

Our economic and market principles were very different from most others, which accounted for ourdifferent results. I will explain these differences in Economic and InvestmentPrinciples and won’t digress into them now.

As former Fed chairman AlanGreenspan put it, “The models failed at a time when we needed themmost . . . JP Morgan had the American economy accelerating threedays before [the Lehman Brothers’ collapse]—their model failed. The Fed model failed.The IMF model failed . . . So that left me asking myself: Whathappened?” Bill Dudley, president of the New York Fed, homed in on the problemwhen he said, “I think there’s a fundamental problem in terms of howmacroeconomists look at the economic outlook, growth, andinflation . . . If you look at the big macro models, they don’thave a financial sector typically in them. They don’t admit the possibilitythat the financial sector could essentially melt down, and therefore themonetary policy impulse could be completely impaired. So I think the lesson ofthe crisis is to do a lot more work to make sure that the finance people aretalking to the macroeconomist people and building models that are more robust.”He was right. We “finance people” see the world very differently from the wayeconomists do. As a result of our success, policymakers reached out to us more,which led me to have a lot more contact with senior economic policymakers inthe U.S. and around the world. Out of respect for the privacy of our conversations,I won’t say much about them except to note that they became much more open toour nontraditional ways of looking at economies and markets, and more skepticalabout traditional economic thinking, which had failed to either signal or avertthe crisis.

Most of our exchanges wereone-sided; I generally answered their questions and didn’t ask any that wouldput them in the awkward position of having to avoid answering for fear ofcompromising confidential information. I met with these leaders without makingjudgments and without regard for their particular ideologies. I approached themlike a doctor, just wanting to make the most benefiial impact.

They wanted my help because myglobal macroeconomic perspective as an investor was very different from theirsas policymakers. We were both products of our environments. Investors thinkindependently, anticipate things that haven’t happened yet, and put real moneyat stake with their bets. Policymakers come from environments that nurtureconsensus, not dissent, that train them to react to things that have alreadyoccurred, and that prepare them for negotiations, not placing bets. Becausethey don’t benefit from the constant feedback about the quality of theirdecisions that investors get, it’s not clear who the good and bad decisionmakers among them are. They also have to be politicians. Even the mostclear-sighted and capable policymakers must constantly divert their attentionfrom the immediate problems they are dealing with to fight the objections ofother policymakers, and the political systems they must navigate are oftendysfunctional.

Whilethe economic machine is more powerful than any political system in the long run(ineffective politicians will be replaced and incapable political systems willchange), the interaction between the two is what drives economic cycles in thehere and now—and it’s often not pretty to watch.



就像前美联储主席格林斯潘说的”模型恰恰在我们需要的时候失效了,jp摩根在雷曼兄弟崩盘前连续三天增长 ,他们的模型都是失败的。美联储的经济模型失败了。国际货币基金组织模型失败,... 所以只能我自己问自己了:发生了什么?” 比尔杜德利, 纽约美联储主席将问题归为于“我认为在以微观经济的方式看待宏观经济比如前景、增长、通胀存在基础性问题”。。。 如果你观察宏观经济模型,是没有典型的这样的经济分支的。宏观经济不承认那样的经济分支的熔断机制的。所以货币政策一直鲁莽行事而完全失败。所以我认为危机的教训就是大量多余的工作都是在确认人们谈到的宏观经济学建立的模型是稳健的。“他是正确的,而我们这些经济人看待世界的方式与经济学家完全不同。结果就是我们成功了,决策者们更多的涌向我们,也让我们跟美国和全世界的更高经济决策者们有了更多的解除。”出于对我们谈话的隐私考虑,我不会太多透露内容除了她们开始变得更加开放对于经济和市场的非传统的看法。对于传统的经济理论保持怀疑,因为她们对于危机即没有预警也没有避免危机。







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