笃学奖--热身--B19207--Five  reading  myths

DAY 1     Words &phrases


①an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true 〔许多人相信的〕错误观念;荒诞说法



[+ of ]the myth of male superiority


myth that

It was important to dispel the myth that Aids was a gay disease.


②an ancient story, especially one invented in order to explain natural or historical events 〔古代的〕神话

→ mythology ; urban myth

a book of Greek myths


the giants of myth and fairytale


[+ of ]the myth of Orpheus



to form an idea 形成概念,使概念化

How do older people conceptualize their health?


It's hard to conceptualize the finished building.




①blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly

「SYN」 stopper  /  stopple

②a wad of something chewable as tobacco

「SYN」 chew  /  chaw  /  cud

③blatant or sensational promotion

「SYN」 ballyhoo  /  hoopla  /  hype


①fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug

plug the hole

②persist in working hard

Students must plug away at this problem

③deliver a quick blow to

「例句」The plug on my iron needs changing.      我熨斗上的插头需要更换了。

an electric plug电源插头

「SYN 」socket especially BrE AmE 【尤英,非正式】 【美】

put/get in a plug (for sth)

During the show she managed to put in a plug for her new book.


*plug the gap

to provide something that is needed, because there is not enough 填补空缺

With so few trained doctors, paramedics were brought in to plug the gap.                      训练有素的医生很少,所以引进了医务辅助人员来填补空缺。  



①the reasoning involved when you assume the conclusion is true and reason backward to the evidence

②returning to a former state


①go back to a statistical means

②go back to a previous state

③get worse or fall back to a previous condition


The night regressed into utter silence and solitude.             黑夜重归孤寂。

If your child regresses to babyish behaviour, all you know for certain is that the child is under stress.



with obstinate determination


Find your passion, and pursue it doggedly.



①in appearance

Chairs should be visually attractive as well as comfortable.


②visually impaired

unable to see normally – used especially when you want to be polite about this condition           → blind

③in a way that involves the eyes

The process is easy to understand when it is demonstrated visually.



①against religious rules, or doing something that is against religious rules

→ wicked

Dancing was believed to be sinful.


a wicked, sinful man


②very wrong or bad

a sinful waste of taxpayers’ money




①growth by the rapid multiplication of parts

②a rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons)

the proliferation of nuclear weapons


「N-UNCOUNT 」Perusal of something such as a letter, article, or document is the action of reading it.

They undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.



①to give someone or something a less important position than before formal 降低…的地位;贬低

*relegate sb/sth to sth

Women tended to be relegated to typing and filing jobs.


②if a sports team is relegated, it is moved into a lower division 将〔运动队〕降级


*relegate sth/sb to sth

We were relegated to the Fourth Division last year.




①to eat small amounts of food by taking very small bites 啃;一点一点地咬[吃]

He nibbled the biscuit cautiously.


[+ at ]

There’s a fish nibbling at my bait.


[+ on ]

He nibbled on a piece of raw carrot.



①[C] a small bite of something 一小口

[+ of ]

She took a nibble of her cookie.



[plural 复数] small things to eat, like crisps and peanuts,especially at a party informal 〔尤指聚会上的〕小吃

③[singular 单数] a small amount of interest in something 对某事略微的兴趣

We’ve had the house on the market for a month and not even had a nibble yet.



「注」动词读作dɪˈdʒɛst    名词读作ˈdaɪdʒɛst

①When food digests or when you digest it, it passes through your body to your stomach. Your stomach removes the substances that your body needs and gets rid of the rest.

Do not undertake strenuous exercise for a few hours after a meal to allow food to digest.饭后几小时内不要做剧烈运动,以让食物消化。

She couldn't digest food properly.                  她无法正常消化食物。

②If you digest information, you think about it carefully so that you understand it.

They learn well but seem to need time to digest information.


③If you digest some unpleasant news, you think about it until you are able to accept it and know how to deal with it.

All this has upset me. I need time to digest it all.这一切让我心烦意乱。我需要时间来承受。


not  serious, important, or valuable

a trivial sum一笔极小的金额

Her feelings for Simon seemed trivial by comparison .


「搭配」trivial problem/matter/complaint etc

We were punished for the most trivial offences.我们稍有过错就会受到惩罚。



a way of printing letters that makes them thicker and darker than normal technical


to print (textual matter) in italic type 用斜体字印刷


①a situation in which someone has to leave their job, because they are no longer needed

「SYN 」lay-off BrE 【英】

The closure of the export department resulted in over 100 redundancies.


Two thousand workers now face redundancy.

2,000 名工人现在面临失业。

voluntary/compulsory redundancy

We were offered a £3,000 cash bonus to take voluntary redundancy.


②when something is not used because something similar or the same already exists

In addition, each piece can be clustered so that you have redundancy at the layer level.



①doing or saying the same thing many times

Children used to learn by repetition.


[+ of ]The job involved the constant repetition of the same movements.


②something that happens again, especially something bad 再次发生的事〔尤指不好的事〕

[+ of ]a repetition of the same problem




to take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around something

Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.


absorb sth into sth

Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.



to read or hear a large amount of new information and understand it

Her capacity to absorb information is amazing.


③interest 兴趣

to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things

The movement and noise of the machines absorbed him completely.


be absorbed in sth

Judith lay on the settee, absorbed in her book.



to say something again in a different way, so that it is clearer or more strongly expressed

He is not changing the rules; he is simply restating the policy that was established last year.



1.Book-of-the-Month Club

The Book of the Month Club (founded 1926) is a United States subscription-based e-commerce service that offers a selection of five new hardcover books each month to its members.

2.Pavlvovian-like rereading


However, this is not to imply that an unthinking Pavlovian-like rereading is necessary to understand and retain materials.

Pavlvovian 经典条件反射,是一种关联性学习,巴甫洛夫将这种产生条件行为的学习形态描述为“动物对特定制约刺激的反映”。

DAY 2   Logical  lines





Sir Francis Bacon once said that some books are to be nibbled and tasted, some are to be swallowed whole, and a few need to be thoroughly chewed and digested no matter how trivial the content.




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