


本文原文链接为https://busy.org/@iang/towards-a-ricardian-constitution ,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。


Towards A Ricardian Constitution


作者:Ian Grigg





This is a thought experiment in several parts in what it would take to turn a blockchain Constitution like the EOS proposal into a full Ricardian Contract. Which isn’t as difficult as it sounds, and could lead to some surprising benefits.


For the quick intro, a Ricardian contract(http://iang.org/papers/ricardian_contract.html) is a prose or legal contract that includes computer-parsable markup. In that order: it is first and foremost a human-readable document, and only secondly is it a machine readable document.

先进行一下简单介绍,李嘉图合约(http://iang.org/papers/ricardian_contract.html )是一种散文,或者说是一种包含计算机可标记标记的法律合约。按这顺序来看的话:它首先是一个人类可读的文档,其次是机器可读的文档。

The humans come first because they (we?) are the hard cases. For a contract to be a contract, there must be intent, which means the humans not only have to know about it, they have to understand it, so as to be able to legally enter into agreement in a manner that will be accepted by any (human-staffed) court as a legal contract. Establishing that exact intent is so important that we often turn it into a ceremony that is as well known to people as it is to courts - signing.


All this human stuff turns out to be a very hard problem to do digitally (https://blogs.perficient.com/2015/03/03/21-cfr-part-11-decoded-electronic-signature-general-requirements-2/ ), whereas making a computer understand a document is easy - just shove some markup in there. Remember that ordering - humans first, computers second - as you’re reading through this odd construction.

将所有这些人类的东西来实现数字化是一个非常困难的问题(https://blogs.perficient.com/2015/03/03/21-cfr-part-11-decoded-electronic-signature-general-requirements-2/ ),而让计算机理解文档却是很容易的——只要在其中插入一些标记就可以了。当你阅读这个不熟悉的合约时,记住这个排序——人类第一位,计算机第二位。

Part 1 - A Ricardian Layout


Let’s try it then! Let’s take a prose constitution, and shove some markup in it. By way of an example, here is a clause from an example version of a Constitution(https://steemit.com/eos/@dantheman/what-could-a-blockchain-constitution-look-like )that might or might not be useful for EOS:

让我们尝试一下!我们来写一个散文公约(https://steemit.com/eos/@dantheman/what-could-a-blockchain-constitution-look-like ),并在其中加入一些标记。例如,这里有一个示例版本合约的一个条款,它可能对EOS有用,也可能没有用:

ARTICLE 3 - Currency
The Community hereby creates a currency known as EXAMPLE, possession of which is evidence of a contribution to the community. The quantity of EXAMPLE shall increase no more than 5% per year after the first 1 billion EXAMPLE are distributed.

Note how the author of this clause (@dantheman) expects others to use this example, even to the extent of a hint to change EXAMPLE into MyCoin or YourCoin or BobCoin or somesuch. It’s a bit laborious but necessary to make this clause adaptable for different contexts - and this is where we get to the nub of the argument: we want to keep the precision of a proper contract, but we’d like the computer to do some of the editing & presentation work of taking the above template and turning it into a finalised contract for us, when we use it in the specific context of the blockchain.


And we want to enable the humans (and the computer) to easily interpret the results, as well.


Contract Cake



In order to get our contract cake and eat it too, let’s add some markup and some parameters to those parts to that may be different from context to context. We already saw that the name of the coin is one such parameter, to which we can add the initial total issue amount, and the rate of inflation rate after the initial issue is done; all of these depend heavily on the context in which the contract is being issued:


Article 3 - Currency

INITIALISSUE = 1,000,000,000

The Community hereby creates a currency known as COINNAME, possession of which is evidence of a contribution to the community. The quantity of COINNAME shall increase no more than INFLATION per year after the first INITIALISSUE of COINNAME are distributed.

With a graphical contracts editor, we can process the above dry document to display the prose contract derived from the above.



You can imagine a hover-over on those colour-highlighted parts that reveal the original name that has been substituted. Or, we could have a mode to track the variables by colours and highlighting, as within a programmer’s IDE (integrated development environment):

你可以试着将鼠标悬停在那些已替换了原始名称的颜色高亮的部分上。 或者,我们可以使用一种模式来按颜色跟踪变量并突出显示,就像在程序员的IDE(集成开发环境)中一样:


Hours of fun!


Now, it’s important to realise something here. We don’t want too much fun. The reason for this is that those that have too much fun with graphics and tricks and toolkits and FLASH and popups and special offers and other abominations make it harder and harder for those who are the primary users of this system - the users. As Einstein put it, this system needs to be made as simple as possible, but no simpler!


Declare your variables, for the contract win!


In the above, we have separated out the parameters from the prose. Interestingly, this is a winning idea in both legal writing and in computer coding. For the legal profession, this is known as contract templating(https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00771), which allows one contract template to be used across many contracting parties - a great saving in legal fees. You can find more on templating over at Common Accord(https://CommonAccord.org).

在上面,我们已经把这些参数从散文中分离出来了。有趣的是,这在法律编写和计算机编码中都是一个成功的想法。对于法律行业来说,这就是所谓的合约模板(https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00771 ),它允许一个合约模板在许多缔约方之间被使用——这是法律费用的巨大节省。你可以在Common Accord (https://CommonAccord.org )上找到更多的模板。

For you coders, declaring your variables in advance forces the programmer to be clear and precise about what is intended. And allows the compiler to help you to follow that intent, e.g., by identifying that all parameters are correctly assigned. For both disciplines, it makes the product easier to read by other professionals, which makes it easier and cheaper to maintain.


A slightly more advanced Markup


The above however is a little hard to code - what happens if we actually want to write in an acronym such as COINNAME or ARTICLE ? What happens when we want a bolded (upper case) warning about inflation, because,you know, central banks & lawyers!?

然而,上面的代码有点难以实现——如果我们真的想用COINNAME或ARTICLE等首字母缩略词写一下会发生什么? 当我们想要一个关于增发的粗体(大写)警告时会发生什么,因为你知道中央银行和律师!?

For this reason we would typically advise a simple markup within the prose. Here’s an example that uses a JSON-like format(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON ) to set the parameters, and a hybrid to allocate the values.

出于这个原因,我们通常会在散文中使用一个简单的标记。 这是一个使用类似JSON的格式 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON ) 来设置参数的示例,以及一个混合使用来用于分配值。

Article 3 - Currency

“COINNAME”: “IangBux”,
“INFLATION”: “5%”,
“INITIALISSUE”: “1,000,000,000”
“SYMBOL”: “$”

The Community hereby creates a currency known as {COINNAME}, possession of which is evidence of a contribution to the community. The quantity of {COINNAME} shall increase no more than {INFLATION} per year after the first {INITIALISSUE} of {COINNAME} are distributed.

That is the raw text, with some extra bits needed below. Now, your parser for this is quite simple:

1.scan through and pull out all the JSON parts to set some internal variables. In short, JSON blocks are signalled by a curly braces, each opening and closing alone on a line alone, as normal.

2.What is left is prose, which needs to be checked for pairs of curly braces, holding parameters to be substituted. Curly braces are safe in this context because a prose legal contract wouldn’t need to use them (I hope!) so they are available for simple parsing.

3.Feel free to add some colour or mild formatting to accentuate the slightly smart activity that is going on.

这是原始文本,下面需要一些额外的比特值。 现在你的解析器非常简单:




This is simple, but not too simple like the earlier arrangements. JSON is good for parameters but lousy at readable text; prose is hopeless for parameters, but claims great readability.


As simple as possible, but no simpler


Mixing prose & params together in a hybrid creates a simple, computer-readable and human-readable contract that can now be varied and used in different contexts. Our primary goal is still intact - the contract remains no more difficult for a human to read than the original prose; any unreadability that is left over is probably due to the original text, but lawyers have to help us there with plain language contracts (please!).



We could of course use any number of formats. I’ve used INI format in the past. You could use LaTeX or XML, but I won’t be so rude as to inflict those abominations on you in this post! The point here to remember is (a) the purpose of this is first, foremost and always to make the text readable by humans, especially those who don’t spend their life deep in code and technics, and (b) keep it as simple as possible, but no simpler ;-)

我们当然可以使用任意数量的格式。 我过去使用过INI格式。 你可以使用LaTeX或XML,但我不会那么粗鲁,不能在这篇帖子中给你带来这些麻烦的东西! 这里要记住的几点是:(a)这首先是最重要的目的是让人们可以阅读文本,特别是那些不会在代码和技术上花费很多精力的人,以及(b)尽可能的简约,但不简单;-)

Having laid down the basic idea of how, my next post will be a brief discussion on why getting the document nailed down matters in the hard-core digital transaction sense, before returning to the Constitution.


End notes:

for further reading, see the original paper Ricardian contract(http://iang.org/papers/ricardian_contract.html ). The Clack et al paper Smart Contract Templates: foundations, design landscape and research directions(https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00771 ) presents current thinking. The most advanced thinking on a clause editor I have seen is at Common Accord(https://CommonAccord.org ). For smart contracts and objectification of blockchain contracts see The Sum of all Chains(http://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001556.html ) and in video(http://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001556.html ) but that takes us chasing Alice down the rabbithole.




We are EOShenzhen











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