XCode12.5 ReactNative环境报错:Cannot initialize a parameter of type ‘NSArray<id<RCTBridgeModule>>


post_install do |installer|
## Fix for XCode 12.5
  "_initializeModules:(NSArray<id<RCTBridgeModule>> *)modules", 
  "_initializeModules:(NSArray<Class> *)modules")

def find_and_replace(dir, findstr, replacestr)
  Dir[dir].each do |name|
      text = File.read(name)
      replace = text.gsub(findstr,replacestr)
      if text != replace
          puts "Fix: " + name
          File.open(name, "w") { |file| file.puts replace }
  Dir[dir + '*/'].each(&method(:find_and_replace))

然后pod install即可。

第二个方法:如果没有podfile文件,可以直接替换RCTCxxBridge.mm里的- (void)registerAdditionalModuleClasses方法替换成:


RCTTurboModuleManager.mm文件里- (id<RCTTurboModule>)provideRCTTurboModule里出错的地方替换成:



2021.9.29 贴出源码:

- (void)registerAdditionalModuleClasses:(NSArray<Class> *)modules
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(_moduleRegistryLock);
  if (_moduleRegistryCreated) {
    NSArray<RCTModuleData *> *newModules = [self _initializeModules:modules withDispatchGroup:NULL lazilyDiscovered:YES];
    assert(_reactInstance); // at this point you must have reactInstance as you already called reactInstance->initialzeBridge
    _reactInstance->getModuleRegistry().registerModules(createNativeModules(newModules, self, _reactInstance));
  } else {
    [self registerModulesForClasses:modules];
  1. RCTTurboModuleManager.mm文件文件里provideRCTTurboModule函数:
- (id<RCTTurboModule>)provideRCTTurboModule:(const char *)moduleName
  Class moduleClass;
  id<RCTTurboModule> module = nil;

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_rctTurboModuleCacheLock);

    auto rctTurboModuleCacheLookup = _rctTurboModuleCache.find(moduleName);
    if (rctTurboModuleCacheLookup != _rctTurboModuleCache.end()) {
      return rctTurboModuleCacheLookup->second;

    if (_invalidating) {
      // Don't allow creating new instances while invalidating.
      return nil;

     * Step 2a: Resolve platform-specific class.
    if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(getModuleClassFromName:)]) {
      moduleClass = [_delegate getModuleClassFromName:moduleName];

    if (!moduleClass) {
      moduleClass = getFallbackClassFromName(moduleName);

    if (![moduleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTTurboModule)]) {
      return nil;

     * Step 2b: Ask hosting application/delegate to instantiate this class
    if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(getModuleInstanceFromClass:)]) {
      module = [_delegate getModuleInstanceFromClass:moduleClass];
    } else {
      module = [moduleClass new];

    if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(setTurboModuleLookupDelegate:)]) {
      [module setTurboModuleLookupDelegate:self];

    _rctTurboModuleCache.insert({moduleName, module});

   * It is reasonable for NativeModules to not want/need the bridge.
   * In such cases, they won't have `@synthesize bridge = _bridge` in their
   * implementation, and a `- (RCTBridge *) bridge { ... }` method won't be
   * generated by the ObjC runtime. The property will also not be backed
   * by an ivar, which makes writing to it unsafe. Therefore, we check if
   * this method exists to know if we can safely set the bridge to the
   * NativeModule.
  if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(bridge)] && _bridge) {
     * Just because a NativeModule has the `bridge` method, it doesn't mean
     * that it has synthesized the bridge in its implementation. Therefore,
     * we need to surround the code that sets the bridge to the NativeModule
     * inside a try/catch. This catches the cases where the NativeModule
     * author specifies a `bridge` method manually.
    @try {
       * RCTBridgeModule declares the bridge property as readonly.
       * Therefore, when authors of NativeModules synthesize the bridge
       * via @synthesize bridge = bridge;, the ObjC runtime generates
       * only a - (RCTBridge *) bridge: { ... } method. No setter is
       * generated, so we have have to rely on the KVC API of ObjC to set
       * the bridge property of these NativeModules.
      [(id)module setValue:_bridge forKey:@"bridge"];
    } @catch (NSException *exception) {
          @"%@ has no setter or ivar for its bridge, which is not "
           "permitted. You must either @synthesize the bridge property, "
           "or provide your own setter method.",

   * Some modules need their own queues, but don't provide any, so we need to create it for them.
   * These modules typically have the following:
   *   `@synthesize methodQueue = _methodQueue`
  if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(methodQueue)]) {
    dispatch_queue_t methodQueue = [module performSelector:@selector(methodQueue)];
    if (!methodQueue) {
      NSString *moduleClassName = NSStringFromClass(module.class);
      NSString *queueName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.facebook.react.%@Queue", moduleClassName];
      methodQueue = dispatch_queue_create(queueName.UTF8String, DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
      @try {
        [(id)module setValue:methodQueue forKey:@"methodQueue"];
      } @catch (NSException *exception) {
            @"TM: %@ is returning nil for its methodQueue, which is not "
             "permitted. You must either return a pre-initialized "
             "queue, or @synthesize the methodQueue to let the bridge "
             "create a queue for you.",

   * Broadcast that this TurboModule was created.
   * TODO(T41180176): Investigate whether we can get rid of this after all
   * TurboModules are rolled out
  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
                  userInfo:@{@"module" : module, @"bridge" : RCTNullIfNil(_bridge.parentBridge)}];
  return module;

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