
Spoken English

1. What can you tell me about yourself?

Good morning, teachers. I am glad to be here for this interview. My name is XXX, I am 22 years old. My hometown is ZZZ, PPP Province. I will graduate from XXX University in July this year, and majoring in Software Engineering.

Both of my parents are farmers. Just like them, I strive to be an honest and modest boy. I always believe we should sense any change for self-development, and we will have good prospect.

In the past three years, most of my time has been spent on study and campus activities. I study hard, my grades are class first and my average grade of 89.72 in three years. I received a number of honors such as national scholarship, national encouragement scholarship and three-virtue students. In November last year, as the only student representative to Peking University, I attended the 80th anniversary of the Southwest United University.

During my undergraduate period, I mainly focused on web application development. I also learned about Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I eventually found that I was interested in Deep Reinforcement Learning, so I very much hope to study this direction at YYY University.

That’s all about me, thanks for your listening.

2. Describe your personality?

Generally speaking, I am usually a bit introverted, but also because of this I will be more serious about my work and will be more careful about what I can do to make it more perfect. I think such a character is suitable for scientific research.


3. What is your greatest strength?

I think my greatest strength lies in attention to details and a sense of responsibility. Once I initiate a project, I always try my personal best to make a thorough preparation so as to ensure an optimal effect.


4. What is your greatest weakness?

Well, I would pay great attention to details. So at the same time, it is easy for me to get struct in some dead end, or take significantly unnecessary pains to study some minor or even trivial parts.


5. Describe <u>one of</u> your hobbies?

In my spare time, I enjoy reading literature novels, Usually find some good books to buy reading in Dangdang, Amazon or Douban. Then write a book review, notes in Jianshu. Secondly, I also enjoy long-distance jogging, Coz it not only helps me to keep fit, but exercise my stamina. What is more important, it helps me to get relaxed and offers me a great chance to temporarily get away from my academic workload.


6. Whats your favorite sports?


7. Where are your from?

I come from ZZZ, PPP Province, and will graduate from XXX University.

我来自PPPZZZ,毕业于XXX 大学。

8. How do you like your hometown?

Firstly, my hometown is basically no pollution, so the environment is very good. Secondly, my hometown has a pleasant climate and is very suitable for living. Finally, there are many ethnic minorities in my hometown, I can access to the diverse national culture.


9. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown?

Water-Splashing Festival is the New Year in the Dai calendar, and also a festival with the largest influence and maximum participating population among lots of minority festivals in PPP Province. In this festival, They will begin to splash water with one another for wishing luck, happiness and health. The more water one person is sprinkled, the more luck he receives, and the happier he will be.

泼水节是傣族的新年,也是PPP省众多少数民族节日中影响力最大,参与人口最多的节日。 在这个节日里,他们将开始互相泼水,祝运气,快乐和健康。 一个人撒上的水越多,他获得的运气越多,他会更幸福。

10. Could you tell me something about your family?

My family has X people, (grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother and me). My Grandparents at home, my parents are YYY, my brother is ZZZ, And I am about to get a bachelor's degree and start my post graduate study.


11. What do you think about living together with your parents?

I think living with my parents offers a lot of benefits, like they take care of everything for me, so I can focus on my study better, however, if I don’t live with them, I can enjoy better freedom and exercise my independence, so given the choice, I will still choose to live alone.


12. What is your major? How do you like your major?

Today, the software has already become science and the technique each realms indispensability part. The evolution of the software technique gets behind with the hardware technique far and far, software can't be reused and the fertility lowly etc. problems excessively. However, software engineering is getting more and more attention, I believe in the near future, software engineering will make better progress. I am very interested in programming, so I really like my profession.


13. Have you ever worked during the vacation?

Yeah, it is my habit to taking part time or internship during summer or winter vacation. I think taking part time is a good way for us to be financially independent and accumulate social experience.

是的,我习惯在寒暑假期间参加一些专业相关的兼职或实习。 我认为兼职工作对于我们实现财务独立,积累社会经验。

14. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?

I will graduate from XXX University in July this year., I always tried my best to live up to my school motto of “Faithful and Fortitude”. And I think I have obtained qualities like honesty, modesty, diligence and attention to details.

我即将于今年7月毕业于XXX 大学,我尽自己的努力去践行我们学校的校训“刚毅坚卓”。我认为我拥有诚信、谦虚、勤奋的好品质和关注细节的能力。

15. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?

Friendship is the most indispensable part in my life. I have a lot of friends, and they share happiness and sorrows with me. I especially would like to make friends with people who are optimistic, humorous and smart.

友谊是我生命中最不可缺少的部分。 我有很多朋友,他们和我分享快乐和悲伤。 我特别想与那些乐观,幽默和聪明的人交朋友。

16. What impressed you most when you were at university?

I think the biggest impact on me was to Peking University to attend the 80th anniversary of the Southwest United University last November, the meeting came a large number of well-known alumni, the Nobel Prize Yang Zhenning, the National Science and Technology Award winner Zheng Zhemin recalled and described the hard conditions at that time and everyone's efforts made me realize that there is a better environment and we also need to work harder to serve the country in this day.


17. Why did you choose our university?

Well, Firstly,YYY University is a really prestigious institute, it boasts of along history, good reputation and rigorous academic atmosphere. Secondly, college teachers are also very capable, Often see the college teacher's open source project in GitHub and Open course in Netease open course. Finally, Seniors are also very enthusiastic, often give us answers to questions, to introduce our professional knowledge. So I choose YYY University since last year and I didn’t consider other schools. I very much hope to study at YYY University.


18. What do you intend to do after you finish post graduate study?

I haven’t thought that far after graduation. So my plan is to study well in my post graduate years and make some academic contribution in my field if possible, then, after graduation, I want to study for a doctorate, perhaps, to work in a big company.


19. What kind of features does the best university possess in your opinion?

In my opinion, YYY University is the paradigm of best university on earth. It enjoys a really prestigious reputation, possessing the most advanced research facilities and best professors and students in China, the academic atmosphere is rigorous and democratic, plus, the campus is charming and beautiful.


20. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies?

There may be challenges, like the competition will be harsher, students who get admitted by YYY University must be elite students selected from their own schools, so each of us will have to face stronger academic rivals.


21. 补充1:提问时没听清时

Excuse me, I can’t quite follow you. Would you please say it again.

Sorry, I beg you pardon.

22. 补充2:一时语塞或找不到准确的表达时,可用相对模糊的词语替代

As you know, …

You know, …

23. 补充3:修正口误或者发现跑题时拉回

To be more exact, …

In another word, …

个人考研经验分享: https://www.jianshu.com/p/3c6939a486a8

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