
  1. 基础用法:
<div id="app">
    <h1>Hello App!</h1>
        <!-- 使用 router-link 组件来导航. -->
        <!-- 通过传入 `to` 属性指定链接. -->
        <!-- <router-link> 默认会被渲染成一个 `<a>` 标签 -->
        <router-link to="/foo">Go to Foo</router-link>
        <router-link to="/bar">Go to Bar</router-link>
    <!-- 路由出口 -->
    <!-- 路由匹配到的组件将渲染在这里 -->

<template id='foo'>
    <p>this is foo!</p>
<template id='bar'>
    <p>this is bar!</p>
// 1. 定义(路由)组件。  
// 可以从其他文件 import 进来  
const Foo = { template:'#foo' };  
const Bar = { template:'#bar' };  
// 2. 定义路由  
// 每个路由应该映射一个组件。 其中"component" 可以是  
// 通过 Vue.extend() 创建的组件构造器,  
// 或者,只是一个组件配置对象。  
const routes = [  
    { path: '/foo', component: Foo },  
    { path: '/bar', component: Bar }  
// 3. 创建 router 实例,然后传 `routes` 配置  
// 你还可以传别的配置参数, 不过先这么简单着吧。  
const router = new VueRouter({ routes:routes });  
// 4. 创建和挂载根实例。  
// 记得要通过 router 配置参数注入路由,  
// 从而让整个应用都有路由功能  
const app = new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app');  
  1. 动态路由匹配:
<div id="app">  
    <h1>Hello App!</h1>  
        <router-link to="/user/foo/post/123">Go to Foo</router-link>  
        <router-link to="/user/bar/post/456">Go to Bar</router-link>  
<template id='user'>  
    <p>User:{{ $ }},Post:{{$route.params.post_id}}</p>  
// 1. 定义组件。  
const User = {  
// 2. 创建路由实例 (可设置多段路径参数)  
const router = new VueRouter({  
        { path:'/user/:id/post/:post_id',component:User }  
//3. 创建和挂载根实例  
const app = new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app');  
  1. 嵌套路由:
<div id="app">  
    <h1>Hello App!</h1>  
        <router-link to="/user/foo">Go to Foo</router-link>  
        <router-link to="/user/foo/profile">Go to profile</router-link>  
        <router-link to="/user/foo/posts">Go to posts</router-link>  
<template id='user'>  
        <h2>User:{{ $ }}</h2>  
<template id="userHome">  
<template id="userProfile">  
<template id="userPosts">  
// 1. 定义组件。  
const User = {  
const UserHome = {  
const UserProfile = {  
const UserPosts = {  
// 2. 创建路由实例  
const router = new VueRouter({  
        { path:'/user/:id', component:User,  
                // 当 /user/:id 匹配成功,  
                // UserHome 会被渲染在 User 的 <router-view> 中  
                { path: '', component: UserHome},  
                // 当 /user/:id/profile 匹配成功,  
                // UserProfile 会被渲染在 User 的 <router-view> 中  
                { path:'profile', component:UserProfile },  
                // 当 /user/:id/posts 匹配成功  
                // UserPosts 会被渲染在 User 的 <router-view> 中  
                { path: 'posts', component: UserPosts }  
//3. 创建和挂载根实例  
const app = new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app');  
  1. 编程式路由:
<div id="app">  
    <h1>Hello App!</h1>  
        <router-link to="/user/foo">Go to Foo</router-link>  
<template id='user'>  
    <h2>User:{{ $ }}</h2>  
<template id="register">  
// 1. 定义组件。  
const User = {  
const Register = {  
// 2. 创建路由实例  
const router = new VueRouter({  
        { path:'/user/:id', component:User },  
        { path:'/register', component:Register }  
//3. 创建和挂载根实例  
const app = new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app');  
router.push({ path: 'register', query: { plan: 'private' }});  
  1. 命名路由:
<div id="app">  
    <h1>Named Routes</h1>  
    <p>Current route name: {{ $ }}</p>  
        <li><router-link :to="{ name: 'home' }">home</router-link></li>  
        <li><router-link :to="{ name: 'foo' }">foo</router-link></li>  
        <li><router-link :to="{ name: 'bar', params: { id: 123 }}">bar</router-link></li>  
    <router-view class="view"></router-view>  
<template id='home'>  
    <div>This is Home</div>  
<template id='foo'>  
    <div>This is Foo</div>  
<template id='bar'>  
    <div>This is Bar {{ $ }}</div>  
const Home = { template: '#home' };  
const Foo = { template: '#foo' };  
const Bar = { template: '#bar' };  
const router = new VueRouter({  
    routes: [  
        { path: '/', name: 'home', component: Home },  
        { path: '/foo', name: 'foo', component: Foo },  
        { path: '/bar/:id', name: 'bar', component: Bar }  
new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app');  
  1. 命名视图:
<div id="app">  
    <router-link to="/">Go to Foo</router-link>  
    <router-view class="view one"></router-view>  
    <router-view class="view two" name="a"></router-view>  
    <router-view class="view three" name="b"></router-view>  
<template id='foo'>  
    <div>This is Foo</div>  
<template id='bar'>  
    <div>This is Bar {{ $ }}</div>  
<template id='baz'>  
    <div>This is baz</div>  
const Foo = { template: '#foo' };  
const Bar = { template: '#bar' };  
const Baz = { template: '#baz' };  
const router = new VueRouter({  
    routes: [  
            path: '/',  
            components: {  
new Vue({ router:router }).$mount('#app');  
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