Room to Grow (发展空间)

通篇看下来,这段文字说的是印度廉价旅店租赁市场发展的故事,用的标题非常简短扼要,room to grow,可以指廉价租房的增加,也可以是印度这一市场的发展空间。所以标题其实还挺难翻译的,也希望能有人提出更好的译法。


IF SEVERAL hundred million Indians do migrate from the countryside to cities between now and 2050, as the UN expects, it will be afiendishlybusy few decades for Vivek Aher, who runs a low-cost hostel, one of five, on the outskirts of Pune, a well-off city three hours’ drive from Mumbai.A fair fewof the new arrivals will have their first experience of urban livingbunkingin one of the hostels’ 1,350 beds. Should recent experience be anything togo by, most of the new arrivals will test Mr Aher’s patience by tacking posters on his hostel’s walls, or endlessly complaining about the Wi-Fi.


Fiendishly:[ 'fi:ndiʃli ]adv. as a devil; in an evil manner

极坏地,恶魔似地。Fiendish: extremely awkward or complex,比如a fiendish problem大难题

bunk  n.铺位;床铺;座床vi.睡在铺上;逃跑vt.为…提供铺位;逃课

Go by: If you go by something, you use it as a basis for a judgment or action.遵照。例:

If they prove that I was wrong, then I'll go by what they say.


Tack:  If you tack something to a surface, you pin it there with tacks or thumbtacks.用平头钉或图钉钉住。

India has two main drags on economic growth. One is the difficulty of finding a job, especially in the places people live. The other is a chronic shortage of cheap housing. Aarusha Homes, Mr Aher’s employer, started in 2007 to help people seize economic opportunities far from home. Its rooms are basic and cheap. They include up to six beds, a bathroom for every three or four residents, some common areas and little else.Rent ranges between 3,500 and 10,000 rupees ($52-$149) a month including food.

印度的经济发展有两大阻碍。一是就业很难,尤其是在生活驻地找工作不容易。二是廉价住房长期短缺。阿赫先生所在的公司Aarusha Homes早在2007年就帮助人们抓住那些远离家乡的经济机会。这些房间满足了基本需求而且价格低廉。一个房间最多提供6张床位,有一个三至四人共用的卫生间和一些公共区域,除此以外再无其他。每月租金(含伙食)3500卢比至10000卢比(约52至149美金)不等。

Drag:If something is a drag on the development or progress of something, it slows it down or makes it more difficult.阻碍。

Chronic:(of a problem) long-lasting and difficult to eradicate(问题)长期难以根除的,顽固的

Basic: You can use basic to describe something that is very simple in style and has only the most necessary features, without any luxuries.简单的。


Most of Aarusha’s tenants are young,many of them taking first steps into the middle-class as IT or business-processing outsourcing professionals.Paying up to six months’ deposit for a city flat is beyond their means, as is the down payment for a motorbike that would allow them to live far from their employer. Aarusha’s successful pitch is that its hostels are safer than slums or informal “guest houses”, especially for women. It now has 4,300 beds in 1,300 rooms spread out over 20 hostels in four cities. The typical tenant stays for six months. Satyanarayana Vejella, the firm’s co-founder, plans to raise another $10m to increase capacity by 12,000 beds in nearly 70 new hostels, all in the next two years.Operating-profit margins are in the mid-teens.

Aarusha的房客大多很年轻,他们中的许多人从事IT或业务处理外包行业,刚刚跻身中产阶级。租住城市公寓一般需支付约6个月的定金,这已经超出了他们的承受范围,如果买得起摩托车,他们可以住在离公司远一点的地方。Aarusha营销的成功之处在于它提供的旅舍比贫民窟或者非正规的旅店要安全,对于女性而言,更是如此。 目前公司在4个城市的20多家旅舍共有1300间房间,能提供4300张床位。通常房客会租住六个月。公司的联合创始人Satyanarayana Vejella计划在未来的两年内再融资1000万美元,新建约70家新旅舍,增加1.2万张床位。该公司的营业利润约15%。

Beyond one’s means超出某人的支付能力


There are dividend strategies that earn in the mid-teens annually before including any income stream.

in the mid-teens 等同于 15%,如以上例句。

The chain’s backers include investment funds who seek social as well as financial returns. The latter would be improved if the chain dodged taxes by operating in the informal economy, like much of its competition, but it sticks to the formal side. The problems it faces are those confronted by any Hilton or Hyatt: finding properties big enough to offer over 100 beds is hard. Tenants have to be chased for payments. An attempt to cater to blue-collar workers at an even lower price didn’t work out. So Aarusha is reliant on the IT and outsourcing sectors, which are hiring less eagerly than before.


Informal economy,这是地下经济的有一种称呼。世界各国对地下经济的称谓也各有不同,例如:黑色经济(Black Economy),影子经济(Shadow Economy)、非正规经济(InformalEconomy)等。

sticks to the formal side——与informal economy相对应,坚持正当营业,坚持通过正规途径获得收益,坚持走正道。

Dodge: If you dodge something, you deliberately avoid thinking about it or dealing with it, often by being deceitful.逃避。例:

He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.


Dodge taxes逃税,避税。

chase[ tʃeis ] 追逐、追赶

n.the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture

cater to  迎合;为…服务

Aarusha can probably depend on continuing strong demand for a room from which to make sense of it all before people can get their own places. The hostels have something of communal feel, and parents find them reassuring because residents put up with not being able to drink, smoke, or mingle with t he opposite sex. Soon enough, they will have moved on, taking their aspirations and their posters with them.


make sense of it  搞清…的意思、了解

communal[ 'kɔmjunəl ]

adj. for or by a group rather than individuals 公共的、共有的

"dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew"; " a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared"

relating to a small administrative district or community 社区的

"communal elections in several European countries"

Put up with doing sth.忍住某事,put up with not doing sth.忍住不做某事

Mingle with:和……混在一起;结合上下文,可以理解为与异性厮混在一起

aspiration 这里取愿望、志向、梦想等意思。

n. a will to succeed

a cherished desire

同义词:ambition dream

a manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath

the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing

同义词:inspiration breathing in

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