





> library(pacman)
> p_load(chinese.misc,stringr,dplyr,ggplot2)
> easy.ham.files <- dir_or_file("./easy_ham")
> easy.ham2.files <- dir_or_file("./easy_ham_2")
> hard.ham.files <- dir_or_file("./hard_ham")
> hard.ham2.files <- dir_or_file("./hard_ham_2")
> emails <- c(easy.ham.files,easy.ham2.files,
+             hard.ham.files,hard.ham2.files) %>% unique()


> pre_fun <- function(string) {
+   string <- str_replace_all(string,"\\s+"," ")
+   string <- tolower(string)
+   string <- str_replace_all(string,"[^a-z]"," ")
+   string <- str_replace_all(string,"\\s+"," ")
+   string <- str_trim(string,side = "both")
+   return(string)
+ }
> # 数据读取函数
> read_fun <- function(f) {
+   if (!str_detect(f,"cmds")) {
+     f.txt <- readr::read_file(f)
+     # 抽取From
+     from <- str_extract_all(f.txt,"From:(.*)") %>% unlist
+     from <- ifelse(length(from>1),from[str_detect(from,"@")],from)
+     # 如果检测到邮箱地址在<>中,提取
+     if(str_detect(from,"<")) {
+       from <- str_extract(from,"<+(.*?)+>") %>% 
+         str_remove_all("<|>")
+     } else {
+       # 如果没有检测到尖括号,清除From和括号中的内容
+       from <- str_remove_all(from,"From: |\\(.*?\\)")}
+     # 抽取Date
+     date <- str_extract(f.txt,"Date:(.*)") %>% 
+       str_remove("Date: ")
+     # 抽取Subject
+     subject <- str_extract(f.txt,"Subject:(.*)") %>% 
+       str_remove("Subject: ")
+     # 按第一个空行切割,抽取邮件正文
+     message <- str_split_fixed(f.txt,"\n\n",2)
+     message <- message[1,2] %>% pre_fun
+     df <- tibble(from=from,date=date,subject=subject,message=message,id=f)
+     return(df)
+   }
+ }
> dt <- sapply(emails,read_fun) %>% 
+   do.call(bind_rows,.) %>% distinct()
> head(dt)
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   from       date       subject         message             id               
##   <chr>      <chr>      <chr>           <chr>               <chr>            
## 1 kre@munna~ Thu, 22 A~ Re: New Sequen~ date wed aug from ~ D:/R/data_set/sp~
## 2 steve.bur~ Thu, 22 A~ [zzzzteana] RE~ martin a posted ta~ D:/R/data_set/sp~
## 3 timc@2ubh~ Thu, 22 A~ [zzzzteana] Mo~ man threatens expl~ D:/R/data_set/sp~
## 4 monty@ros~ Thu, 22 A~ [IRR] Klez: Th~ klez the virus tha~ D:/R/data_set/sp~
## 5 Stewart.S~ Thu, 22 A~ Re: [zzzzteana~ in adding cream to~ D:/R/data_set/sp~
## 6 martin@sr~ Thu, 22 A~ Re: [zzzzteana~ i just had to jump~ D:/R/data_set/sp~
> mice::md.pattern(dt)
##      from date message id subject  
## 6944    1    1       1  1       1 0
## 7       1    1       1  1       0 1
##         0    0       0  0       7 7


> # 检查from中是否都存在@符号
> table(str_detect(dt$from,"@"))
## TRUE 
## 6951



> dt$date[sample(nrow(dt),30)]
##  [1] "Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:36:22 -0400"      
##  [2] "Fri, 9 Aug 2002 20:09:02 -0700"       
##  [3] "Thu, 25 Jul 2002 04:56:39 -0400 (EDT)"
##  [4] "Sat, 24 Aug 2002 10:57:13 -0400 (EDT)"
##  [5] "Fri, 04 Oct 2002 10:03:14 +0300"      
##  [6] "Mon, 2 Sep 2002 09:33:47 -0400"       
##  [7] "Mon, 09 Sep 2002 12:29:51 -0400"      
##  [8] "Thu, 22 Aug 2002 12:39:47 -0300"      
##  [9] "Wed, 28 Aug 2002 07:45:18 -0700"      
## [10] "Tue, 24 Sep 2002 08:00:11 -0000"      
## [11] "Sat, 03 Aug 2002 22:31:23 -0700"      
## [12] "Mon, 07 Oct 2002 08:00:59 -0000"      
## [13] "20 Jul 2002 10:50:58 +1200"           
## [14] "Wed, 10 Jul 2002 16:34:42 -0700 (PDT)"
## [15] "Tue, 08 Oct 2002 13:28:56 +0100"      
## [16] "Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:30:38 -0300"      
## [17] "Thu, 26 Sep 2002 08:01:56 -0000"      
## [18] "Tue, 1 Oct 2002 14:16:16 +0300 (EEST)"
## [19] "Mon, 30 Sep 2002 15:55:47 -0400"      
## [20] "Thu, 18 Jul 2002 17:20:20 -0700 (PDT)"
## [21] "Tue, 20 Aug 2002 15:31:17 +0100"      
## [22] "03 Oct 2002 21:58:55 -0400"           
## [23] "Sun, 01 Dec 2002 18:03:10 -0700"      
## [24] "Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:46:12 -0700 (PDT)"
## [25] "Sun, 29 Sep 2002 08:00:02 -0000"      
## [26] "Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:32:19 -0000"      
## [27] "Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:37:42 +0100"      
## [28] "Mon, 12 Aug 2002 09:29:38 +0100"      
## [29] "Sat Sep  7 04:38:51 2002"             
## [30] "Wed, 09 Oct 2002 08:00:35 -0000"

"Sun, 15 Sep 2002 21:22:52 -0400",
"01 Oct 2002 19:22:16 -0700",
"Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:58:30 -0700 (PDT)",
"Tue, 24 Sep 2002 08:46:08 EDT",
"Tue Sep 10 10:29:19 2002",

> trans_date <- function(string) {
+   string <- str_split(string," ") %>% unlist %>% 
+     str_remove_all("Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|,") %>%
+     str_remove_all("[+|-](.*)") %>% str_remove_all("\\(.*\\)") %>%
+     str_remove_all("[A-Z]{2,}")
+   year <- string[nchar(string)==4]
+   month <- string[nchar(string)==3]
+   day <- string[nchar(string)==1|nchar(string)==2]
+   time <- string[nchar(string)==8]
+   string.new <- paste(day,month,year,time) %>% lubridate::dmy_hms()
+   return(string.new)
+ }
> dt$date <- dt$date %>% trans_date
> dt$date[sample(nrow(dt),10)]
##  [1] "2002-07-15 03:00:01 UTC" "2002-10-08 08:01:21 UTC"
##  [3] "2002-08-29 08:32:08 UTC" "2002-09-25 08:00:22 UTC"
##  [5] "2002-10-08 08:01:05 UTC" "2002-09-12 09:05:50 UTC"
##  [7] "2002-09-30 22:00:02 UTC" "2002-08-06 16:50:07 UTC"
##  [9] "2002-07-10 16:05:42 UTC" "2002-10-08 08:00:31 UTC"


> head(dt)
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   from      date                subject       message          id            
##   <chr>     <dttm>              <chr>         <chr>            <chr>         
## 1 kre@munn~ 2002-08-22 18:26:25 Re: New Sequ~ date wed aug fr~ D:/R/data_set~
## 2 steve.bu~ 2002-08-22 12:46:18 [zzzzteana] ~ martin a posted~ D:/R/data_set~
## 3 timc@2ub~ 2002-08-22 13:52:38 [zzzzteana] ~ man threatens e~ D:/R/data_set~
## 4 monty@ro~ 2002-08-22 09:15:25 [IRR] Klez: ~ klez the virus ~ D:/R/data_set~
## 5 Stewart.~ 2002-08-22 14:38:22 Re: [zzzztea~ in adding cream~ D:/R/data_set~
## 6 martin@s~ 2002-08-22 14:50:31 Re: [zzzztea~ i just had to j~ D:/R/data_set~


> dt$from <- tolower(dt$from)
> dt$subject <- tolower(dt$subject)
> dt <- arrange(dt,date)
> set.seed(123)
> ind <- sample(1:nrow(dt),nrow(dt)*0.8,replace = T)
> train <- dt[ind,]
> test <- dt[-ind,]



> p_load(ggplot2)
> from.weight <- train[,"from"] %>% group_by(from) %>% 
+   summarise(freq=n()) %>% arrange(-freq)
> head(from.weight)
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   from                             freq
##   <chr>                           <int>
## 1 rssfeeds@example.com              498
## 2 rssfeeds@spamassassin.taint.org   468
## 3 tomwhore@slack.net                112
## 4 garym@canada.com                  104
## 5 pudge@perl.org                    102
## 6 matthias@egwn.net                  86
> # 查看邮件数量最多的前30个账号
> from.weight %>% top_n(30) %>% 
+   ggplot(aes(freq,reorder(from,freq))) +
+   geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
+   theme_bw() +
+   labs(x="接收邮件数量",y="")


> from.weight %>%
+   ggplot(aes(x=freq)) +
+   geom_line(aes(y=log10(freq)),col="green") +
+   geom_text(aes(500,2.5,label="对数变换")) +
+   geom_line(aes(y=log(freq)),col="red") +
+   geom_text(aes(500,6,label="自然对数变换")) +
+   theme_bw() +
+   labs(x="",y="接收的邮件量")


> # log1p()函数计算log(p+1)
> from.weight$freq <- log1p(from.weight$freq)
> # 检查下变换为的数据
> summary(from.weight$freq)
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.6931  0.6931  1.3863  1.4869  1.7918  6.2126



> # 提取包含“re:”的subject,并提取“re:”后面的内容作为主题
> threads.train <- train %>% filter(str_detect(subject,"re:"))
> extract_subject <- function(string){
+   string <- str_split(string,"re:") %>% 
+               unlist %>% .[2] %>% str_trim()
+   return(string)
+ }
> threads.train$subject <- threads.train$subject %>% 
+   lapply(extract_subject) %>% unlist
> # 分组统计数量
> threads.freq <- threads.train %>% group_by(subject) %>% 
+   summarise(freq=n()) %>% arrange(freq)


> # 线程时间跨度,即第一封邮件和最后一封邮件之间的时间间隔
> time_span <- function(df){
+   max.time <- max(df$date)
+   min.time <- min(df$date)
+   threads.span <- difftime(max.time,min.time,units = "secs")
+   df.new <- tibble(subject=df$subject[1],threads.span=threads.span)
+   return(df.new)
+ }
> # 将数据框按subject拆分
> threads.train.split <- split.data.frame(threads.train,
+                                         threads.train$subject)
> threads.span <- lapply(threads.train.split,time_span) %>% 
+   do.call(rbind.data.frame,.)


> subject.weight <- left_join(threads.freq,threads.span,by="subject") %>% 
+   # 转换为数值型
+   transform(threads.span=as.numeric(threads.span)) %>% 
+   filter(freq>=2 & threads.span!=0) %>% 
+   mutate(weight=freq/threads.span) %>% 
+   # 仿射变换
+   transform(weight=log10(weight)+10) %>% 
+   arrange(weight)
> head(subject.weight)
##                  subject freq threads.span   weight
## 1            activebuddy   17    820721053 2.316253
## 2            [zzzzteana]    6      8275106 3.860378
## 3 no matter where you go    4      2672629 4.175121
## 4                [sadev]    7      3325905 4.323188
## 5          [ilug-social]    4      1649403 4.384733
## 6          [razor-users]   16      5174599 4.490243
> summary(subject.weight)
##    subject               freq         threads.span           weight     
##  Length:287         Min.   : 2.000   Min.   :       16   Min.   :2.316  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.: 3.000   1st Qu.:    15482   1st Qu.:5.675  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 5.000   Median :    49344   Median :6.126  
##                     Mean   : 7.784   Mean   :  3094884   Mean   :6.115  
##                     3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.:   145816   3rd Qu.:6.512  
##                     Max.   :41.000   Max.   :820721053   Max.   :9.097




> p_load(text2vec)
> it <- itoken(threads.dt$message,ids = threads.dt$id,progressbar = F)
> # 创建训练集词汇表
> vocab <- create_vocabulary(it)
> # 去除停用词
> stopword <- readr::read_table("D:/R/dict/english_stopword.txt",
+                               col_names = F)
> # 还是以对数转换计算高频词的权重
> term.weight <- anti_join(vocab,stopword,by=c("term"="X1")) %>% 
+   mutate(term.weight=log10(term_count)) %>% 
+   filter(term.weight>0)



> get_weight <- function(newemail){
+   from.new.n <- left_join(newemail[,1],from.weight,by = "from")
+   from.new <- ifelse(is.na(from.new.n$freq),1,from.new.n$freq)
+   if (!is.na(newemail$subject) & str_detect(newemail$subject,"re:")) {
+     newemail$subject <- extract_subject(newemail$subject)
+     subject.new.n <- left_join(newemail,subject.weight,by="subject")
+     subject.new <- ifelse(is.na(subject.new.n$weight),1,
+                           subject.new.n$weight)
+   } else {
+     subject.new <- 1
+   }
+   if (newemail$message!="") {
+     msg.weight <- str_split(newemail$message," ") %>% unlist %>% 
+       jiebaR::freq() %>% anti_join(stopword,by=c("char"="X1")) %>% 
+       filter(char!="")
+     if (nrow(msg.weight)!=0) {
+       msg.weight.n <- left_join(msg.weight,term.weight[,c(1,4)],
+                              by=c("char"="term")) %>% 
+         summarise(msg.new=sum(freq*term.weight,na.rm = T))
+       msg.new <- msg.weight.n$msg.new
+     }
+   } else {
+     msg.new <- 1
+   }
+   return(prod(from.new,subject.new,msg.new))
+ }

5.1 对训练集进行排序

> rank.train <- vector(length = nrow(train))
> for (i in 1:nrow(train)) {
+   rank.train[i] <- get_weight(train[i,])
+ }
> train.rank <- tibble(id=train$id,rank=rank.train)
> summary(train.rank$rank)
##      Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
##      8.64    282.39    859.82   2300.37   2702.20 241506.57
> # 检查排序值的分布
> p1 <- ggplot(train.rank,aes(rank)) +
+   geom_histogram(bins = 1000, fill = "dodgerblue") +
+   geom_vline(xintercept = median(rank.train),size=1) +
+   xlim(c(0,25000)) +
+   theme_bw() +
+   labs(y="")


> rank <- vector(length = nrow(test))
> for (i in 1:nrow(test)) {
+   rank[i] <- get_weight(test[i,])
+ }
> test.rank <- tibble(id=test$id,rank=rank)
> summary(test.rank$rank)
##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
##     8.64   237.50   716.02  1913.47  2301.08 36852.14
> # 检查排序值的分布
> p2 <- ggplot(test.rank,aes(rank)) +
+   geom_histogram(bins = 1000, fill = "red") +
+   geom_vline(xintercept = median(rank),size=1) +
+   xlim(c(0,25000)) +
+   theme_bw() +
+   labs(y="")


> p_load(patchwork)
> p1 + p2 + plot_layout(nrow = 2)


> test[,3] %>% cbind(rank=rank) %>% arrange(-rank) %>% head(20)
##                                                         subject     rank
## 1                                      re: apple sauced...again 36852.14
## 2                                      re: apple sauced...again 36852.14
## 3                           sed /s/united states/roman empire/g 33739.40
## 4                    re: selling wedded bliss (was re: ouch...) 25141.77
## 5                    re: selling wedded bliss (was re: ouch...) 25141.77
## 6                                      re: new sequences window 22509.49
## 7                      [lockergnome windows daily]  fraud wipes 21055.61
## 8                      [lockergnome windows daily]  fraud wipes 21023.90
## 9               [lockergnome windows daily]  brilliant mistakes 21004.60
## 10              [lockergnome penguin shell]  recursive metaphor 20823.06
## 11                    [lockergnome windows daily]  cranky beats 20449.50
## 12 re: comrade communism (was re: crony capitalism (was re: sed 20073.10
## 13                   [lockergnome windows daily]  deeper uplink 20043.92
## 14                                   bush covers the waterfront 19548.67
## 15                   [lockergnome digital media]  clever ritual 19499.38
## 16                   [lockergnome digital media]  clever ritual 19467.67
## 17               [lockergnome windows daily]  dignity shakedown 19325.42
## 18                     [lockergnome penguin shell]  good hearts 19295.45
## 19               [lockergnome windows daily]  dignity shakedown 19293.71
## 20                [lockergnome windows daily]  sticker courtesy 19132.87


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