


Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning. Logicians have identified dozens of specific fallacies. However, we will limit our consideration to the most common ones. Like the other problems encountered in critical thinking, these errors occur when we approach issues carelessly. (The distinction between logical fallacies and the problems discussed in Chapters 6 through 13 is not a rigid one. Some logicians would consider certain of those problems logical fallacies.)




For an argument to be valid, the conclusion must follow logically from the premises(assertions). In fact, the conclusion must be inescapable. An illogical conclusion is one that does not follow at all or that does not necessarily follow. Here are some examples.


CONCLUSION: I've got to get even with Mary because she offended me without cause.

结论: 我必须报复玛丽,因为她无缘无故地冒犯了我。

COMMENT: Illogical conclusion. You don't have to respond as Mary did. You could choose to overlook or forgive the offense.


CONCLUSION: If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

结论: 如果枪是非法的,只有不法分子才会有枪支。 

COMMENT: Illogical conclusion. The police and the military would still have guns and, if the law so provided, so would any other people who met the new requirements for ownership.

评论: 不合逻辑的结论。警察和军方仍然会有枪支,如果法律规定如此,那么任何符合所有权新要求的其他人也是如此。

CONCLUSION: The Soviet government has never given their citizens any freedoms, so their recent moves toward democracy are clearly part of a plan to get us to let down our guard and become vulnerable to attack.

结论 :苏联政府从未给予公民任何自由,所以他们最近走向民主的行动显然是让我们放松警惕,变得容易受到攻击的计划的一部分。 

COMMENT: illogical conclusion. The conclusion reached here is one possible conclusion among several. But there is insufficient evidence to consider it probable, let alone certain. The Soviet government may instead be responding to internal social pressures or to harsh economic penalties of collectivism and repression.

评论: 不合逻辑的结论。这里得出的结论是几个可能的结论之一。但没有足够的证据来考虑这种可能性,更不用说确定了。相反,苏联政府可能会对内部社会压力做出反应,或者对集体主义和镇压进行严厉的经济处罚。


二选一(不是  就是 )的想法

This fallacy consists of believing that the only views one can take of an issue are extreme views. According to this belief, for example, we must be either for abortion on demand or against abortion in all cases; in favor of retaining the welfare system in its present form or abolishing it altogether. Yet it is perfectly possible to endorse abortion in some cases but not in others and to oppose welfare abuses without denying the need for welfare. To deny ourselves the opportunity even to consider moderate views on issues is to condemn ourselves to unreasonableness on most issues. Extreme views are seldom reasonable views.


This does not mean that we should be wishy-washy or compromise matters of principle. If the most sensible view of an issue is total affirmation or rejection, then that is the view we should take. But we should not allow the either-or fallacy to force us to that view.




There are times when the character of a person is the issue under discussion; for example, in cases where a member of Congress is being investigated for allegedly breaking or ethical violations. In such cases, it is appropriate to focus our argument on the person. However, in cases where the issue is an idea, it is inappropriate to focus on the person.

有时候一个人的性格是讨论中的问题; 例如,在国会议员因涉嫌违法或违反道德规范而被调查的情况下。在这种情况下,把我们的观点集中在这个人身上是恰当的。但是,在问题是一个想法或观点的情况下,关注该人的人身问题是不合适的。

Consider the issue of whether nuclear power plants are a danger to human beings and the environment. Among the supporters of those plants (as among the opponents) there are, presumably, informed people and uninformed, honest and dishonest, emotionally balanced and emotionally unbalanced. If we find a supporter who is uninformed, dishonest and emotionally unbalanced, what does that tell us about his side of the issue? Nothing at all. It might still be the most reasonable view. The only way to make a decision about an issue is to analyze the issue itself.

思考核电厂是否对人类和环境构成危险的问题。在这些工厂的支持者(作为对手之中)中,大概有人知情,有人不知情,诚实和不诚实,情绪平衡和情绪失衡。如果我们发现一个不知情的,不诚实的和情绪不平衡的支持者,那这些对我们了解他对该问题的观点有用么? 一点都没有。 这可能仍然是最合理的看法。做出关于问题的决定的唯一方法是分析问题本身。



Also known as argument from ignorance, this fallacy consists of demanding that others disprove our assertions. Whenever we make an assertion, it is our responsibility to support it, not other people's to refute it. (They may, of course, choose to refute it if they wish.) And the more our assertion departs from what knowledgeable people believe, the greater is our responsibility to support it.



虚假原因 (因果谬误)

It is perfectly natural to wonder "Why did this happen?" in fact, one mark of a critical thinker is that she asks this question more frequently than others do. However, she realizes that mere closeness in time does not prove a cause and effect relationship. In other words, one event can follow another by coincidence and thus be entirely unrelated to it.

想知道“为什么会发生这种情况?”是很自然的事情。事实上,批判性思想家的一个标志是,她比其他人更频繁地提出这个问题。但是,她意识到仅仅靠近时间并不能证明是因果关系。换句话说,一个事件可以 巧合地 紧紧跟随另一个事件发生,因此完全与它无关。

The fallacy of false cause occurs when coincidence is ignored. It consists of thinking, "If B occurred after A, A must have caused B." This error is undoubtedly the basis of most superstitions. Misfortune befalls someone shortly after he walks under a ladder, or breaks a mirror, or has a black cat cross his path, and judges that even to be responsible for the misfortune.


Sam is in the habit of arriving late to English class. Yesterday the professor told him that the next time he was tardy, he would be refused admission. Today Sam got a composition back with a grade of D. He reasons the professor gave him a low grade out of anger over Sam's lateness. Sam has committed the fallacy of false cause. Maybe the professor did lower the grade for that reason, maybe not. Without additional evidence, Sam should withhold judgment.




As the term implies, straw man is an argument without substance. This fallacy consists of pretending one's adversary has said something false and then proceeding to demonstrate that it is false. Suppose you are debating whether legislation should be enacted restricting the sale of assault weapons. You state that you support such legislation because assault weapons are designed, not for hunting or even for self-defense but for killing people, often indiscriminately. Your opponent responds, "So you believe you should decide what weapons are acceptable and what weapons aren't. It's exactly this kind of arrogance by self-appointed social reformers that everyone who lives the constitutions should fear."


Your opponent has committed the straw man fallacy. Perhaps she did so consciously to put you on the defensive. (The best response is to point out what she has done:"First you put irresponsible words in my mouth and then you say I'm irresponsible. I'd prefer to hear your reaction to what I really said."




Irrational appeals urge us to accept ideas at face value or on some other basis than reasonableness. They are considered logical fallacies because they say, in effect, "You don't have to think about this matter – there is no danger of error here." And that is itself, a serious error. The danger of error always exists, and thinking critically is the best way to minimize that danger.

结论无据非理性的上诉因为他们实际上说:“你不必考虑这个问题 - 这里肯定没有错误的危险。” 而这本身就是一个严重的错误。错误的危险总是存在,批判性思考是最大限度地减少这种危险的最佳方式。

Irrational appeals usually take one of the following forms:


Appeal to emotion. this appeal urges the uncritical acceptance of strong feelings; for example, love of family or country, fear, resentment, guilt.

呼吁情感 。这一呼吁敦促不加批判地接受强烈的感情; 例如,对家庭或国家的爱,恐惧,怨恨,内疚。【打感情牌】

Appeal to Tradition or Faith.This appeal urges maintaining past customs or beliefs not because they are applicable to the present situation, but merely because they have always been maintained.

呼吁传统或信仰。 这一呼吁敦促维护过去的习俗或信仰,并非因为它们适用于目前的情况,而仅仅是因为它们一直得到维护。【说民俗】

Appeal to Moderation. An appeal to moderation urges a moderate view not because it is the most reasonable view, but merely because it is inoffensive to anyone.

呼吁适度 。对温和的呼吁促使温和的观点不是因为它是最合理的观点,而仅仅是因为它对任何人都是无害的。【寻求和解调解】

Appeal to Authority. This appeal urges the unquestioning acceptance of an authority's view. The authority may be a person, a book or document, or an agency (such as the Supreme Court).

呼吁管理局。 这一呼吁敦促毫无疑问地会导致接受一个当局的观点。当局可能是一个人,一本书或文件,或一个机构(如最高法院)。【寻求专家意见】

Appeal to Common Sense. This appeal is often accompanied by such phrases as "everyone knows that" "no reasonable person would deny that," and "its common sense." (Many ideas that were at one time accepted as common sense– such as sacrificing young virgins to ensure a good harvest and abandoning deformed babies to die – are now recognized as uncommon nonsense or worse.)

呼吁常识 。这种诉求通常伴随着“每个人都知道”,“没有合理的人会否认这一点”,“这是常识”等短语。(许多曾经被认为是常识的想法 - 比如牺牲年轻的处女以确保丰收和放弃畸形的婴儿让其死亡 - 现在被认为是不是常识或更糟的。)

Appeals to emotion, tradition, faith, moderation, authority, or common sense are not necessarily irrational. In many cases they are rational – that is, they invite, rather than discourage, critical thinking. Be sure to distinguish between rational and irrational appeals whenever you evaluate issues.

对情感,传统,信仰,节制,权威或常识的诉求并不一定非理性。在很多情况下,他们都是理性的 - 也就是说,他们邀请而不是阻止批判性思维。无论何时评估问题,都一定要区分理性和非理性的诉求。



Its tempting to think that if we find errors, we automatically disprove the conclusion. That's not so. The conclusion may be reasonable in spite of the errors. Whenever you examine an issue remember that, as important as it is to recognize and avoid errors, your main objective is to find the most reasonable, supportable view.




Examine each of the following arguments carefully. If you are uninformed about the issue it addresses, do some research. Then decide which view of the issue is most reasonable. Be alert for logical fallacies in the arguments themselves and avoid committing fallacies in your reasoning.


I never vote in national elections. I figure that my vote will be canceled by someone else's. Besides, all politicians are going to rob the public so it doesn't matter who get selected.


Dog fighting is a sport in which two specially trained dogs (often, but not always, pit bull terriers) do combat until one is killed or badly maimed. It is illegal in most states. But should it be? I say no. if I own a dog, it's my property and I should be able to do whatever I wish with it.


Affirmative action originated as system to overcome the effects of years of prejudice against minorities. But it has created discrimination against the majority. I favor eliminating affirmative action requirements and returning to the old system. For all its imperfections, it's far better than what we have now.


Whenever Americans buy automobiles, clothing, and electronic equipment from other countries, they undermine American business and hurt American workers. Patriotism demands that we refrain from buying from foreign competitors even when their prices are lower and their quality is higher.


It's absurd to believe in life after death because no one has ever returned from the grave.


 Women in the military should be required to undergo the same physical training men do. They should also not be exempted from frontline duty.


In 1982, New York State SocialServices officials directed local adoption agencies not to reject applicants solely because they are homosexual or have a history of alcoholism or drug abuse, a criminal record, a dependency on welfare, or a severe emotional or physical handicap.


Every knowledgeable person agrees that the nation's court system is seriously bogged down with cases and that something must be done to alleviate that condition. The best way to do so, I am convinced, is to dispense with the outdated concept of "innocent until proven guilty" and make all those charged with a crime prove their innocence.


It's ironic that during the very time when Pete Rose was being castigated for his alleged gambling on sports events (late spring, 1989), newspapers were filled with stories about Illinois and Pennsylvania lotteries and their respective $62.5 and $115 million jackpots. Millions of people were placing bets on those lotteries and dozens of other state lotteries, and that was regarded as perfectly legitimate. And yet a great baseball star was being threatened with disgrace and expulsion from the game he loved. The whole fiasco can be explained only in terms of monumental ignorance or hypocrisy.


For the last few decades, most Americans have swallowed the liberal line that everyone deserves a college education. As a result, college courses have been watered down and the college degree has been rendered meaningless. It's high time we adopt a more realistic view. College should be reserved for those who have not only taken a demanding high school program but have excelled in it.


Group discussion exercise: Select one of the cases you analyzed inapplication 1 and discuss it with two or three of your classmates. Try to reach a consensus, but be careful to avoid committing logical fallacies. Be prepared to present your idea(s) to the class.


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