DIY 智能门控设备—入门篇01:矩阵键盘









  1. 判断键盘中有无键按下:将全部行线ROW_1-4设置为输出低电平,然后检测列线COL_1-4的输入状态。只要有一列的电平为低,则表示键盘中已有按键被按下,而且闭合的按键恰好位于低电平列线(COL_y)与4根行线(ROW)相交叉的4个按键之中。若所有列线均为高电平,则键盘中无键按下。
  2. 判断闭合按键的具体位置:执行步骤1,且确定有按键按下后,将全部列线COL_1-4设置为输出高电平,检测行线ROW_1-4的输入状态。由于步骤1中按下的按键未变更,此时闭合的按键必定位于低电平行线(ROW_x)与列线(COL_y)相交叉的按键位置。
  3. 按键识别完毕。





下面基于Arduino UNO Rev3开发板给出一个具体的例子,当然例子来自网络。

Arduino Playground - Keypad Library
开源代码参考链接:Arduino Playground - Keypad Library


             Name:       Keypads.ino 
             Created:   2018/7/3 17:26:41 
             Author:     禾灮\HeGuang 
         // Define User Types below here or use a .h file 
     #include <Keypad.h> 
     // Define Function Prototypes that use User Types below here or use a .h file 
     const byte ROWS = 4;           //Rows  四行四列 
     const byte COLS = 4;           //Columns 
     char hexaKeys[ROWS][COLS] = {      //定义按键值 
     byte rowPins[ROWS] = {9, 8, 7, 6};      //定义键盘行对应接口 
     byte colPins[COLS] = {5, 4, 3, 2};      //定义键盘列对应接口 
     Keypad customKeypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); 
     // The setup() function runs once each time the micro-controller starts 
     void setup(){ 
         Serial.begin(9600);                //定义串口波特率 
     // Add the main program code into the continuous loop() function 
     void loop(){ 
         char customKey = customKeypad.getKey();    //获取键盘值    
         if (customKey){ 
             Serial.println(customKey);         //串口发送键盘值 


    // <<constructor>> Allows custom keymap, pin configuration, and keypad sizes.
    Keypad::Keypad(char *userKeymap, byte *row, byte *col, byte numRows, byte numCols) {
        rowPins = row;
        columnPins = col;
        sizeKpd.rows = numRows;
        sizeKpd.columns = numCols;
        keypadEventListener = 0;
        startTime = 0;
        single_key = false;
    // Let the user define a keymap - assume the same row/column count as defined in constructor
    void Keypad::begin(char *userKeymap) {
        keymap = userKeymap;
    // Returns a single key only. Retained for backwards compatibility.
    char Keypad::getKey() {
        single_key = true;
        if (getKeys() && key[0].stateChanged && (key[0].kstate==PRESSED))
        return key[0].kchar;            
        single_key = false;
        return NO_KEY;
    // Populate the key list.
    bool Keypad::getKeys() {
        bool keyActivity = false;
        // Limit how often the keypad is scanned. This makes the loop() run 10 times as fast.
        if ( (millis()-startTime)>debounceTime ) {
            keyActivity = updateList();
            startTime = millis();
        return keyActivity;
    // Private : Hardware scan
    void Keypad::scanKeys() {
        // Re-intialize the row pins. Allows sharing these pins with other hardware.
        for (byte r=0; r<sizeKpd.rows; r++) {
        // bitMap stores ALL the keys that are being pressed.
        for (byte c=0; c<sizeKpd.columns; c++) {
            pin_write(columnPins[c], LOW);  // Begin column pulse output.
            for (byte r=0; r<sizeKpd.rows; r++) {
                bitWrite(bitMap[r], c, !pin_read(rowPins[r]));  // keypress is active low so invert to high.
            // Set pin to high impedance input. Effectively ends column pulse.
    // Manage the list without rearranging the keys. Returns true if any keys on the list changed state.
    bool Keypad::updateList() {
        bool anyActivity = false;
        // Delete any IDLE keys
        for (byte i=0; i<LIST_MAX; i++) {
            if (key[i].kstate==IDLE) {
                key[i].kchar = NO_KEY;
                key[i].kcode = -1;
                key[i].stateChanged = false;
        // Add new keys to empty slots in the key list.
        for (byte r=0; r<sizeKpd.rows; r++) {
            for (byte c=0; c<sizeKpd.columns; c++) {
                boolean button = bitRead(bitMap[r],c);
                char keyChar = keymap[r * sizeKpd.columns + c];
                int keyCode = r * sizeKpd.columns + c;
                int idx = findInList (keyCode);
                // Key is already on the list so set its next state.
                if (idx > -1)   {
                    nextKeyState(idx, button);
                // Key is NOT on the list so add it.
                if ((idx == -1) && button) {
                    for (byte i=0; i<LIST_MAX; i++) {
                        if (key[i].kchar==NO_KEY) {     // Find an empty slot or don't add key to list.
                            key[i].kchar = keyChar;
                            key[i].kcode = keyCode;
                            key[i].kstate = IDLE;       // Keys NOT on the list have an initial state of IDLE.
                            nextKeyState (i, button);
                            break;  // Don't fill all the empty slots with the same key.
        // Report if the user changed the state of any key.
        for (byte i=0; i<LIST_MAX; i++) {
            if (key[i].stateChanged) anyActivity = true;
        return anyActivity;
    // Private
    // This function is a state machine but is also used for debouncing the keys.
    void Keypad::nextKeyState(byte idx, boolean button) {
        key[idx].stateChanged = false;
        switch (key[idx].kstate) {
            case IDLE:
                if (button==CLOSED) {
                    transitionTo (idx, PRESSED);
                    holdTimer = millis(); 
                }       // Get ready for next HOLD state.
            case PRESSED:
                if ((millis()-holdTimer)>holdTime)  // Waiting for a key HOLD...
                    transitionTo (idx, HOLD);
                else if (button==OPEN)              // or for a key to be RELEASED.
                    transitionTo (idx, RELEASED);
            case HOLD:
                if (button==OPEN)
                    transitionTo (idx, RELEASED);
            case RELEASED:
                transitionTo (idx, IDLE);
    // New in 2.1
    bool Keypad::isPressed(char keyChar) {
        for (byte i=0; i<LIST_MAX; i++) {
            if ( key[i].kchar == keyChar ) {
                if ( (key[i].kstate == PRESSED) && key[i].stateChanged )
                return true;
        return false;   // Not pressed.

    // Search by character for a key in the list of active keys.
    // Returns -1 if not found or the index into the list of active keys.
    int Keypad::findInList (char keyChar) {
        for (byte i=0; i<LIST_MAX; i++) {
            if (key[i].kchar == keyChar) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    // Search by code for a key in the list of active keys.
    // Returns -1 if not found or the index into the list of active keys.
    int Keypad::findInList (int keyCode) {
        for (byte i=0; i<LIST_MAX; i++) {
            if (key[i].kcode == keyCode) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    // New in 2.0
    char Keypad::waitForKey() {
        char waitKey = NO_KEY;
        while( (waitKey = getKey()) == NO_KEY );    // Block everything while waiting for a keypress.
        return waitKey;

    // Backwards compatibility function.
    KeyState Keypad::getState() {
        return key[0].kstate;
    // The end user can test for any changes in state before deciding
    // if any variables, etc. needs to be updated in their code.
    bool Keypad::keyStateChanged() {
        return key[0].stateChanged;
    // The number of keys on the key list, key[LIST_MAX], equals the number
    // of bytes in the key list divided by the number of bytes in a Key object.
    byte Keypad::numKeys() {
        return sizeof(key)/sizeof(Key);
    // Minimum debounceTime is 1 mS. Any lower *will* slow down the loop().
    void Keypad::setDebounceTime(uint debounce) {
        debounce<1 ? debounceTime=1 : debounceTime=debounce;
    void Keypad::setHoldTime(uint hold) {
        holdTime = hold;
    void Keypad::addEventListener(void (*listener)(char)){
        keypadEventListener = listener;
    void Keypad::transitionTo(byte idx, KeyState nextState) {
        key[idx].kstate = nextState;
        key[idx].stateChanged = true;
        // Sketch used the getKey() function.
        // Calls keypadEventListener only when the first key in slot 0 changes state.
        if (single_key)  {
            if ( (keypadEventListener!=NULL) && (idx==0) )  {
        // Sketch used the getKeys() function.
        // Calls keypadEventListener on any key that changes state.
        else {
            if (keypadEventListener!=NULL)  {


下面,基于Arduino UNO Rev3开发板,进行AVR单片机C语言的键盘(使用如原理图2所示的实物键盘)扫描程序设计:







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