AFNetworking源码探究(二十六) —— UIKit相关之AFAutoPurgingImageCache缓存(九)


版本号 时间
V1.0 2018.03.06


1. AFNetworking源码探究(一) —— 基本介绍
2. AFNetworking源码探究(二) —— GET请求实现之NSURLSessionDataTask实例化(一)
3. AFNetworking源码探究(三) —— GET请求实现之任务进度设置和通知监听(一)
4. AFNetworking源码探究(四) —— GET请求实现之代理转发思想(一)
5. AFNetworking源码探究(五) —— AFURLSessionManager中NSURLSessionDelegate详细解析(一)
6. AFNetworking源码探究(六) —— AFURLSessionManager中NSURLSessionTaskDelegate详细解析(一)
7. AFNetworking源码探究(七) —— AFURLSessionManager中NSURLSessionDataDelegate详细解析(一)
8. AFNetworking源码探究(八) —— AFURLSessionManager中NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate详细解析(一)
9. AFNetworking源码探究(九) —— AFURLSessionManagerTaskDelegate中三个转发代理方法详细解析(一)
10. AFNetworking源码探究(十) —— 数据解析之数据解析架构的分析(一)
11. AFNetworking源码探究(十一) —— 数据解析之子类中协议方法的实现(二)
12. AFNetworking源码探究(十二) —— 数据解析之子类中协议方法的实现(三)
13. AFNetworking源码探究(十三) —— AFSecurityPolicy与安全认证 (一)
14. AFNetworking源码探究(十四) —— AFSecurityPolicy与安全认证 (二)
15. AFNetworking源码探究(十五) —— 请求序列化之架构分析(一)
16. AFNetworking源码探究(十六) —— 请求序列化之协议方法的实现(二)
17. AFNetworking源码探究(十七) —— _AFURLSessionTaskSwizzling实现方法交换(转载)(一)
18. AFNetworking源码探究(十八) —— UIKit相关之AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager(一)
19. AFNetworking源码探究(十九) —— UIKit相关之几个分类(二)
20. AFNetworking源码探究(二十) —— UIKit相关之AFImageDownloader图像下载(三)
21. AFNetworking源码探究(二十一) —— UIKit相关之UIImageView+AFNetworking分类(四)
22. AFNetworking源码探究(二十二) —— UIKit相关之UIButton+AFNetworking分类(五)
23. AFNetworking源码探究(二十三) —— UIKit相关之UIWebView+AFNetworking分类(六)
24. AFNetworking源码探究(二十四) —— UIKit相关之UIProgressView+AFNetworking分类(七)
25. AFNetworking源码探究(二十五) —— UIKit相关之UIRefreshControl+AFNetworking分类(八)





  • 协议AFImageCache
  • 协议AFImageRequestCache
  • AFAutoPurgingImageCache

1. AFImageCache


 Adds the image to the cache with the given identifier.

 @param image The image to cache.
 @param identifier The unique identifier for the image in the cache.
- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;

 Removes the image from the cache matching the given identifier.

 @param identifier The unique identifier for the image in the cache.

 @return A BOOL indicating whether or not the image was removed from the cache.
- (BOOL)removeImageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;

 Removes all images from the cache.

 @return A BOOL indicating whether or not all images were removed from the cache.
- (BOOL)removeAllImages;

 Returns the image in the cache associated with the given identifier.

 @param identifier The unique identifier for the image in the cache.

 @return An image for the matching identifier, or nil.
- (nullable UIImage *)imageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;


2. AFImageRequestCache


@protocol AFImageRequestCache <AFImageCache>

 Asks if the image should be cached using an identifier created from the request and additional identifier.
 @param image The image to be cached.
 @param request The unique URL request identifing the image asset.
 @param identifier The additional identifier to apply to the URL request to identify the image.
 @return A BOOL indicating whether or not the image should be added to the cache. YES will cache, NO will prevent caching.
- (BOOL)shouldCacheImage:(UIImage *)image forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;

 Adds the image to the cache using an identifier created from the request and additional identifier.

 @param image The image to cache.
 @param request The unique URL request identifing the image asset.
 @param identifier The additional identifier to apply to the URL request to identify the image.
- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;

 Removes the image from the cache using an identifier created from the request and additional identifier.

 @param request The unique URL request identifing the image asset.
 @param identifier The additional identifier to apply to the URL request to identify the image.
 @return A BOOL indicating whether or not all images were removed from the cache.
- (BOOL)removeImageforRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;

 Returns the image from the cache associated with an identifier created from the request and additional identifier.

 @param request The unique URL request identifing the image asset.
 @param identifier The additional identifier to apply to the URL request to identify the image.

 @return An image for the matching request and identifier, or nil.
- (nullable UIImage *)imageforRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;



3. AFAutoPurgingImageCache


 The `AutoPurgingImageCache` in an in-memory image cache used to store images up to a given memory capacity. When the memory capacity is reached, the image cache is sorted by last access date, then the oldest image is continuously purged until the preferred memory usage after purge is met. Each time an image is accessed through the cache, the internal access date of the image is updated.
@interface AFAutoPurgingImageCache : NSObject <AFImageRequestCache>

 The total memory capacity of the cache in bytes.
// 内存缓存总的字节数
@property (nonatomic, assign) UInt64 memoryCapacity;

 The preferred memory usage after purge in bytes. During a purge, images will be purged until the memory capacity drops below this limit.
// 以字节为单位清除后的首选内存使用情况。 在清除过程中,图像将被清除,直到内存容量降至此限制以下。
@property (nonatomic, assign) UInt64 preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge;

 The current total memory usage in bytes of all images stored within the cache.
// 当前所有图像内存缓存使用的总的字节数
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) UInt64 memoryUsage;

 Initialies the `AutoPurgingImageCache` instance with default values for memory capacity and preferred memory usage after purge limit. `memoryCapcity` defaults to `100 MB`. `preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge` defaults to `60 MB`.
// 初始化,memoryCapcity为100M,preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge为60M

 @return The new `AutoPurgingImageCache` instance.
- (instancetype)init;

 Initialies the `AutoPurgingImageCache` instance with the given memory capacity and preferred memory usage
 after purge limit.

 @param memoryCapacity The total memory capacity of the cache in bytes.
 @param preferredMemoryCapacity The preferred memory usage after purge in bytes.

 @return The new `AutoPurgingImageCache` instance.
- (instancetype)initWithMemoryCapacity:(UInt64)memoryCapacity preferredMemoryCapacity:(UInt64)preferredMemoryCapacity;


内存中图像缓存中的AutoPurgingImageCache用于存储图像到给定内存容量。 达到内存容量时,图像缓存按上次访问日期排序,然后最旧的图像不断清除,直到满足清除后的首选内存使用量。 每次通过缓存访问图像时,图像的内部访问日期都会更新。



- (instancetype)init {
    return [self initWithMemoryCapacity:100 * 1024 * 1024 preferredMemoryCapacity:60 * 1024 * 1024];

- (instancetype)initWithMemoryCapacity:(UInt64)memoryCapacity preferredMemoryCapacity:(UInt64)preferredMemoryCapacity {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        self.memoryCapacity = memoryCapacity;
        self.preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge = preferredMemoryCapacity;
        self.cachedImages = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

        NSString *queueName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.alamofire.autopurgingimagecache-%@", [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]];
        self.synchronizationQueue = dispatch_queue_create([queueName cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding], DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);

        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]

    return self;


  • 设置缓存图像的字典
self.cachedImages = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
  • 常见和UUID关联的并发队列
NSString *queueName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.alamofire.autopurgingimagecache-%@", [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]];
self.synchronizationQueue = dispatch_queue_create([queueName cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding], DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
  • 增加移除所有图像的通知
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- (BOOL)removeAllImages {
    __block BOOL removed = NO;
    dispatch_barrier_sync(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
        if (self.cachedImages.count > 0) {
            [self.cachedImages removeAllObjects];
            self.currentMemoryUsage = 0;
            removed = YES;
    return removed;




@interface AFCachedImage : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *image;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *identifier;
@property (nonatomic, assign) UInt64 totalBytes;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *lastAccessDate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) UInt64 currentMemoryUsage;


- (instancetype)initWithImage:(UIImage *)image identifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    if (self = [self init]) {
        self.image = image;
        self.identifier = identifier;

        CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(image.size.width * image.scale, image.size.height * image.scale);
        CGFloat bytesPerPixel = 4.0;
        CGFloat bytesPerSize = imageSize.width * imageSize.height;
        self.totalBytes = (UInt64)bytesPerPixel * (UInt64)bytesPerSize;
        self.lastAccessDate = [NSDate date];
    return self;



1. AFImageCache协议的实现


- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    dispatch_barrier_async(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
        AFCachedImage *cacheImage = [[AFCachedImage alloc] initWithImage:image identifier:identifier];

        AFCachedImage *previousCachedImage = self.cachedImages[identifier];
        if (previousCachedImage != nil) {
            self.currentMemoryUsage -= previousCachedImage.totalBytes;

        self.cachedImages[identifier] = cacheImage;
        self.currentMemoryUsage += cacheImage.totalBytes;

    dispatch_barrier_async(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
        if (self.currentMemoryUsage > self.memoryCapacity) {
            UInt64 bytesToPurge = self.currentMemoryUsage - self.preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge;
            NSMutableArray <AFCachedImage*> *sortedImages = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.cachedImages.allValues];
            NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"lastAccessDate"
            [sortedImages sortUsingDescriptors:@[sortDescriptor]];

            UInt64 bytesPurged = 0;

            for (AFCachedImage *cachedImage in sortedImages) {
                [self.cachedImages removeObjectForKey:cachedImage.identifier];
                bytesPurged += cachedImage.totalBytes;
                if (bytesPurged >= bytesToPurge) {
                    break ;
            self.currentMemoryUsage -= bytesPurged;


  • 第一个阻塞
dispatch_barrier_async(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
    AFCachedImage *cacheImage = [[AFCachedImage alloc] initWithImage:image identifier:identifier];

    AFCachedImage *previousCachedImage = self.cachedImages[identifier];
    if (previousCachedImage != nil) {
        self.currentMemoryUsage -= previousCachedImage.totalBytes;

    self.cachedImages[identifier] = cacheImage;
    self.currentMemoryUsage += cacheImage.totalBytes;


  • 第二个阻塞
dispatch_barrier_async(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
    if (self.currentMemoryUsage > self.memoryCapacity) {
        UInt64 bytesToPurge = self.currentMemoryUsage - self.preferredMemoryUsageAfterPurge;
        NSMutableArray <AFCachedImage*> *sortedImages = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:self.cachedImages.allValues];
        NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"lastAccessDate"
        [sortedImages sortUsingDescriptors:@[sortDescriptor]];

        UInt64 bytesPurged = 0;

        for (AFCachedImage *cachedImage in sortedImages) {
            [self.cachedImages removeObjectForKey:cachedImage.identifier];
            bytesPurged += cachedImage.totalBytes;
            if (bytesPurged >= bytesToPurge) {
                break ;
        self.currentMemoryUsage -= bytesPurged;

这里完成的功能是,首先判断如果当前内存使用量大于内存总量,那么就需要清理了,这里需要计算需要清理多少内存,就是当前内存值 - 最优内存值。然后sortedImages实例化字典中所有的图片,并对这些图片进行按照时间的排序,遍历这个排序后的数组,逐一从字典中移除,终止条件就是移除的字节数大于上面计算的要清除的字节数值。最后,更新下当前内存使用的值。


- (BOOL)removeImageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- (BOOL)removeImageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    __block BOOL removed = NO;
    dispatch_barrier_sync(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
        AFCachedImage *cachedImage = self.cachedImages[identifier];
        if (cachedImage != nil) {
            [self.cachedImages removeObjectForKey:identifier];
            self.currentMemoryUsage -= cachedImage.totalBytes;
            removed = YES;
    return removed;



- (BOOL)removeAllImages;
- (BOOL)removeAllImages {
    __block BOOL removed = NO;
    dispatch_barrier_sync(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
        if (self.cachedImages.count > 0) {
            [self.cachedImages removeAllObjects];
            self.currentMemoryUsage = 0;
            removed = YES;
    return removed;



- (nullable UIImage *)imageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;

- (nullable UIImage *)imageWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    __block UIImage *image = nil;
    dispatch_sync(self.synchronizationQueue, ^{
        AFCachedImage *cachedImage = self.cachedImages[identifier];
        image = [cachedImage accessImage];
    return image;
- (UIImage*)accessImage {
    self.lastAccessDate = [NSDate date];
    return self.image;


2. AFImageRequestCache协议的实现


- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;
- (void)addImage:(UIImage *)image forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    [self addImage:image withIdentifier:[self imageCacheKeyFromURLRequest:request withAdditionalIdentifier:identifier]];
- (NSString *)imageCacheKeyFromURLRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(NSString *)additionalIdentifier {
    NSString *key = request.URL.absoluteString;
    if (additionalIdentifier != nil) {
        key = [key stringByAppendingString:additionalIdentifier];
    return key;



- (BOOL)removeImageforRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;
- (BOOL)removeImageforRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    return [self removeImageWithIdentifier:[self imageCacheKeyFromURLRequest:request withAdditionalIdentifier:identifier]];



- (nullable UIImage *)imageforRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;
- (nullable UIImage *)imageforRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
    return [self imageWithIdentifier:[self imageCacheKeyFromURLRequest:request withAdditionalIdentifier:identifier]];



- (BOOL)shouldCacheImage:(UIImage *)image forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier;
- (BOOL)shouldCacheImage:(UIImage *)image forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request withAdditionalIdentifier:(nullable NSString *)identifier {
    return YES;




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