


• [However, like generations before us, we must learn to transcend the disruption and thrive in new times.

[transcend] 超越, excel, stand out, surpass

Eg. Finally human transcended the gravity of Earth and arrived the outer space.

[thrive] vi. 兴盛; 兴隆

Eg. Flowers thrive in the warm and sunny weather.

I recently spoke to graduating students at the University of Queensland in Australia and their excitement was tinged with trepidation about the future.

[tinge sth with sth] 常用于被动be tinged with 使略带…感情(或性质) to contain a slight amount of

Eg. Her broken voice was tinged with embarrassment.

AI — and the resulting automation of industrial and business processes — will affect us all and is* here to stay***

[here to stay]

Eg. Technologes will change our lives and is here to stay.

Yet many business leaders already consider AI integral to the future.

[integral] 构成整体所必需的,同义替换= essential, basic, component, constituent, fundamental, indispensable, intrinsic, necessary

Eg. The Island of Taiwan was, is and will be an integral part of China.

When we achieve such a symbiosis, the potential for our species will be immense.

[symbiosis] 共生关系,互惠互利的关系 =[symbiotic] a symbiotic relationship

同义:上一课 new human-machine complementaries, assemblages of humans and computers

…we are still in the early stages of understanding how intelligent systems canwork with people more seamlessly.

[work seamlessly]合作无间

Eg. a seamless flow of talk 连贯流畅的谈话

Today hired farm workers constitute less than 1 per cent of the US workforce and yet overall employment has soared.


Eg. Price soared when war broke out.


无人驾驶汽车:self-driving cars, driverless cars, autonomous vehicle


the building blocks of discovering and understanding the things we do not yet know.

mandatory computer science learning as the bedrock for enabling digital literacy

其他同义= basics, basis, core, essentials, fundamentals, nuts and bolts (informal), roots

virtual assistants, supermarket checkouts, driverless cars and detecting fraud in credit card transactions. 虚拟助理、超市结账、无人驾驶汽车和探测信用卡交易欺诈.

society of mind: 心智社会


Artificial intelligence :人工智能是对人的意识、思维的信息过程的模拟。人工智能不是人的智能,但能像人那样思考、也可能超过人的智能。

(AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of “intelligent agents”: any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal.[1] Colloquially, the term “artificial intelligence” is applied when a machine mimics “cognitive” functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as “learning” and “problem solving”.

Sourse: WIKI&Baidu

• World Economic Forum:世界经济论坛是以研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题、促进国际经济合作与交流为宗旨的非官方国际性机构。总部设在瑞士日内瓦。其前身是1971年由现任论坛主席、日内瓦大学教授克劳斯•施瓦布创建的“欧洲管理论坛”。1987年,“欧洲管理论坛”更名为“世界经济论坛”。论坛会员是遵守论坛“致力于改善全球状况”宗旨,并影响全球未来经济发展的1000多家顶级公司。2015年1月21~24日,第45届世界经济论坛年会将在瑞士小镇达沃斯举行,主题为“全球新局势”(TheNewGlobalContext)

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