Book Review: Kubernetes in Action

作者:Marko Luksa
出版社:Manning Publications
发行时间:December 31st 2017
来源:下载的 pdf 版本
Goodreads:4.63 (59 Ratings)

In my first month of dealing with Kubernetes, I wrote a two-part blog post about how to run a JBoss WildFly application server cluster in OpenShift/Kubernetes. At the time, I never could have imagined that a simple blog post would ultimately lead the people at Manning to contact me about whether I would like to write a book about Kubernetes. Of course, I couldn’t say no to such an offer, even though I was sure they’d approached other people as well and would ultimately pick someone else.

The collection was purchased by a Manning editor at an antiquarian flea market in the “Garage” on West 26th Street in Manhattan. The seller was an American based in Ankara, Turkey, and the transaction took place just as he was packing up his stand for the day. The Manning editor didn’t have on his person the substantial amount of cash that was required for the purchase, and a credit card and check were both politely turned down. With the seller flying back to Ankara that evening, the situation was getting hopeless. What was the solution? It turned out to be nothing more than an oldfashioned verbal agreement sealed with a handshake. The seller proposed that the money be transferred to him by wire, and the editor walked out with the bank information on a piece of paper and the portfolio of images under his arm. Needless to say, we transferred the funds the next day, and we remain grateful and impressed by this unknown person’s trust in one of us. It recalls something that might have happened a long time ago. We at Manning celebrate the inventiveness, the initiative, and, yes, the fun of the computer business with book covers based on the rich diversity of regional life of two centuries ago‚ brought back to life by the pictures from this collection.

Years ago, most software applications were big monoliths, running either as a single process or as a small number of processes spread across a handful of servers. These legacy systems are still widespread today. They have slow release cycles and are updated relatively infrequently. At the end of every release cycle, developers package up the whole system and hand it over to the ops team, who then deploys and monitors it. In case of hardware failures, the ops team manually migrates it to the remaining healthy servers.
Today, these big monolithic legacy applications are slowly being broken down into smaller, independently running components called microservices. Because microservices are decoupled from each other, they can be developed, deployed, updated, and scaled individually. This enables you to change components quickly and as often as necessary to keep up with today’s rapidly changing business requirements.
But with bigger numbers of deployable components and increasingly larger datacenters, it becomes increasingly difficult to configure, manage, and keep the whole system running smoothly. It’s much harder to figure out where to put each of those components to achieve high resource utilization and thereby keep the hardware costs down. Doing all this manually is hard work. We need automation, which includes automatic scheduling of those components to our servers, automatic configuration, supervision, and failure-handling. This is where Kubernetes comes in.
Kubernetes enables developers to deploy their applications themselves and as often as they want, without requiring any assistance from the operations (ops) team. But Kubernetes doesn’t benefit only developers. It also helps the ops team by automatically monitoring and rescheduling those apps in the event of a hardware failure. The focus for system administrators (sysadmins) shifts from supervising individual apps to mostly supervising and managing Kubernetes and the rest of the infrastructure, while Kubernetes itself takes care of the apps.

Kubernetes is Greek for pilot or helmsman (the person holding the ship’s steering wheel). People pronounce Kubernetes in a few different ways. Many pronounce it as Koo-ber-nay-tace, while others pronounce it more like Koo-ber-netties. No matter which form you use, people will understand what you mean.

Kubernetes abstracts away the hardware infrastructure and exposes your whole datacenter as a single enormous computational resource. It allows you to deploy and run your software components without having to know about the actual servers underneath. When deploying a multi-component application through Kubernetes, it selects a server for each component, deploys it, and enables it to easily find and communicate with all the other components of your application.
This makes Kubernetes great for most on-premises datacenters, but where it starts to shine is when it’s used in the largest datacenters, such as the ones built and operated by cloud providers. Kubernetes allows them to offer developers a simple platform for deploying and running any type of application, while not requiring the cloud provider’s own sysadmins to know anything about the tens of thousands of apps running on their hardware.
With more and more big companies accepting the Kubernetes model as the best way to run apps, it’s becoming the standard way of running distributed apps both in the cloud, as well as on local on-premises infrastructure.

While container technologies have been around for a long time, they’ve become more widely known with the rise of the Docker container platform. Docker was the first container system that made containers easily portable across different machines. It simplified the process of packaging up not only the application but also all its libraries and other dependencies, even the whole OS file system, into a simple, portable package that can be used to provision the application to any other machine running Docker.

Through the years, Google developed an internal system called Borg (and later a new system called Omega), that helped both application developers and system administrators manage those thousands of applications and services. In addition to simplifying the development and management, it also helped them achieve a much higher utilization of their infrastructure, which is important when your organization is that large. When you run hundreds of thousands of machines, even tiny improvements in utilization mean savings in the millions of dollars, so the incentives for developing such a system are clear.
After having kept Borg and Omega secret for a whole decade, in 2014 Google introduced Kubernetes, an open-source system based on the experience gained through Borg, Omega, and other internal Google systems.

If you have Kubernetes deployed on all your servers, the ops team doesn’t need to deal with deploying your apps anymore. Because a containerized application already contains all it needs to run, the system administrators don’t need to install anything to deploy and run the app. On any node where Kubernetes is deployed, Kubernetes can run the app immediately without any help from the sysadmins.

By setting up Kubernetes on your servers and using it to run your apps instead of running them manually, you’ve decoupled your app from the infrastructure. When you tell Kubernetes to run your application, you’re letting it choose the most appropriate node to run your application on based on the description of the application’s resource requirements and the available resources on each node.
By using containers and not tying the app down to a specific node in your cluster, you’re allowing the app to freely move around the cluster at any time, so the different app components running on the cluster can be mixed and matched to be packed tightly onto the cluster nodes. This ensures the node’s hardware resources are utilized as best as possible.
The ability to move applications around the cluster at any time allows Kubernetes to utilize the infrastructure much better than what you can achieve manually. Humans aren’t good at finding optimal combinations, especially when the number of all possible options is huge, such as when you have many application components and many server nodes they can be deployed on. Computers can obviously perform this work much better and faster than humans.

The features described in the previous section mostly benefit the operations team. But what about the developers? Does Kubernetes bring anything to their table? It definitely does.
If you turn back to the fact that apps run in the same environment both during development and in production, this has a big effect on when bugs are discovered. We all agree the sooner you discover a bug, the easier it is to fix it, and fixing it requires less work. It’s the developers who do the fixing, so this means less work for them.
Then there’s the fact that developers don’t need to implement features that they would usually implement. This includes discovery of services and/or peers in a clustered application. Kubernetes does this instead of the app. Usually, the app only needs to look up certain environment variables or perform a DNS lookup. If that’s not enough, the application can query the Kubernetes API server directly to get that and/or other information. Querying the Kubernetes API server like that can even save developers from having to implement complicated mechanisms such as leader election.
As a final example of what Kubernetes brings to the table, you also need to consider the increase in confidence developers will feel knowing that when a new version of their app is going to be rolled out, Kubernetes can automatically detect if the new version is bad and stop its rollout immediately. This increase in confidence usually accelerates the continuous delivery of apps, which benefits the whole organization.

This doesn’t look that impressive, but when you consider that the whole “app” was downloaded and executed with a single command, without you having to install that app or anything else, you’ll agree it’s awesome. In your case, the app was a single executable (busybox), but it might as well have been an incredibly complex app with many dependencies. The whole process of setting up and running the app would have been exactly the same. What’s also important is that the app was executed inside a container, completely isolated from all the other processes running on your machine.

Because you’re not supposed to group multiple processes into a single container, it’s obvious you need another higher-level construct that will allow you to bind containers together and manage them as a single unit. This is the reasoning behind pods.
A pod of containers allows you to run closely related processes together and provide them with (almost) the same environment as if they were all running in a single container, while keeping them somewhat isolated. This way, you get the best of both worlds. You can take advantage of all the features containers provide, while at the same time giving the processes the illusion of running together.

One thing to stress here is that because containers in a pod run in the same Network namespace, they share the same IP address and port space. This means processes running in containers of the same pod need to take care not to bind to the same port numbers or they’ll run into port conflicts. But this only concerns containers in the same pod. Containers of different pods can never run into port conflicts, because each pod has a separate port space. All the containers in a pod also have the same loopback network interface, so a container can communicate with other containers in the same pod through localhost.

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