun shop. 我经过了一家超可爱的枪支商店
And I bought this little revolver. 我买了一把小左轮手枪
Why do we need a gun? 我们要枪做什么
There have been robberies in the neighborhood. 最近附近有发生盗窃
Mrs. Betz on the corner? 街角的贝茨夫人
Some thief smashed her window, reached in, 一个小偷砸碎了她家窗户闯进去
and took her new purse right off her end table. 从她的茶几上拿走了她新买的包
- Have I met her? - Anyway, -我有见过她吗-总之
I don't feel safe. 我感觉不太安全
So I got this gun, and I'm storing it here. 所以我买了这把枪放在了这里
And I've already put in the bullets. 已经装了子弹
You're keeping the gun loaded? 你给枪上膛了
If someone attacks us, 如果有人攻击我们
I don't think we'd want to waste time looking for bullets. Do you? 我们应该不想浪费时间去找子弹对吗
This is a nice street. 这是条和谐的街道
Nothing bad is going to happen to us. 我们不会出什么坏事的
You never know. 世事难料
So... 所以...
what do you think? 你们觉得怎么样
You were right to bring us here. 你带我们来真是太对了
So many possibilities. 这房子能创造太多可能性了
Yes, the floor plan's good, 对房子格局还不错
but really, the color of the walls... 但墙上的颜色真是...
Before we go any further, 在我们继续之前
state law compels me to disclose that a murder took place here. 州法强制我告诉你们这里发生过命案
Someone was murdered in this house? 有人在这栋房子里被杀了吗
Was it the decorator? 是室内装潢师吗
Simone! 萨蒙妮
Naomi! 娜奥米
I saw your car out front. 我看见你的车在外面
Tell me that you are buying this place. 快告诉我你们要把这里买下来
I live a block away. 我就住在一个街区外
We would be neighbors. 我们能成为邻居了
Karl, this is my friend Naomi from the country club. 卡尔这是我乡村俱乐部的朋友娜奥米
You must be the dashing new boyfriend I keep hearing about. 你就是那个我一直听说的时髦新男友吧
Not just the boyfriend. 不仅仅是男友
- I've, uh, been promoted. - Stop. -我"升迁"了-不会吧
You're engaged? 你们订婚了
Oh, well, now you definitely need a bigger house. 那你们现在肯定需要一所更大的房子了
- And who's this charming young man? - Tommy. -这个年轻帅小伙是谁啊-汤米
This is my son Tommy. 这是我儿子汤米
Tommy, this is Simone. 汤米这是萨蒙妮
You're pretty. 你真漂亮
Kids say the cutest things. 小孩子嘴最甜了
Oh, hands off, young man. She's spoken for. 小伙子别垂涎了她名花有主了
Oh, Simone, please tell me you'll take the house. 萨蒙妮拜托你们一定要买下这房子
I'd absolutely kill to have you here. 我太想你搬过来住了
Oh, it would be fun, wouldn't it? 那一定会很有趣不是吗
Being close to my best friend. 住在我最好朋友的家附近
Simone! 萨蒙妮
Are you all right? 你没事吧
Oh, my God. 我的天啊
What happened? 发生什么了
My mother tried to kill you. 我妈妈想杀了你
What? 什么
Oh, my God, is she alive? 我的天她还活着吗
Tommy. 汤米
Someone call a doctor! 快叫医生
- Okay. - And the police! -好-还有警察
So... what do you think? 那么...你们觉得怎么样
I mean... I love it. I say, let's do it. 我很喜欢就这么定了吧
- What? - I want to buy this house. -什么-我想买这栋房子
Can I talk with my husband for a moment in private, please? 我能跟我丈夫私下商量一下吗
Take your time. 慢慢谈
- What? - Dude, are you crazy? -怎么了-老兄你疯了吗
Are you cra...? Did you not see that pool? 你疯...你没看到那个泳池吗
And that kitchen is huge. 而且厨房很大
Yeah, and it needs a complete remodel. We can't afford that. 对但是需要彻底重新装修我们没那么多钱
D-Don't worry about the money, all right? 别担心钱的事好吗
My career is taking off. 我的事业快起飞了
The reviews for Jenny from Yesterday are through the roof. 《昨日珍妮》的评论爆了
Yeah, I know, but even so, it's still risky. 我知道但即便如此还是太冒险了
Risky? Are you hearing yourself right now? 冒险你听听你自己说的话
- Do you know who you sound like? - Who? -你知道你听起来像谁吗-谁
Me... when we were talking about having an open marriage? 像我当我们谈开放婚姻的时候
Okay, that's not the same thing. 好吧这不是一回事
No. I was... I was nervous. 不我...我当时很紧张
I was unsure that we could make it work, but you convinced me. 我不确定我们能否适应但你说服了我
And now our life is so much more exciting for it. 现在我们的日子过得多刺激呀
Now think about how much even more exciting our life would be 你想想如果有了这厨房我们的日子
with that fucking kitchen, right? 能刺激到什么程度对吧
Oh, sweetie, you still have that cold? 宝贝你感冒还没好吗
It's fine. I'm good. I'm good. 好了我没事我没事
Just, Taylor, trust me. 泰勒相信我
Okay? Believe in me. 好吗相信我
I promise you I will not let you down. 我发誓我不会让你失望的
Take it slow. 慢点
God, everything hurts. 天啊全身都痛
Well, here's something to ease the pain. 有件事能让你舒服些
I went by the house. All of Jade's stuff is gone. 我回了趟家所有洁德的东西都没了
That was fast. 动作真快
Yeah. Well, she knows we're onto her. 对她知道我们知道她干了什么
She can't just stick around, waiting for the cops to show up. 她总不能待在那等警察来抓她吧
Oh, speaking of the house, 说到房子
I, uh, got you a little something. 我有个东西给你
A business card? 一张名片吗
Yeah. For Lamar's realtor. 对拉马尔的房产经纪人
If it's okay with you, I want to sell the house. 如果你同意的话我想把房子卖了
Really? 真的吗
Yeah, it just feels like 对感觉
every wrong turn we've made can be traced back 我们的每个错误决定都能追溯到
to the moment where I talked you into buying it. 我让你买房子的那一刻
No house... 没有房子
wouldn't have met Jade. 就不会遇见洁德
No Jade, no relapse. 没有洁德就不会毒瘾复发
I mean, we'd lose a lot of stress. 我们会少很多压力
The mortgage payments alone. 光是不还房贷就轻松很多
Look at that smile. 看看那笑容
All right. So how much downsizing are we up for? 好吧那我们要降级到什么程度
Townhouse? Condo? 联排别墅公寓
Fuck it. Let's just buy a field. 去他的我们干脆买块地
We can pitch a tent. 扎个帐篷
Love it. 棒极了
Tent in a field. We'd be living the dream. 田野上的帐篷美梦成真了
And the best part about moving... Jade won't be able to find us. 而且搬家最棒的地方在于洁德找不到我们
Where do you think she went? 你觉得她去哪了
I don't know. 不知道
Let's just hope she's a thousand miles away by now. 最好已经在千里之外了
Who's Duke? 谁是杜克
My grandfather. 我祖父
Grammy Sue gave that to him for their first wedding anniversary. 祖母苏在第一年结婚纪念日是送给他的
He wore it every day, but he never wound it. 他每天都戴却从未上过发条
He always used to say that 他总说
"When I met my Susie, it was like time stood still." "当我遇见小苏时仿佛时间都静止了"
Sweet. 真甜蜜
Give you 35. 给你35
Hundred? 三千五吗
No. Dollars. 不35块
It's worth much more than that. 它比那值钱多了
Sentimental-wise, maybe. 从情感的角度来说也许吧
Cash-wise, it's worth $35. 但想兑现就值35
- Well, I need more. - All right. -我需要更多-好吧
I'll throw in an extra five for the story. 为你这故事我再添五块
And 'cause I like your... face. 因为我喜欢你的脸
How about a grand? 不如一千吧
I don't like your face that much. 我没那么喜欢你的脸
Okay, well, then a couple hundred. 好吧那就几百块
- Honey, I told you... - Please. -亲爱的我说了-拜托
You don't understand what I've been through lately. 你不知道我最近经历了什么
I've lost everything, and I just need a little... 我失去了一切我只需要一点
What you need is to give the waterworks a rest. 你需要的是收起那假惺惺的眼泪
I made you my offer, so either take it or get the hell out. 我开价了你爱要不要不要出去
The fuck?! I'm calling the cops! 搞什么我报警了
Yeah, I get that a lot. 这话我听得多了
Beth Ann. 贝丝·安
Morning, Mary. I hope I'm not interrupting? 早上好玛丽我希望我没打扰到你
No, not at all. Ralph just left for work. 不完全没有拉尔夫刚去上班
I know. I waited for him to go. 我知道我特地等他走了才来
I need to speak to you privately. 我要和你私下谈谈
- What's going on? - I've thought of a way -怎么了-我想到了一个
to solve our respective marital difficulties. 能解决我们各自婚姻问题的方法
You have? 真的吗
I've come up with a plan on how to kill our husbands. 我想到了一个杀死我们丈夫的计划
Please invite me in. 请我进屋吧
This is the sort of thing we should discuss over coffee. 这种事我们该边喝咖啡边聊
That's the plan. 这就是计划
Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗
It's crazy. 太疯狂了
- We'd never get away with it. - But we would. -我们会被抓的-不会
Think about it. Technically speaking, 你想想严格来说
we wouldn't be doing anything illegal. 我们没做任何违法的事
How could we be sure that Rob and Ralph 那我们怎么知道罗伯和拉尔夫
would even swallow the bait? 会上这个当呢
That's the beauty of the plan. 这就是这个计划的精妙之处
It's tailor-made 这计划完全是为
to fit their horribly predictable personalities. 他们糟糕透顶的性格量身定做
What if someone discovers what we've done? 如果有人发现我们做了什么怎么办
I don't plan on telling anyone. Do you? 我没打算告诉别人你呢
I don't know. 我不知道
Ralph deserves to die. 拉尔夫是该死
And... after everything Rob's put you through, 罗伯让你经受了那么多苦楚
he's just as bad. 他也一样坏
But the Bible says, 但《圣经》说
"Thou shalt not kill." "不可杀人"
God might not understand. 上帝也许不会理解
Maybe not. 也许不会
But I'm sure God's wife will. 但我肯定上帝的妻子会
Now, what do you say? 那么你怎么说
Oh. Tommy. 汤米
You seem surprised to see me. 你看上去见到我很惊讶
Well, we're such social pariahs these days, 我们现在是社交瘟疫人人避之
I'm surprised to see anyone. 我见到谁都很惊讶
At this point, I'd roll out the red carpet 现在要是有耶和华见证人上门
for a Jehovah's Witness. 我都要铺红毯了
How are you feeling? 你感觉如何
Delightful. 很好
Simone's in the kitchen. 萨蒙妮在厨房里
How is your mother's physical therapy going? 你妈妈的物理治疗怎么样
Better. 好点了
She took a few steps today. 她今天走了几步
I still think that you should have pressed charges. 我还是觉得你应该提起诉讼
She said she lost control of the car. 她说她失去了对车的控制
I choose to believe her. 我选择相信她
Nobody else does. 其他人都不信
All of her friends at the country club, 她在乡村俱乐部的所有朋友
the ones that she turned against you and Karl, 那些被她游说敌对你和卡尔的人
they finally found out Mom's crazy and they dropped her. 最终都发现我妈才是疯子都抛弃了她
Oh. Poor Naomi. 可怜的娜奥米
"Poor Naomi"? 可怜的娜奥米
Come on. 拜托
You must be a little pleased. 你肯定还是觉得有点高兴吧
The woman I'm trying to become 我想成为的那种女人
would draw no satisfaction from this at all. 绝对不会从这种事情中获得愉悦
Fortunately, I'm not that woman just yet. 幸运的是我还没成为那种女人呢
I'm thinking about canceling my trip to Paris. 我在打算取消去巴黎的旅行
You can't let your mother guilt you into staying. 你不能让因为愧对妈妈而影响行程
I'd be staying for you, not her. 我留下来是为你而不是为她
Karl's getting worse, isn't he? 卡尔越来越病重了对吧
I'll take good care of him. 我会好好照料他的
But who will take care of you? 那谁来照料你呢
I'll be fine. 我没事的
Oh, you should go. 你应该走了
Karl has a doctor's appointment. 卡尔有医生的预约
I'm sorry our relationship caused such a scandal. 我很抱歉我们的关系造成了这样的丑闻
I try to tell people I'm the one who pursued you, 我试着告诉别人是我追的你
but they refuse to believe it was my fault. 但他们都不愿意相信这是我的错
You say that like we did something we should regret. 你这么说好像我们做了什么该后悔的事
I don't regret one moment we shared. 我不后悔过我们相处的每一刻
Now go. 走吧
Have the most wonderful summer of your life. 去享受你人生最棒的一个夏天吧
Study art. Drink wine. 学学画画喝点红酒
Think of me every now and then. 时不时地想想我
I'll think of you constantly. 我会一直想着你的
I love you. 我爱你
I won't be the last woman you say that to. 你以后还会对别的女人说这句话
But I'm proud to be the first. 但我很自豪能成为第一个
Here it is. 我拿来了
Now, you're sure you want to part with this? 你确定你想把它卖掉吗
Oh, I'd love to keep it, 我很想留下
but the truth is, we need the money. 但现实是我们需要钱
Simone, are things really as bad as all that? 萨蒙妮事情已经坏到这个地步了吗
Once the art gallery went under, we lost our health insurance. 画廊倒了后我们就没有医保了
And Karl's medical bills have been outrageous. 卡尔的医疗账单数额高得吓人
Is there anything I can do? 我能做点什么吗
You could buy another painting. 你可以再买一幅画
Perhaps you'd like to have me hanging in your living room? 或许你想让我的画像挂在你家客厅里
Why don't I just pay you another thousand for this one? 不如我为这幅画再多付你一千美元吧
That's very kind. 你真好
And somewhat insulting. 但又有点侮辱人
Take care, Cole. 保重科尔
Simone? 萨蒙妮
Yes, Karl? 怎么了卡尔
I need you. 我需要你
Is everything okay? 你还好吗
Yes, I'm just trying to make myself presentable. 是的就是想把自己打扮得可以见人
Would you do my neck? 能帮我擦脖子吗
Oh, of course. 当然了
Are you going somewhere? 你要去哪里吗
Tim from my support group's just got out of hospital. 我的支持小组的蒂姆刚刚出院
Harold's holding a brunch in his honor. 哈罗德要给他办个早午餐会
Oh, that should be nice. 那真是太好了
You haven't tasted his cooking. 你没尝过他的厨艺
I'm sure we'll all be back in the emergency room by dessert. 我确定在上甜点之前我们就会回急救室了
You are such a bitch. 你真贱
I should hope so. 希望如此
I did study with a master. 毕竟我师从大师
Oh, I heard the doorbell. Who was it? 我刚听到了门铃是谁啊
Cole stopped by to pick up the painting. 科尔来拿画了
Oh, Lord, I feel so dreadful about that. 天哪我感到好内疚
I-I know how much you love that piece. 我知道你有多喜欢那幅画
It's okay. 没关系
At least we can pay the mortgage now. 至少现在能还抵押贷款了
Or most of it. 至少能还掉大部分
I am s... I am so sorry. 我很抱...我很抱歉
Stop it. 别说了
We are fine. 我们没事
Uh, you are right. 你说得对
We are, uh, two... 我们是两个...
bitch goddesses. 女贱神
And we will not be defeated. 我们是不会输的
Now turn. 转过去
What did I tell all you this morning before we left the house? 今早出门前我是怎么跟你们交代的
Huh? What did I say? 我是怎么说的
Not to embarrass you. 不要给你丢人现眼
I can never go back to that store ever again 都是因为你们几个小鬼对那个倒霉的假人模特干的好事
because of what you little freaks did to that poor mannequin. 我被那家商店永久拉黑了
Go inside. 快进屋
Now! 还愣着干嘛
Hello. 你好
I'm not sure if you remember who I am. 不知你是否还记得我
I know who you are. 我知道你是谁
Can you tell me who you are? 那你能告诉我你是谁吗
Let's start with the headline, hon. 我们先把话说明亲爱的
I'm not Rob Stanton's wife. 我不是罗伯·斯坦顿的老婆
Come on in. 进来吧
I think it's time someone told you the truth. 是时候告诉你真相了
Thank you, Lamar. 谢谢你拉马尔
Your support means a lot. 你的支持对我很重要
Yeah. Yeah. 好的没问题
I will see you on the other side, man. 待我戒毒成功归来我们再会
Okay. Bye. 好的挂了
So, how you gonna stay busy while I'm at rehab? 在我戒毒期间你要如何打发无聊时光呢
Guessing the short answer is "girls, girls, girls"? 我猜你会说找女伴聊以自慰
Well, funny you should mention that. 既然你提到这点
I thought maybe we could rethink 或许我们可以重新考虑
the whole open marriage thing. 是否仍想继续进行开放式婚姻
- Really? - Yeah. -真的吗-是啊
You know, we should focus on us for a while. 我们应该多花点时间在自己身上
Go to therapy. 可以试下婚姻咨询
And three's a crowd. 三人不欢
Especially in couples counseling. 尤其是在做婚姻咨询时
Okay. 好吧
What, you don't like that idea? 你不喜欢这个主意吗
No. It's just... 我喜欢只是...
I mean, obviously, your sexuality is really important. 显然你的性向对你很重要
And... I just don't want you to have to give any part of that up. 我不想让你被迫舍弃部分自我
It is important to me. 是对我确实很重要
But like I've always said, 但正如我常说的那样
my love story is with you. 我只愿与你共度余生
And I would choose you over a few casual hookups any day of the week. 若把你与几个炮友相比我总会选择你
It would just be you and me? 就只是你和我了吗
Forsaking all others? 不再有其他人
Till death do us part. 至死不渝
Did we just become Republicans? 我们是不是突然变成保守派了
I think we did. 好像是的
Hector, hi. 赫克托你来了
Come on in. 快请进
Karl is taking a nap. Should I wake him? 卡尔在午睡要不我去把他叫醒
Uh, no. Actually, uh, 不用了实际上...
I'm here to see you. 我是来找你的
Oh. What's going on? 发生了什么事
Remember last Sunday, when I took Karl to that brunch at Harold's? 还记得上周日我带卡尔去哈罗德的早午餐会吗
Yes. Thank you for driving him. 记得谢谢你载他过去
So, Harold called me today. 哈罗德今天打给我了
He thinks Karl stole some pills from his medicine cabinet. 他觉得卡尔从他的药柜里偷了些药片
What kind of pills? 哪类药片
Sleeping pills. 安眠药
And the same thing happened two weeks ago 两周前我们在比利家打桥牌时
when we went to Billy's for bridge. 也发生了同样的事
I see. 这样啊
Karl puts on a brave face, 卡尔表面上故作坚强
but I know how depressed he's been. 但我知道他内心有多压抑
And I'm just so worried. 我非常担心他
You did the right thing telling me. 你确实应该告诉我这些事
Simone, I'm so sorry to dump this on you. 萨蒙妮把这压力丢给你我非常过意不去
But you've always been the only one who can get through to him. 但他向来只听得进你的话
I will take care of it. 我会处理的
Thank you. 谢谢你
So, while you copy the letter in your handwriting, 你来誊写那封信
I'll be upstairs cleaning out your closet. 我去楼上帮你打包衣物
You said Ralph gets home around 6:45? 你说过拉尔夫大概六点四十五分到家对吗
Sometimes as early as 6:30. 有时六点半就回来了
Rob gets home around 6:15, and it's almost 5:00. 罗伯六点一刻左右到家现在已经快五点了
We need to get cracking. 我们得抓紧时间
Beth Ann? 贝丝·安
When Ralph reads this... 当拉尔夫读到这封信时...
he will absolutely get violent. 他一定会怒不可遏
We can only hope. 希望如此
I'm going to the farmers market. 我去农贸市场
Wearing that? 穿这身去吗
Well, just because I have to shop with the frumps 虽然我得和一群土气主妇一起购物
doesn't mean I have to dress like them. 但不代表我就得打扮得像她们一样
Can I get you anything? 要帮你带点什么吗
Oh, yes, actually, um, 还真有
I could use a hundred sleeping pills 我需要一百颗安眠药
to replace the ones you took out of my dresser. 替换你从我梳妆台拿走的那些
You noticed. 你发现了
That was fast. 还真快
Yes, last year you were angry with me 去年你生我的气
because I didn't take enough pills to kill myself, 因为我没服下足以自杀的药量
and now you won't let me have any. 现在你却一颗都不让我吃
You need to choose a policy and stick to it, my girl. 你得选定一种策略并坚持到底啊亲爱的
We have to fight this disease. We can't give into it. 我们必须和这疾病作斗争绝不能屈服
Have you really forgotten 你真的忘了
how bad my last bout of pneumonia was? 我上次肺炎发作有多严重了吗
I wasn't sure I was leaving the hospital. 我还以为自己走不出医院了
But you did, and now you're fine. 但你康复了现在好好的
Darling, I'm not fine. 亲爱的我一点都不好
If my T cells were people, 如果我的T细胞是人
I couldn't get up a bridge game, 我组局打桥牌的人都凑不够
so please, please give me the pills back. 所以拜托你把药还给我
I already washed them down the sink. 我已经冲下水槽了
Well, then, you'll just force me to do something more gruesome. 那你只是逼我采取更可怕的方法
So, hang myself or blow my brains out. You choose. 上吊或一枪爆头你来选
So help me, if you do anything disfiguring, 我发誓如果你自杀导致破相
I will give you an open-casket funeral 我一定会给你办开棺葬礼
with no makeup and fluorescent lighting. 不帮你化妆也不开荧光灯美颜
Dear God, 天啊
I married the devil herself. 我娶的是魔鬼本魔吧
Oh, I know we won't be together always, 我知道我们不会永远在一起
but why subtract even a day we could share? 但为何要缩减我们能共度的时光呢
Fine. Fine. 好吧好吧
You win. 你赢了
Actually, um, I'm going to a birthday party this afternoon. 其实我下午要去参加一个生日派对
Maybe you'd like to join me. It's for Jimmy Loftus. 或许你可以陪我去是吉米·洛夫特斯生日
Oh, I'd love to see him again. 我很想再见到他
He's always a hoot. How is he doing? 他总能逗我开心他还好吗
Well, I'm afraid he's had a bit of a setback. 恐怕不太好
He's in the hospital. 他住院了
Oh, no.
Yes, the party's in his room. 派对在他病房里举行
If you come, I'm sure it would lift his spirits. 你要是能去一定会帮他振作精神
I'd love to come. 我很想去
I'm so glad. 我很开心
Oh, thank God. 谢天谢地
- All right. - Honey... -好了-亲爱的
Come here, you. 过来抱下
my ribs. 我的肋骨
- I'm sorry. - No, no. No, no. -抱歉-不没事
Don't stop, don't stop. I can take it. 别停继续抱我能受得了
I thought you said Jade took the dog when she left. 你不是说洁德离开时把狗也带走了吗
She did. 是的
- What are you doing here? - I'm making dinner. -你在这里做什么-做晚饭
Okay. 好吧
I think you need to leave. 你得立刻离开
I know things got a little funky for a minute there, 我知道之前闹得有点不愉快
but there's no reason that we can't go back 但我们没理由不可以
to the way we were before. 回到从前那样
Oh, I think there are a lot of reasons. 有很多理由不可以
- Yeah, Jade, please... - Her name's not Jade. -是的洁德请你...-她不叫洁德
Who cares? 谁在乎啊
Am I not allowed to reinvent myself? 我就不能重塑自我吗
I mean, fuck. 我操
Okay, you know what, let's just all settle down. 听我说我们都先冷静下来
You guys act like everything that happened is my fault; it's not. 你们表现得好像一切都是我的错不是的
I could have gone to Europe, 我本来可以去欧洲的
but you begged me to stay. 但你求我留下来
You pretended to love me, 你假装爱我
and you promised that you would always take care of me. 而你答应你会永远照顾我
It's not fair. 这不公平
You're right. 你说得对
You're right, it's not fair. 你说得对这不公平
Okay, just stop. 好了别说了
I don't believe one thing about you. 你说的话我一个字都不信
Least of all your tears. 更别说你的眼泪了
I didn't pretend to love you, I did. 我没假装爱你我是真的爱你
But that's because I didn't know who you really are. 但那是因为我不知道你的真面目
You tried to trick us. 你试图骗我们
You played us, and you lost. 你玩弄了我们但是你输了
It's done. 都结束了
Now get out. 现在滚吧
I'll go... 我会走的...
but you have to pay me first. 但你先得给我钱
You think you can shake us down? 你觉得你能敲诈我们
- Honey. - It costs money to start over. -宝贝-重新开始是需要钱的
We're not aiding and abetting a criminal. 我们不会帮助和教唆罪犯的
You owe me. 是你们欠我的
Eli sold our script for a million dollars. 伊莱的稿子卖了一百万美元
Give me ten grand, and I'll go. 给我一万我就走
I'm not gonna pay you to leave. I'm just gonna call the cops. 我不会给你钱让你走的我会直接报警
All right, you know what, let's just hold on a second. 这样吧我们冷静一下
Okay? You know what I'm gonna do? 好吗你知道我接下来要干什么吗
I'm gonna go talk to her. We're gonna work this out. 我会跟她谈谈我们会解决这个问题的
I mean, after all, you've been through a lot, 我觉得虽然你经历了这么多
but you're not a bad person. 但你不是个坏人
Right? No, no, okay. 是吧不是的吧好的
How could you leave me alone with that psychopath? 你怎么能让我一个人面对那个神经病
I can't find my fucking phone. 我找不到我的手机了
Where is it? 放在哪里了
Smoke alarm. 烟雾报警器
She's burning down the goddamn house. 她要烧了房子
So what, exactly, is Jimmy's prognosis? 所以吉米预计还能活多久
Well, whatever it is, this is a party, 不管怎么样这是场派对
so please try to smile. 所以你要努力微笑
Darling, I can smile through anything. 亲爱的我能笑着面对一切
Karl, Simone, you made it. 卡尔萨蒙妮 你们来了
Hello, hello. Oh, let us through, 你好让我们过去
we want to see the birthday boy. 我们想看看小寿星
Jimmy, look who's here. 吉米看看是谁来了
It's Karl and Simone. 是卡尔和萨蒙妮
Happy birthday, Jimmy. 生日快乐吉米
And you should see what Simone is wearing. 你该看看萨蒙妮穿着什么
I think it's Lagerfeld. 我觉得是老佛爷
Karl, Simone, 卡尔萨蒙妮
I wanted you to meet Jimmy's mom and his sister Terry. 我想给你们介绍一下吉米的妈妈和他的姐姐泰蕊
They just got in from Iowa. 她们刚刚从爱荷华州赶来
It is so lovely to meet you both. 很高兴认识你们
I can't tell you how comforting it's been 看到吉米身边有这么一群有爱的朋友
to find Jimmy here surrounded by such loving friends. 别提我有多欣慰了
Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet, honey. 你还没有完全见识到呢亲爱的
I made my famous carrot cake. 我做了我最拿手的胡萝卜蛋糕
You are having a piece, Mr. Jim, 吉米先生你一定得来一块
even if they have to puree it and drip it into your arm. 哪怕得把它挤成泥从你的胳膊输进去
Can he hear us? 他能听到我们说话吗
Of course he can. 当然能
Everyone's here now. Time to sing. 既然大家都到了那该唱歌了
Here we go. 开始
* Happy birthday to you * 祝你生日快乐
* Happy birthday to you * 祝你生日快乐
* Happy birthday, dear Jimmy * 生日快乐亲爱的吉米
Happy birthday to you 祝你生日快乐
I don't understand how he got so sick so quickly. 我不明白他怎么能恶化得这么快
This is the disease. 这病就是这样的
I've watched it happen to Clive, to Harry, 我看着它发生在克莱夫哈利
to Alistair... 阿里斯特的身上...
It's just horrifying. 太可怕了
You know, Jimmy once told me 之前吉米告诉我
he was scared of ending up like this. 他很害怕就这样结束一生
Connected to tubes, wasting away. 全身插满管子耗着等死
But here he is. 但现在他还是变成了这样
You know what I'm driving at. 你知道我之后会也会这样的
You're not that sick. 你病得没那么厉害
Yet. 迟早会的
But we've seen my future. 但我们已经看到我的未来了
I would rather choose life, 我很想选择继续活着
but life is... 但活着...
...off the table. 已经选不了了
The only thing I can choose is 我唯一能选的就是
when to die and... 什么时候死去...
how. 以及怎么死去
I brought you here today 我今天带你来这里
because I needed you to understand. 是因为我需要你能理解
Do you? 你能吗
Thank you. 谢谢你
Rob. 罗伯
You're home. 你回来了
And starving. Is dinner ready? 而且很饿晚饭做好了吗
The day got away from me. 今天太忙了
I had to order Chinese takeout. 我只能点了中餐外卖
But it's Thursday. 但今天是周四
I was looking forward to meatloaf. 我本来很期待烘肉卷的
If it helps, I made you a shaker of martinis. 我给你调了马天尼但愿能让你开心点
You could have a few while we wait. 等外卖的时候你可以喝几杯
Now you're talkin'. 这还差不多
Thanks. 谢了
Are you Taylor Harding? 你是泰勒·哈丁吗
Yeah. Wow, you got here fast. Come on in. 是的你们来得好快进来吧
Eli, the police are here. 伊莱警察来了
Already? 这么快
I'm sorry, were you expecting us? 不好意思你们在等我们吗
Yeah, we reported a break-in. 是的我们报警有人非法闯入
That was, like, ten minutes ago. 十分钟前刚报的警
We're not here about any break-in. 我们不是为非法闯入而来的
We came to talk about Duke Riley. 我们是来谈杜克·莱利的
What about Duke? 杜克怎么了
You filed a police report six weeks ago 六周前你向警方报案
accusing him of assault. 指控他袭击
Yes. 是的
And then four days ago, you posted his bail. 然后四天前你交了他的保释金
I did. Why are you asking? 是的为什么问这个
Duke Riley was murdered yesterday. 杜克·莱利昨天被杀害了
His landlord found his body in his apartment. 他的房东在公寓里发现了他的尸体
He had been repeatedly stabbed. 他身上有多处刺伤
Do you have any idea who might have done this? 你知道可能是谁干的吗
I think we do. 大概知道
Whoa, this'll be my third one. 这是我的第三杯了
Oh, who's counting? 谁在数呢
Mrs. Stanton, are you trying to get me drunk? 斯坦顿夫人你是想灌醉我吗
I just wanted you to be relaxed 我只是想让你放松下来
so we could have a little chat. 这样我们就可以聊聊了
About what? 聊什么
About the day our daughter died. 聊我们女儿死的那天
This will do it? 用这个就行吗
Yes, just the one dose. 是的一剂就行
And you won't feel any pain, you'll just... sleep? 你不会感到任何痛苦只会...睡过去
So I'm told. 据说是的
Are you sure you don't want Hector here? 你确定不要赫克托来陪你吗
No, no. We've, um, we've said our goodbyes. 不用我们我们已经道过别了
I-I mean, he wanted to be here, but... 他也想来的但是
well, he's so bloody emotional. 他太情绪化了
The mere mention of my death, he starts wailing like a car alarm. 一提到我的死他就像汽车警报一样嚎啕大哭
Be nice. He loves you. 留点口德他爱你
I know. 我知道
But to be honest, uh, 不过说实话
I just wanted it to be the two of us. 我只想要我们两个人
You deserve to have more than just me. 你值得有更多的人陪着
You should have a huge, glorious party to send you off. 你应该举办一场盛大华丽的派对来送行
You are a glorious party, all by yourself. 你就是一场华丽的派对无需他人
I knew that the first moment I laid eyes on you. 第一眼看到你时我就知道了
You'll always be the love of my life. 你永远都会是我的一生挚爱
So, what happens now? 接下来怎么办呢
Well, uh, firstly, I... 首先我
I'd like you to change into the red gown 我想让你换上我在威尼斯给你买的
I bought you in Venice. 那件红色礼服
What's wrong with this one? 这件有什么不好吗
I prefer the red. 我喜欢红色那件
All right. 好吧
But this is the last time I'll let you edit my wardrobe. 但这是我最后一次让你给我挑衣服了
When you've changed, come down to the living room. 换好衣服后到客厅来
I have a nice surprise for you. 我有个惊喜给你
I don't want to talk about Emily. 我不想聊艾米莉
Well, I do. I've been thinking about that day a lot lately. 我想聊最近我一直在想那天的事
And I've remembered something. 我想起了一件事
What's that? 什么事
I absolutely locked the gate 把垃圾桶拖进来后
after I brought in the trash can. 我绝对把大门锁上了
Well, you must not have. 你肯定是没锁
How else did Emily get out into the street? 不然艾米莉是怎么跑到街上去的
Perhaps you could come up with another explanation. 也许你可以想出另一种解释
Think. 想想
I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服
My darling. 亲爱的
You can't possibly imagine how important this moment is to me. 你无法想象这一刻对我有多重要
Please. 拜托
Did anything happen that day you haven't told me? 那天发生了什么你没告诉我的事吗
No. 没有
Thank you. 谢谢
For what? 谢什么
You've made this all so much easier. 你让这一切变得轻松多了
Well, she's obviously dangerous. 显然她很危险
You might want to think about staying someplace 在我们找到她之前也许你们应该考虑
for a few days until we locate her. 换个地方住几天
We'll check into a hotel tonight. 我们今晚就去住酒店
And we'll put a car on the street outside until you leave. 在你们离开前我们安排一辆警车在外面守着
Don't worry. She won't get past us. 别担心我们不会放她进来的
- Good night. - Night. -晚安-晚安
Okay, I was trying to be cool in front of the detectives, 好吧我只想在警探面前保持镇静
but oh, my God, Jade killed Duke. 但是我的天呐洁德杀了杜克
- I know. I know. - Wait, -我知道我知道-等下
do you think she's actually gonna come back here? 你觉得她真的会回来吗
We can't stick around long enough to find out. 我们不能坐以待毙
- What about the dog? - We'll take it with us. -那那只狗怎么办-带它一起走
You feed her first, I'll go start packing. 你先喂它我去收拾东西
- Okay. All right. Come on, Teacup. - Okay. -好过来茶缸-好了
Mary, I'm home. 玛丽我回来了
Bring me a beer! 给我拿啤酒
And I want it in a mug this time. 这次用马克杯装
Mary? 玛丽
Mary? 玛丽
Dearest Ralph. I haven't been happy for quite some time. 亲爱的拉尔夫我已经不开心很久了
But that's not why I've decided to leave you. 但那并非我决定要离开你的原因
I've met someone else. A man who makes me happy. 我遇到了一个人一个让我感到幸福的男人
So I'm leaving you for Rob Stanton. 所以我要离开你投向罗伯·斯坦顿的怀抱
He loves me in a way you never could. 你永远都无法像他那样爱我
Your ex-wife, Mary. 你的前妻玛丽
Shit. 妈的
Aren't you gonna get that? 你不接吗
Must have been a wrong number. 一定是打错了
Well, when's the Chinese food getting here? I'm hungry. 中餐什么时候能送到我饿了
I'm sure it'll arrive any second. 肯定很快就能到了
See? 看见没
Wait. 等下
Are you sure that's the delivery guy? He sounds angry. 你确定是送餐的人吗他听起来很愤怒
Who else could it be? 不然还能是谁
You are so beautiful. 你太美了
Look who's talking. 你也很帅
Are you ready? 你准备好了吗
Not just yet. 还没有
Have you changed your mind? 你改变主意了吗
No. No. 没有没有
But I would love just one more dance. 但我想再跳一支舞
A tango? 探戈吗
What else? 还能有什么
Babe, what should I pack? 宝贝应该打包什么
Just the essentials. 只带必需品
How is this essential? 这个怎么是必需品
Look, just 'cause we're going into hiding 虽然我们是去躲起来
doesn't mean we can't look good. 不代表我们不能打扮好看点
Hey, have you seen my laptop? 你看到我的笔记本了吗
I think it's downstairs. Check the dining room table. 应该在楼下看看餐厅桌子上有没有
- Okay, I'll be right back. - All right. -好我马上回-好的
So it's true. 这么说是真的了
What are you doing here? 你来这做什么
I won't be here long. 我不会待太久的
I just want to know why. 我只想知道为什么
Now is not a good time. You have to go. 现在不是时候你得离开
What the hell? 搞什么
I'm sorry, Rob. 对不起罗伯
Honey, this is... 亲爱的这位是
Don't bother lying. She knows that we were having an affair. 别撒谎了她知道我们在搞外遇
- What? - Please. -什么-求你了
You have to go! 你得走了
You know how I always talk to you about my friend Sheila? 你知道我经常跟你提起我的朋友希拉
This is Sheila. 她就是希拉
Uh, okay... 好吧
I came to the diner that day to confront you. 我那天去餐厅是去找你对质的
But you were so nice. And you said we could be friends. 但你人太好了你说我们可以当朋友
Hold on. 等下
You're friends with my mistress? 你和我的情妇做了朋友
Fiancée. 是未婚妻
Can we talk about this later? 能晚点再说这个吗
What could you have been thinking? 你都在想什么呢
Oh, you're a fine one to talk. 你还有脸说话
You've been having an affair for months. 你已经出轨了几个月
You've been planning on leaving me. 一直在计划离开我
Oh, my God. Do you even have cancer? 天呐你真的得了癌症吗
Cancer? You have cancer? 癌症你得了癌症
Well, this is just awkward. 这真是太尴尬了
Hi there. 你好
You must be Beth Ann? 你一定就是贝丝·安了
You must be Simone. Come in. 你一定就是萨蒙妮了请进
- It's nice to finally meet you. - Likewise. -真高兴终于见到你了-我也是
I have the keys around here somewhere. Let me look. 我把钥匙放在这附近了我找找
One of the reasons I wanted to meet 我想见你的其中一个原因就是
was because I had a question. 我有个疑问
It's a bit awkward. 说起来有点尴尬
What would you like to know? 你想知道什么
The realtor told me 房产经纪人告诉我
that someone was murdered in this house? 有人在这房子里被谋杀了
It's true. My husband was killed... 是真的我丈夫被杀了
right where you're standing. 就在你现在所在的位置
- Oh, dear. - Our neighbor broke in -天呐-我们的邻居闯进来
and accused Rob of sleeping with his wife. 指责罗伯睡了他老婆
Shot him dead. 开枪把他打死
He was executed last year. So sad. 去年被处决了真可惜
Aunt Beth, I'm packed. Can we go? 贝丝阿姨我收拾好了能走了吗
In a sec. Elsie, this is Simone, 马上艾尔西这是萨蒙妮
- the woman who bought our house. - Hi, there. -买了我们房子的女士-你好
You're so pretty. She's your niece? 你真漂亮她是你侄女吗
The daughter of my friend, April Warner. 我朋友艾普尔·华纳的女儿
But I've been helping take care of her since she was a baby. 但我从她出生起就开始帮忙照顾她了
April is a singer, you know. 艾普尔是歌手你懂的
My mom's gonna be on Broadway. 我妈妈会上百老汇
That's why we sold the house. We're moving to New York. 所以我们才卖掉房子我们要搬去纽约
Oh, how exciting. 真令人激动
Here are your keys. 钥匙在这里呢
I hope to have a very happy life in this house. 希望我能在这里过得幸福
A happy life isn't hard to come by. 幸福生活并不难遇到
The trick is to not regret the choices 关键在于不要后悔
you made along the way. 你在一路上所作出的选择
Yes. 是的
Well... 那...
good luck with everything. 祝你一切顺利
Likewise. Take care of my house. 你也是照顾好我的房子
I'll give it lots of love. 我会好好爱护它的
There you go.
Thank you. 谢谢
I just know that we're gonna love living here. 我相信我们会爱上这里的
I certainly hope so. 我希望如此
So when did you buy the house? 所以你是什么时候买下这里的
'74. 74年
But after my husband died, I rented the house out. 但我丈夫去世后我就把房子租出去了
Then it was the headquarters for my foundation. 然后又成了我基金会的总部
I raise money for AIDS research. 我为艾滋病研究募集资金
Yeah, we've read up on you. 我们看过你的报道
You've done such amazing work. 你做出了很多贡献
I ended up living a very rich life, 在我不再担心钱后
once I stopped worrying about money. 我过上了富裕[丰富多彩]的生活
Paulo, I'm ready. 保罗我准备好了
Is that a Thomas J. Harte? 那是汤马斯·J·哈特的作品吗
- Oh, you know his work? - Sure. -你知道他的作品-当然
Yeah, we saw a show of his 我们去年
- at the Whitney last year. - That's right, yeah. -在惠特尼艺术博物馆看了他的画展-是的
Oh, isn't that wonderful? 真好
I always hoped Tommy would go far. 我一直希望汤米能飞黄腾达
Tommy? Is he a friend of yours? 汤米他是你朋友吗
A friend? You could say that. 朋友也可以这么说
My face is tattooed on his ass. 他屁股上文了我的脸
Paulo, push. 保罗推车
Well, it's been lovely to meet you, Taylor. 认识你很开心泰勒
And just know that Andrew and I will 请放心我和安德鲁
take wonderful care of your home. 会好好照顾你的房子的
Aw, well, I hope you'll enjoy it. 希望你们能住得开心
We will. 我们会的
And I'm sorry for everything that happened to you here. 我很遗憾你们在这儿的遭遇
Can't imagine what you went through. 不敢想象你们经历了什么
It was an awful night. 那是可怕的一晚
But it could have been worse. 但本可能更糟的
So you really have a rifle collection? 你真的有收藏来复枪
Yeah. They're all in that box over there. 是的全都在那个箱子里
Hey, check this out. 看看
This is me on safari in Africa. 这是我在非洲狩猎
- Look at that. - No way. -瞧瞧-不是吧
Well, I-I never knew there were Jews that were into hunting. 我都不知道有喜欢打猎的犹太人
We exist. But it's not as cruel to the animals, 有的但对动物来说没那么残忍
because we miss so frequently. 因为我们经常射偏
Oh, before I forget, 趁我还没忘
here are your keys. 这是你们的钥匙
Thank you. 谢谢
So, what about the two of you? 你们俩有何打算呢
Found a new place to live? 找到新的住所了吗
Uh, yeah. Well, actually... 嗯实际上...
...we're moving back to our old condo. 我们准备搬回我们以前的公寓
After living in a mansion. That is some serious downsizing. 在豪宅里生活过后这可是大退步啊
Yeah. For us, it turns out... 对我们来说其实...
Less is more. 少即是多
Well, best of luck to both of you. 祝你们好运
- Thanks. - Thanks. -谢谢-谢谢
They seem like nice people. 他们看上去人不错
昨晚谢谢你 我等不及要再次坐上你的鸡巴了
Are you gonna miss the house? 你会想念这房子吗
It's just a building. 就是栋建筑物而已
Home is where my family is. 我的家人才是我的家
Back to the hotel? 回酒店吗
Yes. I'm ready for my massage now. 是的我准备好做按摩了
All right. Condo, here we come. 好了公寓我们来了
It's gonna be nice. Just the three of us. 会很棒的就我们仨
Honey? 亲爱的


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