
旅游计划 Travel
1.announcement 宣布
Please listen to the following announcement for important traffic information.

2.apology 道歉
Our apologies for delay. Boarding will commence immediately(登机将立即开始).

3.complimentary 赠送的 [ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri]
During your layover, please enjoy a complimentary drink in the airport lounge.

layover[ˈleɪoʊvər] : 中途停顿,终点停车处,中断(逗留)期间,津贴
lounge [laʊndʒ] : (机场等的)等候室

4.delay 延迟
Delays can be expected for commuter on major highways during peak hours.
expected [ɪkˈspektɪd]
commuter [kəˈmjuːtər]

5.detour 绕道 [ˈdiːtʊr]
The road is closed for contruction,so all vehicles must make a detour.

6.disruption [中断]
The strike at public transit has caused major disruption for commuters.

7.economy class 经济舱
Our company policy states that all staff must fly economy class.

8.faulty 故障的
Faulty brakes were the most likely cause of the bus accident.

9.immigration 移民
Immigration offices have the authority to deny travelers entry into a country.

10.inconvenience 不便
Apologies for the inconvenience ,but we need to inspect all carry-on luggage.

11.Information desk 询问处
Train departure and arrival schedules can be obtained at the information desk.

12.mechanical problem 机械问题
Our flights was postponed because of mechanical problem with one of the engines.

13.Platform 站台
The express train will be arriving at Platform 5 in two minutes.

14.Route 路线
As we have a very tight schedule,a more direct route would be preferred.

15.Terminal 航站
For international departure, please go to the second floor of Terminal 2.

1.Admit 允许
Passengers will not be admitted on the aircraft without the correct documentation .

2.Check 检查
It is standard procedure for customs officers to check passenger luggage.

3.Compare 对照
Compared with the old one, the new bus terminal is much more conveninent.

4.Delay 耽搁
We were delayed at customs and missed our connecting flight.

5.Depend on 依靠
Passengers depend on the captain and flight crew for in-flight safety.

6.Entitle 给...权力
Passengers are entitled to bring two bottles of duty-free alcohol through customs.

  1. Focus on 集中于
    City Transit has been focusing on improving services and reducing travel delays.

8.Improve 改进
E-tickets have been indroduced to improve passenger check-in efficiency.

  1. Protest 保护
    Airbags can protest motorists from injury in the event of an accident.

10.Reflect 反射;反映
To ensure visibility at night,road signs are designed to reflect light.

11.Satisfy 满足
Satisfying passengers without outstanding service is the key to building brand loyalty.

12.Seek 寻找
Travelers seeking current visa information should consult a local embassy.

13.Suspend 中止
Flights to Sydney will be suspended in April due to low passenger volume.

14.Understand 了解
Make sure that you understand the fare rules before purchasing a ticket.

15.Verify 查验
The immigration officers will verify that your passport and visa are valid.
immigration officers 入境事务主任

1.To ensure your safety, all vehicles are checked monthly for any potential problems.

2.Increased security measures at international airports will most likely result in significant delays for travelers.
significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt]

3.The airport renovations should be completed by early August if everything goes according to plan.
August [ˈɔːɡəst]
renovations [ˈrɛnəˌveɪʃənz] 革新;翻修;修整
completed [kəmˈpliːtɪd]
plan [plæn]

4.The maintenance crew is having difficulty determining the cause of the system malfunction.
maintenance crew 维修队;地勤组;保全组 [ˈmeɪntənəns kruː]
determining 测定 [dɪˈtɜːrmɪnɪŋ]
malfunction [ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn] 运转失常;失灵;出现故障 n&v

5.The tour operator neglected to mention that the air conditioning system on the bus was not working properly.
operator 操作人员 [ˈɑːpəreɪtər]
neglected [nɪˈɡlektɪd]
properly 适当地 [ˈprɑːpərli]

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