
首先查看 FFmpeg 的编译选项
进入 FFmpeg框架包,并且带参数执行配置文件,查看帮助



zjjf$ ./configure --help


Usage: configure [options]
Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions]


Help options:
  --help                   print this message
  --quiet                  Suppress showing informative output
  --list-decoders          show all available decoders 
  --list-encoders          show all available encoders
  --list-hwaccels          show all available hardware accelerators
  --list-demuxers          show all available demuxers
  --list-muxers            show all available muxers
  --list-parsers           show all available parsers
  --list-protocols         show all available protocols
  --list-bsfs              show all available bitstream filters
  --list-indevs            show all available input devices
  --list-outdevs           show all available output devices
  --list-filters           show all available filters


Standard options:
//打印 log 日志(配置日志文件输出路径)
  --logfile=FILE           log tests and output to FILE [ffbuild/config.log]
  --disable-logging        do not log configure debug information
  --fatal-warnings         fail if any configure warning is generated
  --prefix=PREFIX          install in PREFIX [/usr/local]
  --bindir=DIR             install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]
  --datadir=DIR            install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]
  --docdir=DIR             install documentation in DIR [PREFIX/share/doc/ffmpeg]
  --libdir=DIR             install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
  --shlibdir=DIR           install shared libs in DIR [LIBDIR]
  --incdir=DIR             install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]
  --mandir=DIR             install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man]
  --pkgconfigdir=DIR       install pkg-config files in DIR [LIBDIR/pkgconfig]
  --enable-rpath           use rpath to allow installing libraries in paths
                           not part of the dynamic linker search path
                           use rpath when linking programs (USE WITH CARE)
  --install-name-dir=DIR   Darwin directory name for installed targets


Licensing options:
  --enable-gpl             allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs
                           and binaries will be under GPL [no]
  --enable-version3        upgrade (L)GPL to version 3 [no]
  --enable-nonfree         allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs
                           and binaries will be unredistributable [no]


Advanced options (experts only):
  --malloc-prefix=PREFIX   prefix malloc and related names with PREFIX
  --custom-allocator=NAME  use a supported custom allocator


Optimization options (experts only):
  --disable-asm            disable all assembly optimizations
  --disable-altivec        disable AltiVec optimizations


Developer options (useful when working on FFmpeg itself):
  --disable-debug          disable debugging symbols
  --enable-debug=LEVEL     set the debug lev


Configuration options:
  --disable-static         do not build static libraries [no]
  --enable-shared          build shared libraries [no]
  --enable-small           optimize for size instead of speed
  --disable-runtime-cpudetect disable detecting CPU capabilities at runtime (smaller binary)
  --enable-gray            enable full grayscale support (slower color)
  --disable-swscale-alpha  disable alpha channel support in swscale
  --disable-all            disable building components, libraries and programs
  --disable-autodetect     disable automatically detected external libraries [no]


Component options:
  --disable-avdevice       disable libavdevice build
  --disable-avcodec        disable libavcodec build
  --disable-avformat       disable libavformat build
  --disable-swresample     disable libswresample build
  --disable-swscale        disable libswscale build
  --disable-postproc       disable libpostproc build
  --disable-avfilter       disable libavfilter build
  --enable-avresample      enable libavresample build [no]


External library support:

  Using any of the following switches will allow FFmpeg to link to the
  corresponding external library. All the components depending on that library
  will become enabled, if all their other dependencies are met and they are not
  explicitly disabled. E.g. --enable-libwavpack will enable linking to
  libwavpack and allow the libwavpack encoder to be built, unless it is
  specifically disabled with --disable-encoder=libwavpack.

  Note that only the system libraries are auto-detected. All the other external
  libraries must be explicitly enabled.

  Also note that the following help text describes the purpose of the libraries
  themselves, not all their features will necessarily be usable by FFmpeg.

  --disable-alsa           disable ALSA support [autodetect]
  --disable-appkit         disable Apple AppKit framework [autodetect]
  --disable-avfoundation   disable Apple AVFoundation framework [autodetect]
//启用 aac 编码
  --enable-libfdk-aac      enable AAC de/encoding via libfdk-aac [no]


Toolchain options:
  --arch=ARCH              select architecture []
  --cpu=CPU                select the minimum required CPU (affects
                           instruction selection, may crash on older CPUs)
  --cross-prefix=PREFIX    use PREFIX for compilation tools []
 --target-os=OS           compiler targets OS []



  --list-decoders          show all available decoders


zjjf$ ./configure --list-decoders 
aac            atrac1             eatqi
aac_at             atrac3             eightbps
aac_fixed          atrac3al           eightsvx_exp
aac_latm           atrac3p            eightsvx_fib
aasc               atrac3pal              escape124


  --list-encoders          show all available encoders
zjjf$ ./configure --list-decoders 
a64multi           libgsm             pcm_s32le
a64multi5          libgsm_ms              pcm_s32le_planar
aac            libilbc            pcm_s64be
aac_at             libkvazaar             pcm_s64le
ac3            libmp3lame             pcm_s8


  --list-hwaccels          show all available hardware accelerators
zjjf$ ./configure --list-hwaccels
h263_vaapi         mjpeg_cuvid            vc1_d3d11va
h263_videotoolbox      mpeg1_cuvid            vc1_d3d11va2
h264_cuvid         mpeg1_vdpau            vc1_dxva2
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