Sons and Lovers—并没有乱伦,而是一部关于成长的小说

1. She was sick of it, the struggle with poverty and ugliness and meanness.

2. And looking ahead, the prospect of her life made her feel as if she were buried alive.

3. Burning glow of the cut pastures.

4. At last Mrs Morel despised her husband. She turned to the child; she turned from the father. He had begun to neglect her; the novelty of his own home was gone. He had no grit, she said bitterly to herself. What he felt just at the minute, that was all to him. He could not abide by anything. There was nothing at the back of all his show.

5. The thought of being the mother of men was warming to her heart. She looked at the child. It had blue eyes, and a lot of fair hair, and was bonny. Her love came up hot, in spite of everything.

6. Nothing, however, could prevent his inner consciousness inflicting on him the punishment which ate into his spirit like rust...

7. What happened hanpened, and it was no good kicking against the pricks.

8. But still, in her heart of hearts, where the love should have burned, there was a blank.

9. But nothing he had was of any commercial value.(我也是,"preferred racing about or making excursions into the country, or reading, or painting."

had to go out into life, but went through agonies of shrinking self-consciousness.)

10. 下面这个想法在每个人的成长过程中应该都出现过:“but that he was proud within himself, measuring people against himself, and placing them, inexorably.”


“I' ve got to go and look for advertisements for a job.”

It stood in front of the morning, that thought, killing all joy and even life, for him. His heart felt like a tight knot.


“He's going to the Co-op reading-room to look in the papers for a place. He can't get a job. I suppose he's living on his mother.”


“he seemed to feel the business world, with its regulated system of values, and its impersonality, and he dreaded it.”

11. Spring was a very flame of green.

12. "My boy, remember you're taking your life in your hands," said Mrs Morel."Nothing is as bad as a marriage that's a hopeless failure. Mine was bad enough, God knows, and ought to teach you something; but it might have been worse by a long chalk"这里William即将结婚而对方空有外表,母亲以身劝说。

对于他的未婚妻,William作以下评价:“Gyp's shallow. Nothing goes deep with her.” "In three months after I buried, you'd have someday else, and I should be forgotten, and that's your love!"

后来William 得了肺炎(pneumonia),母亲得知消息赶到时,没有一人陪着他儿子,十分凄惨。


「In the house she was the same— small, white, and mute. She noticed nothing, she said nothing, only:

"The coffin will be here to-night, Walter. You'd better see about some help." The turning to the children:"We're bring him home."

Then she relapsed into the same mute looking into space, her hands folded on her lap.」

13. Love begets love.

14. you make me knit the brows of my very soul and cogitate.

15. 对于Miriam, Mrs Morel认为“She's not like an ordinary woman, who can leave me my share in him. She wants to absorb him. She wants to draw him out and absorb him till there is nothing left of him, even for himself. He will never be a man on his own feet—she will suck him up.”无论是Mrs Morel还是Miriam,是女人都会有占有欲,Mrs Morel对儿子的占有欲很多为人母应该感同身受,或多或少都存在妒忌儿子与情人之间的关系吧。

16. She brought forth to him his imaginations. She did not understand, any more than a woman understands when she conceives a child in her womb. But this was life for her and for him.所以说不理解又怎么样,这就是生活。

17. 「Behold her singing in the field

Yon solitary highland lass.」

「It is a beauteous evening, calm and free.

The holy time is quiet as a nun.」

18. He had come back to his mother. Hers was the strongest tie in his life.所以才会一直长不大。

19. Nobody else mattered. There was one place in the world that stood solid and did not melt into unreality: the place where his mother was. Everybody else could grow shadowy, almost nonexistent to him, but she could not. It was as if the pivot and pole of his life, from which he could not escape, was his mother.(有恋母情结的boys and girls应该对此深有体会吧)

20. She thought him unstable. He had no fixity of purpose, no anchor of righteousness that held him.(Miriam对Paul的评价)

21. 「Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,

If the Lord won't have you the devil must.」

22. Paul问出了一连串问题:“Why can't a man have a young mother? What is the old for?” “And why wasn't I the oldest son?” "What are you old for?"

23. 在Annie结婚时,Paul和母亲的一番对话,看似平常,但不无道理,Paul问母亲是否会难过,他母亲回答“I'm not sorry she's married—but—it seems strange that she should go from me. It even seems to me hard that she can prefer to go with Leonard. That's how motherd are—I know it's silly.”

"And shall you be miserable about her?"

"When I think of my own wedding day," his mother answered, "I can only hope her life will be different."

"But you can trust him to be good to her?"

"Yes, yes. They say he's not good enough for her. But I say if a man is genuine, as he is, and a girl is fond of him—then—it should be all right. He's as good as she."

"So you don't mind?"

"I would never have let a daughter of mine marry a man I didn't feel to be genuine through and through. And yet, there's a gap now she's gone"(母亲嫁女儿的心情)

接下来的对话,我认为阐释了一种婚姻观,结婚还是不结,that is a question.

"At any rate, mother, I s'll never marry,"he said.

"Ay, they all say that, my lad. You've not met the one yet. Only wait a year or two."

"But I shan't marry, mother. I shall live with you, and we'll have a servant."

"Ah, my lad, it's easy to talk. We'll see when the time comes."

"But you don't want me to marry?"

"I shouldn't like to think of you going through your life without anybody to care for you and do—no."(不愿我儿到老形单影只,一辈子每个伴可以互相照顾。突然觉得结婚的意义在于能有个人可以一直陪在身边,关心彼此直到死去)

“And you think I ought to marry?”

"Sooner or later every man ought."

"But you'd rather it were later."

"It would be hard—and very hard. It's as they say:

'A son's my son till he takes him a wife,

But my daughter's my daughter the whole of her life' ."

"And you think I'd let a wife take me from you?"

"Well, you wouldn't ask her to marry your mother as well as you,"Mrs Morel smiled.

"She could not do what she liked;she wouldn't have to interfere."

"She wouldn't—till she'd got you—and then you'd see."

24. Paul has given Miriam a spirit love, but not embodied passion. He said Miriam was a nun in his letter, which deeply hurt her. Then, there comes a new self or a new centre of consciousness, warning him that sooner or later, he would have to ask one woman or another.

25. As well be hang for a sheep as for a lamb: 一不做,二不休。

26. He was like so many young men of his own age. Sex had become so complicated in him that he would have denied that he ever could want Clara or Miriam or any woman whom he knew. Sex desire was a sort of detached thing, that did not belong to a woman.

27. It is I who ought to be ashamed—like a spiritual cripple.

28. To him now, life seemed a shadow, day a white shadow; night, and death, and stillness, and inaction, this seemed like being. To be alive, to be urgent and insistent—that was not-to-be. The highest of all was to melt out into the darkness and sway there, identified with the great Being.

29. the real, real flame of feeling through another person—once, only once, if it only lasts three months.

30. Her body was wasted to a fragment of ash. Her eyes were dark and full of torture.

31. 母亲死后,很多事情都变了,Paul的精神世界发生了巨大变化:

Paul felt crumpled up and lonely. His mother had really supported his life. He had loved her; they two had, in fact, faced the world together. Now she was gone, and for ever behind him was the gap in life, the tear in the veil, through which his life seemed to drift slowly,was if he were dawn towards death. He wanted someone of their own free initiative to help him. The lesser things he began to let go from him, for fear of this big thing, the lapse towards death, following in the wake of his beloved.…So, secretly ashamed because he was in such a mess, because his own hold on life was so unsure, because nobody held him, feeling unsubstantial, shadowy;as if he did not count for much in his concret world, he drew himself together smaller and smaller.He did not want to die; he would not give in. But he was not afraid of death. If nobody would help, he would go on alone.

The first snowdrops came. He saw the tiny drop-pearls among the grey. They would have given him the liveliest emotion at one time. Now they were there, but they did not seem to mean anything.






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