
I  always work with a goal, and the goal is to improve as a player and a person. That , finally, is the most important thing of all.


n. 词根:leg=law 法律,合法

1.the process of writing and passing laws. 制定法律

e.g: Legislation will be difficult and will take time.

2.a law or a set of laws passed by a parliament(议会,国会). 法规;法律

e.g: This legislation gives help to education.

引申词:legal 法律的,合法的;illegal 违法的;

lawful 合法的,法定的;legitimate 合法的,使得....合法化

legal+人 行为合法 legitimate+人 身份合法

legislative a.立法的;制定法律的 n.立法权,立法机关

legislature n.立法机关 legalization. n.合法化


n.  联想记忆:s+train 扭成s的火车处处拉紧--有压力 sprain 扭伤

1.worry/stress/difficulty 焦虑/压力/负担

Do you find the job a strain?


The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us. [+for]


It's quite a strain on me when he's drinking heavily. [+on]


I know you've been under a lot go strain lately. [under a strain]


The dry summer has further increased the strain on water resources.


The flu epidemic has put a huge strain on the health service.


2.force 拉力/张力/推力

These four posts take the strain of the whole structure.


The strain on the cables supporting the bridge is enormous.


3.injury 损伤

The goalkeeper  is still out of action with a knee strain.


4.a type of animal, plant, or disease 品种

a new strain of flu virus 新型病毒

5.a particular quality 特质

There is a strain of madness in his family.


6.way of saying sth 说话方式

There is a strain of bitterness  in Young's later work.


7.the sound of music  being played (strains of sth)

We slipped wine to the strains of Beethoven.



联想记忆 发音似‘瞥’-- 盯着看

1. to look closely or carefully  at sth, especially when you can't see it clearly 凝视

I peer at him.

2.a person who has the same age and social status as you 同辈

peer pressure 同辈压力

3.a member of the nobility 贵族成员

The queen created him a peer.


(看) gaze at 惊讶地看stare at 无礼地看 glare at 怒视 peer at 盯着看

(同辈) contemporary n. 同代人 a.当代的


n. 1.subject/problem 话题/问题

Abortion is a highly controversial issue.

2.a magazine/newspaper printed for a particular  day/week/month 期/刊

the January issue of Newsweek

3.take issue with sb/sth 与某人争论

I must take issue with you over what you said yesterday.

4.make an issue of sth 就某事挑起争端

5.have issues with sb/sth  在某方面有困难 对某人/某事有异议 issue 问题的焦点

Whether she got there was at issue publicly.

7.act of giving sth 给予某物的行动

the issue of identity cards to all nonresidents.

8.set of thing for sale 供出售的成套东西

a new issue of bonds 新发行的债券

v.1. 发布/颁布/发出

a warning  issued by him 

issue sth to sb 向某人宣布某事


issue a passport/permit/visa 

The policy document will be issued to all employees.



4.issue from sth 从...中出来

Smoke issued from the factory chimneys.烟从工厂烟囱中冒出

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