
引用 http://docs.bitshares.org/apps/node.html?highlight=witness_node

一 命令行参数

./witness_node -h
Graphene Witness Node:=》石墨烯见证人节点参数
  -h [ --help ]                         Print this help message and exit.
  -d [ --data-dir ] arg (="witness_node_data_dir")
                                        Directory containing databases, 
                                        configuration file, etc.

  --create-genesis-json arg             Path to create a Genesis State at. If a
                                        well-formed JSON file exists at the 
                                        path, it will be parsed and any missing
                                        fields in a Genesis State will be 
                                        added, and any unknown fields will be 
                                        removed. If no file or an invalid file 
                                        is found, it will be replaced with an 
                                        example Genesis State.

  --replay-blockchain                   Rebuild object graph by replaying all blocks
  --resync-blockchain                   Delete all blocks and re-sync with network from scratch
  --force-validate                      Force validation of all transactions
  --genesis-timestamp arg               Replace timestamp from genesis.json 
                                        with current time plus this many 
                                        seconds (experts only!)
  --p2p-endpoint arg                    Endpoint for P2P node to listen on
  -s [ --seed-node ] arg                P2P nodes to connect to on startup (may specify multiple times)
  --seed-nodes arg                      JSON array of P2P nodes to connect to on startup
  -c [ --checkpoint ] arg               Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that 
                                        should be enforced as checkpoints.
  --rpc-endpoint [=arg(=]
                                        Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on
  --rpc-tls-endpoint [=arg(=]
                                        Endpoint for TLS websocket RPC to 
                                        listen on
  -p [ --server-pem ] [=arg(=server.pem)]
                                        The TLS certificate file for this 
  -P [ --server-pem-password ] arg      Password for this certificate
  --genesis-json arg                    File to read Genesis State from
  --dbg-init-key arg                    Block signing key to use for init  witnesses, overrides genesis file
  --api-access arg                      JSON file specifying API permissions

Options for plugin witness:=》见证人参数
  --enable-stale-production             Enable block production, even if the  chain is stale.
  --required-participation              Percent of witnesses (0-99) that must 
                                        be participating in order to produce 
  -w [ --witness-id ] arg               ID of witness controlled by this node 
                                        (e.g. "1.6.5", quotes are required, may
                                        specify multiple times)
  --private-key arg (=["BTS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"])
                                        Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] 
                                        (may specify multiple times)

Options for plugin account_history:=》账户历史参数
  --track-account arg                   Account ID to track history for (may 
                                        specify multiple times)
  --partial-operations arg              Keep only those operations in memory 
                                        that are related to account history 
  --max-ops-per-account arg             Maximum number of operations per 
                                        account will be kept in memory

Options for plugin market_history:=》市场历史参数
  --bucket-size arg (=[15,60,300,3600,86400])
                                        Track market history by grouping orders
                                        into buckets of equal size measured in 
                                        seconds specified as a JSON array of 
  --history-per-size arg (=1000)        How far back in time to track history 
                                        for each bucket size, measured in the 
                                        number of buckets (default: 1000)

二 config.ini分析

* p2p-endpoint
  Endpoint for P2P node to listen on=》p2p网络监听节点服务器端配置,表示本地监听的ip端口
* seed-node
  P2P nodes to connect to on startup (may specify multiple times)=》p2p网络启动连接节点客户端配置,表示要连接的服务端ip端口
* checkpoint
  Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that should be enforced as checkpoints.=》检查点
* rpc-endpoint
  Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on (e.g.》给延迟节点,钱包节点使用的的rpc地址端口
* rpc-tls-endpoint
  Endpoint for TLS websocket RPC to listen on=》启动安全的,给延迟节点,钱包节点使用的rpc地址端口
* server-pem
  The TLS certificate file for this server=》启动安全的证书
* server-pem-password
  Password for this certificate=》启动安全的证书密码
* genesis-json
  File to read Genesis State from=》创世状态json文件路径
* api-access
  JSON file specifying API permissions=》api权限描述json文件
* enable-stale-production
  Enable block production, even if the chain is stale. (unless for private testnets should be false)=》启动区块产生标识,(隐私模式下应设置为假)
* required-participation
  Percent of witnesses (0-99) that must be participating in order to produce blocks=》要求产生的区块时,见证人的必须达到的参与百分比
* allow-consecutive
  Allow block production, even if the last block was produced by the same witness.=》允许块产生,甚至每一块都是同一个见证人(允许连续)
* witness-id
  ID of witness controlled by this node (e.g. “1.6.5”, quotes are required, may specify multiple times)=》见证人的ID(例如“1.6.5”,双引号是必须的,可重复定义)
* private-key
  Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times)=》私钥(可重复定义)
* track-account
  Account ID to track history for (may specify multiple times)=》要追踪历史的账户ID(可重复定义)
* bucket-size
  Track market history by grouping orders into buckets of equal size measured in seconds specified as a JSON array of numbers=》将订单分组为相等大小的桶来跟踪市场历史记录,每秒json数组的个数
* history-per-size
  How far back in time to track history for each bucket size, measured in the number of buckets (default: 1000)=》可追踪历史的桶的个数,默认1000个
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