U.S. and India united in tackling COVID-19

Blinken says U.S. and India united in tackling COVID-19


Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday the United States and India are united in trying to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic together and Washington is determined to help India with its coronavirus crisis.



India, the world's second most-populous country, this month has recorded its highest COVID-19 death toll since the pandemic began last year. Only about 3% of India's 1.3 billion people have been fully vaccinated, the lowest rate among the 10 countries with the most cases.

印度是世界第二人口大国;本月(5 月),该国新冠病毒死亡病例达到了自去年疫情暴发以来的最高值。而目前,印度 13 亿人口中,仅有约 3% 的人完成了疫苗接种;其疫苗接种率是新冠病例最多的十个国家里最低的。


Indian officials have said Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has been seeking supplies while in the United States. Jaishankar said India was appreciative to Washington for its "strong support and solidarity at a moment of great difficulty for us."



U.S. Acting Assistant Secretary for South Asia Dean Thompson later told a briefing hosted by the State Department's Foreign Press Center that vaccine manufacturing, procurement and delivery were discussed with Jaishankar, but declined to give details. He said final decisions were still pending as to where up to 80 million vaccine doses President Joe Biden has promised to send abroad would go.***

当天(周五)晚些时候,美国负责南亚事务的代理助理国务卿迪恩·汤普森,在国务院外国记者新闻中心举行的发布会上称,美方已与苏杰生讨论了疫苗生产、采购及运输的相关事宜;不过,他拒绝透露更多细节。此外,美国总统乔·拜登曾承诺要向海外支援 8000 万剂新冠疫苗,这些疫苗究竟将去向何处?对此,汤普森表示政府尚未作出最后决定。


Thomson said the U.S. Government, state governments, U.S. companies, and private citizens had provided over $500 million in COVID-19 relief supplies to India. He said the assistance had included redirecting a U.S. order of critical vaccine manufacturing supplies that would allow India to make over 20 million additional doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

汤普森称,此前,美国联邦政府、各州政府、美国企业及公民个人已向印度提供了价值超过 5 亿美元的疫情援助物资;这其中包括调整美国疫苗生产关键原材料的订单,此举能让印度多生产 2000 多万剂阿斯利康新冠疫苗。


India pledged last month to fast-track vaccine imports. Its insistence on local trials and a dispute over indemnity stalled discussions with U.S. firm Pfizer. India scrapped local trials for "well-established" foreign vaccines on Thursday and a government official said Pfizer shots could arrive by July.






Photo Credit: Saul Loeb / Evelyn Hockstein / Dado Ruvic / Alex Brandon / Dado Ruvic / REUTERS




v. 联合,团结

文化补充:unite 最早源自拉丁语里表示 one 的 unus。

例句:The two countries united in fighting drug trafficking.

相关词汇:united(adj. 团结的,一致的)

搭配短语:to be united in doing sth.



adj. 人口众多的;人口稠密的

相关词汇:population(n. 人口)

英文释义:having a large population; densely populated

例句:Hong Kong is one of the most populous areas in the world.(人口稠密的)

death toll

/ˈdeθ ˌtoʊl/

n. 死亡人数

相关词汇:toll(n. 伤亡人数)

英文释义:the number of deaths and injuries


例句:Both sides have suffered heavy casualties.



v. 给……接种疫苗

相关词汇:vaccine(n. 疫苗)

搭配短语:to get / be vaccinated against sth.

例句:Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19?


相关词汇:immune(adj. 免疫的)

例句:Have you been immunized against COVID-19?



adj. 感激的,感谢的;欣赏的,赏识的


相关词汇:appreciate(v. 欣赏,赏识;感激,感谢)

搭配短语:appreciative comments

搭配短语:be appreciative of sth.

近义词组:be grateful for sth.

例句:She was sincerely appreciative of their support.



n. 发布会,情况介绍会;简报,指令

英文释义:a meeting for giving information

搭配短语:a press briefing

例句:Do what the briefing calls for.



n. 采购,购买;取得,获得


近义词:obtain(v. 得到,获得)

词义辨析:procure, obtain

比起 obtain,procure 要更加正式,并且 procure 往往强调获取的过程不太容易:to obtain something, especially with difficulty。

例句:She managed to procure a ticket for the concert.



adj. 悬而未决的;即将发生的,迫近的

英文释义:about to happen; waiting to be decided or settled

例句:The test results are pending.(即将发生的)

搭配短语:a pending election(即将发生的)

近义词:impending(adj. 即将发生的,迫在眉睫的)

词义辨析:pending, impending

比起 pending,impending 通常描述的都是一些不好的、不愉快的事;比如 an impending crisis / storm。

例句:The case is still pending in court.(悬而未决的)

as to



例句:He asked some questions as to the future of the company.




搭配短语:a high / low dose

relief supply


相关词汇:relief(n. 救济物资,救济物品(不可数名词))

搭配短语:disaster relief(灾情物资)

相关词汇:supply(n. 供应,补给)

英文释义:food, water, medication, clothes, etc. given to people in need, especially in disaster areas



v. 保证,承诺

英文释义:to formally promise to do something

例句:Both sides have pledged to end the fighting.

词性拓展:pledge(n. 保证,承诺)

搭配短语:to make a pledge to do sth.


/ˈfæst ˌtræk/

v. 加快……的发展(或进展)

相关词汇:track(v. 追踪,跟踪;跟踪(进展情况))

英文释义:to speed up the progress of a project

例句:The government plans to fast-track infrastructure projects.



n. 测试,试验



n. 赔偿,补偿

搭配短语:an indemnity clause



v. 让……暂缓、搁置;停顿,停止发展

英文释义:to stop making progress

例句:Her career stalled when she suffered a fracture of the right ankle.



v. 废除,取消

词性拓展:scrap(n. 废品,废弃物)

搭配短语:scrap metal(废金属)

英文释义:to abolish or cancel something, especially a plan or policy

例句:They urged Facebook to scrap plans for an Instagram for kids.





英文释义:a small amount of a drug that is put into your body

例句:The doctor just gave him a shot of morphine.

补充:在文中,shot 指的是“新冠疫苗”本身,有时也会见到 vaccine shot 的说法。

例句:How do I get a vaccine shot?

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