

Several language are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


As the cradle of knowledge, languages play an extremely important role in our lives. Some people may give rise to the idea that it is a waste of resources to save endangered languages, however, I am convinced that it is worth saving dying languages by governments.

The option for people to give up saving dialects that are only spoken by a handful of people seems reasonable for several reasons. First, the advances of speaking dominant languages contribute to the efficiency of communication all around the world. This means that people who study unpopular languages and rarely use them are likely to say it in the wrong way such as errors in grammar and pronunciation that cause some difficulties for the listeners. Compared with communicating by unfamiliar languages, people can easily understand each other's thoughts by using native languages. Second, in terms of learning cost, it is not difficult for children to learn a popular language, as learning resources and multimedia content with this language can be easily found.

body 1的论证角度偏题 dominant language 的好处 不要反向论证 TS+解释+反向对比 a waste of financial resource 1)

the efficiency of communication -> communication efficiency

Some opponents of this statement argue that officials should prevent endangered languages from dying out. On one hand, more and more people believe that it's a good thing for a child to learn their indigenous language that can let them understand the continuity in a community. As a linguistician said, "Different languages will have their quirks which tell us something special about being human". For example, some expression of native dialect can reflect the culture of that place. In other hand, minority language is usually the emotional bond of group of people, which can make them quickly build trust and friendship in foreign land.


In conclusion, any language is a repository of thousands of years of a people’s science and art, from observations of ecological patterns to creation myths. The disappearance of a language is a loss not only for the community of speakers, but also for the whole human civilization.


As the cradle of knowledge, languages play an extremely important role in our lives. Some people may give rise to the idea that it is a waste of resources to save endangered languages, however, I am convinced that it is worth saving dying languages by governments.

The option for people to give up saving dialects that are only spoken by a handful of people seems reasonable for several reasons. First, speaking in distinct languages is bound to negatively impact communication efficiency and possibly cause misunderstanding, so the authorities have to increase the coordination cost to unite different ethnic groups. Therefore, the united official language facilitates effective communication among residents and powerful governments. Second, in order to save endangered languages, governments have to invest plenty of financial and personnel resources such as designing teaching materials, establishing language schools and recruiting related teachers, which would be more cost-effective if spent on other areas, like housing and health care.

Some opponents of this statement argue that officials should prevent endangered languages from dying out. On the one hand, learning the indigenous language helps the natives understand the continuity of their community. This is because a language always reflects the way people live and traditions their forebears inherit, which are precious history for society as a whole. On the other hand, minority language is conducive to cultivating the sense of cultural identity. It is common that native language serves as an emotional bond that helps people, especially those in foreign land, build trust and develop friendship. Therefore, to protect a minority language is to enhance the recognition of who we are.

In conclusion, any language is a repository of people's science and arts over thousands of years, from observations of ecological patterns to creation myths. The disappearance of a language is a loss not only for the community of speakers, but also for the whole human civilization.


as the cradle of knowledge

give rise to the idea that / be convinced that

be worth doing sth

the option for sb to do sth seems reasonable for several reasons

be bound to

invest plenty of financial and personnel resources

some opponents of this statement

cultivate the sense of cultural identity

人类科学艺术千年的宝藏, 从生态格局的观察到创世神话
a repository of people's science and art over thousands of years, from observations of ecological patterns to creation myths.


endangered language/ dying language/ minority language

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