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The Bancor Protocol has been getting more and more attention recently. I got 22 pages of the latest version of this Protocol. After reading this pages, I have made a summary of the text.

This text first English then Chinese.



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Why is there a Bancor Protocol?

Because of the market background and current situation, this gap has generated a huge amount of traffic. First, the rise of digital assets, the arrival of Token era. At this time, buyers and sellers want to find their opposite buyers and sellers in the market at any time. In the traditional market, it is necessary to have opponents just in time for the transaction.

In exchange for example I attach a check, if I buy the EOS, the degree of EOS plate of cash flow is very large, with an inflated price, deep enough exchange above is to be able to clinch a deal soon. But what if I'm buying something that's a little bit off the side, a little bit of a trade flow? I could not make a deal for several days because the supply and demand did not reach a certain height, so the liquidity was too low to support enough transactions. The traditional solution would be to create a good enough financial asset to alleviate the problem.

The other is the "long tail effect", with the top 10 per cent holding 95 per cent of the total market and 99 per cent of transactions. In this case, the "long tail", the trading mechanism is not convenient and effective, and the obstacle is insufficient liquidity.

That is enough to make the Bancor deal work. Through software code to manage and use the algorithm to calculate rate, automatically to keep the liquidity in a benign state, even the very poor liquidity, small currency trading depth.

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Smart Tokens are the core of Bancor's protocol. Programmed to adjust supply and demand, the formula is recalculated to maintain the price balance between the Smart Token and its connector at a certain rate. Connector is a very important concept in this agreement, then make further introduction, connector weight (the CW) to get more tokens, price has been stable, the stability is not static, but with an automated formula, keeping prices low volatility, even if a big sale, also won't for a moment to see the entire market prices smashed into a pit. It creates a slippage point, a flat price curve, where the buying and selling prices are averaged over time. The price of the formula makes the supply and demand of the smart token stable in a certain sense.

Variety and contemporary currency up, Tokens, network (Networks of Tokens) formed A variety of closely the structure of the network, and network, such as Tokens, using A formula running, through continuous calculation ratio, and the connected it any Tokens have A continuous transformation of transformation, the connected Tokens can be Tokens, Tokens, C, B Tokens, D.

Let me give you A question. Think about why there should be A network of Tokens instead of Tokens B that are directly connected to Tokens A. What is the long-term purpose of building such A network?

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智能代币(Smart Tokens)是Bancor协议的核心。程序化来调整供需,公式会重新计算从而维持Smart Token和它的connector价格平衡在一定的比率。connector在本协议是一个很重要的概念,接下来会做进一步的介绍,connector weight(CW)让更多代币价格得到了稳定,这里的稳定不是一成不变,而是用一个自动化的公式,让价格保持波动性不大,就算一个大卖单,也不会在一瞬间看到整个市场价格被砸出一个坑。它制造出一个滑点,平和价格曲线,买卖价格取到了阶段性的平均值。公式下的价格让智能代币的供需达到了一定意义上的稳定。

而当代币种类多起来后,代币网络(Networks of Tokens)中形成了一个种类繁多、且关系网密切的结构网络,比如代币A用Bancor公式,通过连续不断的计算比率,和它任何的connected代币有一个连续不断转换的转换,这个connected代币可能是代币B、代币C、代币D。

给大家一个问题,想想这里为什么要有一个Networks of Tokens,而不是代币A直接联系的代币B,构建这样的网络,长期来说的目的是什么?

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Here are a bunch of formulas that tell you how connector weight is calculated and what the correlation is.

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这里一堆的公式,告诉你connector weight是怎么计算出来的,相关量是什么。

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When connector weight is in different range, the demand and supply curve are different. In the above four cases, we use a, b, c and d respectively.

a) CW=100%. Prices are very stable, and in the case of the gold standard, the bretton woods dollar is linked to gold, and gold is used as collateral, and it's traded in two directions. Such a linear state was clearly untenable to the long-term test of free markets, so by 1971 the exchange system had collapsed and ceased to exist.

b) CW=50%. It's linearly dependent on supply. Here is an analysis of which stage is better to buy than to sell.

c)CW= 0-50%. Nonlinearly, the growth curve becomes steeper as supply increases.

d) CW= 50-100%. Non-linear correlation, price and supply correlation decreases until the correlation increases to 100%.

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connector weight在不同范围的时候,需求和供给曲线的不同。以上四种情况,我们分别用a、b、c、d来描述。





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In the section dealing with falling prices, there are three formulas for reference. In general is through the mathematical formula, make even small currency trading can also generally low cost, effectively deal with such an agreement, and it is regardless of the other side, I can also be involved in buying and selling, if using this protocol, counterparties with running agreement is the whole market. So at any given time, no matter how small a currency is, automated formulas make it possible to trade in real time for all trades of liquidity that have been forgotten by the market.

Another is the equilibrium price through arbitrageurs, through in the smart tokens themselves and relative with enough arbitrage between the external price, move the price difference between the two, disappear until the deal price difference.

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The advantage of this graph is that it is different from traditional exchanges.

  1. as mentioned above, even without buyers and sellers, a continuous flow can be maintained.
  2. there is no built-in cost unless the transaction is not delayed.
  3. Quick and sensitive real-time price adjustment, which is achieved through the adjustment of CW and connector balance.
  4. spread enables traditional market makers to obtain certain profits. In Bancor, decentralized spread will encourage the adoption of the entire network, benefiting all participants.
  5. Price is predictable. Since the price formula is completely transparent, users can actually get the final transaction price through the formula before executing the transaction.
  6. which is the last point, based on ERC20, the original text of the agreement mentioned the future plans of Bancor. After all, when Bancor appeared, ERC20 was the only option for most blockchain applications. The combination of EOS and EOS is also being explored. This paragraph explicitly mentions that Bancor will have different types of intelligent token configuration parameters.
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三,快速、敏感即时调整价格,这种敏感反应通过CW和connector balance来调整达到。




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Why do you say this is more scalable token market, we can see in the two steps in this paper, the use of automatic conversion, through price algorithm, Relay token automatically and all sorts of connected token transformation, formed a relatively stable and large network of tokens network.

In addition, the fact that there is no actual single counterparty to the transaction, plus there is no need to withdraw or recharge the transaction every time, greatly reduces the risk of hacker intrusion and delay.

The long tail effect of a small currency. Here is an example of a musician who, in order to raise money for a record, has created a new token V for the purchase of a record. As a die-hard fan of the musician, I bought 1% of all the V's and paid for my idol's records. In the conventional wisdom, die-hard fan M liked the record, but at the beginning, due to the poor market, the volume of V COINS was too small to be bought at the right price. With the Bancor algorithm, potential buyers can use the current purchase price without delay. If the record hits the market, demand surges, and people buy it more, I, as a die-hard fan, am not only an early supporter, but also a profitable beneficiary of the investment.

The problem of asynchronous fluidity is solved by mathematical calculation. This is required in many scenarios, such as community Taiwan dollar, limited resources such as computational power. Many trading activity issues remain unresolved and require early liquidity support.

Smart token is not only the problem of token liquidity mentioned above, but also the problem of applications in the blockchain world. The related factors include connector and rate.

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为什么说这是更有扩展性的token市场呢,我们可以看到在文中介绍的用两步实现自动转换,通过价格算法,Relay token自动和各种connected token转化,形成一个相对稳定且关系网庞大的代币网络。





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In this picture we can see what all the intelligent token classes are. Remember the question I asked you before, why is it a network of tokens rather than just two or three associated tokens? Why are connectors important?

It is worth reminding that as long as CW is less than 100%, it belongs to the token in circulation.

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This is the most important role of the entire Bancor ecosystem. Arbitrageurs are also important in ecology.

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As we mentioned before, it only takes two steps to connect the tokens into a network of tokens. The premise is that there is an intersecting token C between token A and token B, which is called Network token. My understanding is that as long as you can find the commonality, you can put them into one category and transform them according to the commonality. And almost all tokens have common characters, which are "token for tokens".

For details of Bancor's fundraising distribution, see the pie chart below.

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我们前面提及过的,只需要两步,可以把代币们都联系起来变成一个代币联盟网络。前提是代币A和代币B中间提供了一个交集代币C,这个代币C就称为Network token。我的理解是,只要能找出共性的地方,就能按照这个共性给它们归成一类,进行转换。而几乎所有的代币之间,都会有共性,这个共性衍生出来就是“token for tokens”。



This is running all the summary content of the agreement, in summary, is running protocol algorithm with automation formula, continuously to calculate the exchange rate between any two tokens, with relatively smooth transaction curve achieved even small tokens of real-time trading volume is small.

This image was made by Lochaiching

Reference: Bancor Protocol_whitepaper


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