
SEC files fraud suit against bitcoin startup owner



The US Securities and Exchange Commission has filed fraud charges against a UK citizen accused of bilking the investors of a bitcoin startup.


filed: 提出( file的过去式和过去分词 );把…归档;用锉锉;定案

has filed fraud charges against .... 对什么提起了欺诈指控

bilk [bɪlk] vt  蒙骗 诈骗

The  Securities and Exchange Commission has filed fraud charges against the company and the US Justice Department is also investigating the matter. 证券交易委员会对该公司提起了欺诈指控,司法部也正在调查此事。

According to court documents filed today, the SEC accused Renwick Haddow of misleading stakeholders who bought into two companies he founded: Bitcoin Shop Inc., which was advertised as a platform for trading bitcoin, and Bar Works, a co-working space company akin to WeWork. Concurrently, the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York is also pressing charges against Haddow.

根据今天提出的“法庭文件”,SEC控告 Renwick Haddow误导股票持有者(利益相关者)买进他创立的两家公司:Bitcoin Shop/Bar Works. 其中Bitcoin Shop的广告显示是一个比特币交易平台。Bar Works则是一个像WeWork的共享办工公司。同时,纽约南部的美国检察官办公室也在指控Haddow.

accuse v. 控告;指责    accused n.被告 adj.被控告的 ;  akin to——[əˈkɪn] adj. 相似的;同族的;同源的;关系密切的; Concurrently adv. 同时地

The SEC alleged that Haddow, who resides in New York, misrepresented key factors about the company's operation and the background of senior executives of Bitcoin Store Inc. who, according to the statement, "do not appear to exist" in an attempt to to allure potential investors.

SEC(证券交易委员会)声称Haddow(定居在纽约),故意歪曲关于公司运营和关于Bitcoin Store高管的背景。根据他的声明,“不存在”试图吸引潜在投资者。

allege ——[əˈledʒ]  vt.断言,宣称,辩解;提出…作为理由; She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group 她声称该团体中有大量的男性成员吸毒。misrepresent——[ˌmɪsˌreprɪˈzent]  vt. 歪曲,误传;诬告,把…颠倒黑白;不称职地代表  He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying 他说新闻媒体把他歪曲成了一个傲慢而又霸道的人。

divert  [daɪˈvɜ:t] vt. 使转移;娱乐;转移注意力  The government is trying to divert more public funds from west to east.政府正试图将更多的公共基金从西部转到东部。

Haddow – who the SEC said created a broker-dealer firm, called InCrowd Equity, without registering with the agency – was further accused of diverting funds raised from investors to bank accounts held outside of the country.

据SEC表示,Haddow未经注册创建了一家经纪人公司,叫InCrowd Equity。他将被进一步指控挪用从投资者那里募集来的资金,并转移到其它的国家开立的银行账户。

The SEC said today in a release:

"Haddow allegedly diverted more than 80 percent of the in funds raised by the broker-dealer for the Bitcoin Store, and sent more than $4 million from the Bar Works bank accounts to one or more accounts in Mauritius and $1 million to one or more accounts in Morocco."

“Haddow涉嫌挪用超过了80%的资金,这些资金通过经纪人募集用于比特币商店,同时从“Bar Works”银行账户发送超过400万美元在毛里求斯一个或多个帐户,超过100万美元在摩洛哥的一个或多个账户。”

allegedly—[ə'ledʒɪdlɪ] adv 据说;依其申述 (涉嫌)  A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea; 一名作家正控告导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格涉嫌剽窃了他的电影创意。

In court documents, the SEC noted that Haddow had previously received an eight-year disqualification in the UK from working as the director of a company, a ban stemming from his involvement with a firm called Branded Leisure plc.

在法庭文件中,SEC指出,Haddow曾收到一个长达8年,取消在英为做为公司直接领导人的资格,这个禁令原自他曾被卷入一家叫“Branded Leisure”的公司。

disqualification——n.剥夺资格,失格,不合格;无资格  Failure to abide by this rule results in immediate disqualification.未遵循此规则者将立即被取消参赛资格。                  stemming from——源于  stem ['stem] v.遏制[阻止](液体的流动等)( stem的现在分词 );封堵;遏止  The inspiration stemming from(源于 源自) his travels lasted the length of his career.由旅行得来的灵感伴随了他的整个职业生涯

The SEC also alleged that fake identities were employed by the accused firms. The court documents noted that the CEO of the startup is named Gordon Phillips, who appeared in promotional videos for the serviceAccording to a LinkedIn page, the profiled person used to work for HSBC in London and Hong Kong, as well as Deutsche Bank.

SEC还指控他用假身份受雇于被告公司。法庭文件指出,该公司CEO叫Gordon Phillips,曾为这个服务做过视频宣传根据LinkedIn主面的简历,他曾在香港和伦敦的汇丰银行、以及德意志银行工作过。

Yet the agency alleged that Gordon Phillips "never worked for HSBC or Deutsche Bank" and it believes the name is a fictitious one.

然而, 代理声称Gordon Phillips从来不曾在汇丰银行、德意志银行工作过,并且相信他的名字是虚构的。

Earlier this month, New York business publication Crain's reported on the collapse of Bar Works, noting that the firm is the subject of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as two investor-led lawsuits. A report in January, fromThe Real Deal, first suggested that fake identities were employed.

本月早些时候,纽约商务出版物Crain报道过“bar works”的崩溃/垮台,并指出,这个企业是由联邦调查局调查的对象(主体)以及两投资者主导的诉讼。一月的一份报告中,从真正的交易,首先建议采用假身份。

is the subject of ——是....的主题  But the more important issue is the subject of the documentary. 但更为重要的问题是这部纪录片的主题

The website www.bitcoinstore.global appears to be connected to the scheme. A press release published on the site in July 2015 showed that Bitcoin Store Inc., the exact name of the entity charged by the SEC, was trying to issue (发行)a convertible promissory notes with a coupon of 8% per annum in order to raise $1.825 million.


promissory notes本票,期票( promissory note的名词复数 )                                                coupon——有优惠券的意思,也有票息的意思

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