

Condition-Orientated Programming (COP) is subdomain of contract-orientated programming, and sits as a hybrid approach between functional and imperative programming. Done properly it is a tool in your arsenal for writing safe, secure contracts. It helps make your contract code comprehensively auditable and — loosely speaking — informally provable to have correct run-time operation.


COP is not language specific; it is more of a loose methodology than particular syntax. However, with its function modifiers and events, it is particularly well-suited to the Solidity language.
Simply put, COP has just one main aim:
Function bodies should have no conditional paths.
Or alternatively:
Never mix transitions with conditions.


This may seem like a difficult goal to achieve for an imperative language, since conditional paths are how you achieve the rich state-transitions which allow interesting operational dynamics. To achieve it, we try to split all conditions apart from the state-transitions that they guard. We name each independently and combine to form real functions.
The problem with such conditional paths within transition logic is that they add conceptual non-linearity over state semantics. Potential bugs hide when the programmer believes a conditional (and thus the state it projects onto) means one thing when in fact it means something subtly different.


A single-level conditional is bad enough, but when multi-level conditionals are introduced, the complexity (i.e. the paths which the programmer must consider in all states of the world) increases exponentially and it quickly becomes impossible to reason about the entire contract’s state transitions without formal tools not generally available.
COP addresses this by requiring the programmer to explicitly enumerate all such conditionals. Logic becomes flattened into non-conditional state-transactions. The condition fragments can then be properly documented, reused, reasoned-about and attributed with requirements and implications. Essentially, COP uses pre-conditions as a first-class citizen in programming.



How it works
If you have already used Solidity, the chances are that you inadvertently flirted with COP already. Let’s look at a simple token contract:

contract Token {
    // The balance of everyone
    mapping (address => uint) public balances;
    // Constructor - we're a millionaire!
    function Token() {
        balances[msg.sender] = 1000000;
    // Transfer `_amount` tokens of ours to `_dest`.
    function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest) {
        balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
        balances[_dest] += _amount;

聪明的读者可能注意到这里有一个bug:transfer 函数不能保证 sender有足够的ether在他的账户里。一般的命令式编程语言解决这个问题的方式通常是引入一个条件判断到函数体:

The astute reader will realise there is a bug here: the transfer function doesn’t ensure that the sender has enough in their account. The normal imperative-language fix for this would be to introduce a conditional into the body:

function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest) {
    if (balances[msg.sender] >= _amount) {
        balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
        balances[_dest] += _amount;

Or perhaps:

function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest) {
    if (balances[msg.sender] < _amount)
    balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
    balances[_dest] += _amount;

尽管如此,这两个解决方案都没有实现COP;我们的实现方式比较混乱(无论我们选哪种),意思是,这两个例子条件判断依然在函数主体中:执行账户 msg.sender,如果有至少 _amount 的余额。作为一个COP程序员,我们清楚地明白这个问题,因为两种解决方案都破坏了我们的基本原则:
所以在COP中,我么应该抽象条件(balances[msg.sender] >= _amount),创建一个modifier函数:

However both of these solutions rather miss the point of COP; we’re muddling the implementation (which ever one we choose) with the meaning, which remains the same in both cases: that the executing account msg.sender, should have a balance of at least _amount. As a COP coder, we understand this problem perfectly since both solutions break our fundamental rule:
Function bodies should have no conditional paths.
So in COP, we rather abstract the condition (balances[msg.sender] >= _amount) and create a function modifier:

modifier only_with_at_least(uint x) {
    if (balances[msg.sender] >= x) _


This piece of code fundamentally abstracts the notion of “executing account has a balance of at least some particular amount”. With it in place, we no longer need to think in terms of conditionals, and most importantly, we don’t need to mix pre-condition logic with state-transition logic. This allows a far greater scope for human-understandable analysis of state-transitions.
Here’s the new transfer function:

function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest)
only_with_at_least(_amount) {
    balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
    balances[_dest] += _amount;


假设我们有另外一个函数,允许任何人超过1000 ether 余额就可以对某件事投票。我们假设现在投票只是,对一个以address为key的mapping进行赋值操作。

Abstraction and Reuse
Suppose we have another function, which allows anyone with a balance more than 1000 to vote on some issue. We’ll assume for now that voting is just a case of setting the value of an address-indexed mapping.
In our old scheme of things, we’d have a function like this:

function vote(uint _opinion) {
    if (balances[msg.sender] >= 1000) {
        votes[msg.sender] = _opinion;


Added to our old codebase, we would now have two similar-meaning conditionals. In principle, we would like to have only one such conditional, audited and documented once but used twice. With COP that’s exactly what we do:

function vote(uint _opinion) only_when_at_least(1000) {
    votes[msg.sender] = _opinion;


This makes our vote function substantially more readable and allows us to reuse important guard-logic, minimising our potential attack surface.


下面的投票例子,假设我们扩展了transfer 函数,那样我们可以确保,任何余额减少的账户没有投票权。

More complex transitions
By discouraging conditional paths from our state-transitions, we limit the complexity of our state-transitions. This hugely helps with auditing since it allows us apply the divide and conquer strategy to program logic analysis and independently check the logic of state transitions from the conditional logic on which they are gated. However sometimes the state transition itself includes gated logic internally.
Following on the voting example, suppose we extend the transfer function so that we ensure that any new, reduced, balance has no vote.
In the traditional, imperative, way we would simply place a conditional near the balance reduction code:

function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest) {
    if (balances[msg.sender] >= _amount) {
        balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
        balances[_dest] += _amount;
        if (balances[msg.sender] < 1000) {
            votes[msg.sender] = 0;    // Clear their vote.

这完全违背了COP的理念。尽管如此,我们不能直接通过增加modifer 函数的方式来解决,因为没有明显的函数去修改;我们实际上是想在transfer的内部域增加一个条件守护。在这种情况下(至少Solidity),我们可以创建一个新的(inline)函数:

This rather goes against the grain of COP. However we cannot address this directly with a new function modifier since there is no obvious function to modify; we actually wish to place the guard within an internal scope of transfer. In this case (at least with Solidity), we rather create a new (inline) function:

function clear_undeserved_vote(account _who)
only_when_voted {
    delete votes[_who];


Note inline is not yet available in Solidity; we would use it here whenever it be available. This function relies on two modifiers which are easily coded (and audited):

modifier only_with_under(uint x) { if (balances[msg.sender] < x) _ }
modifier only_when_voted { if (votes[msg.sender] != 0) _ }

We can then use this function within our transfer function:

function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest)
only_with_at_least(_amount) {
    balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
    balances[_dest] += _amount;



The main part of our final contract has changed from:

contract Token
    function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] >= _amount) {
            balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
            balances[_dest] += _amount;
            if (balances[msg.sender] < 1000) {
                votes[msg.sender] = 0;    // Clear their vote.
    function vote(uint _opinion) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] >= 1000) {
            votes[msg.sender] = _opinion;


To the new:

contract Token
    modifier only_with_at_least(uint x) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] >= x) _
    modifier only_with_under(uint x) {
        if (balances[msg.sender] < x) _
    modifier only_when_voted {
        if (votes[msg.sender] != 0) _
    function clear_undeserved_vote(account _who)
    only_with_under(1000) only_when_voted {
        delete votes[_who];
    function transfer(uint _amount, address _dest)
    only_with_at_least(_amount) {
        balances[msg.sender] -= _amount;
        balances[_dest] += _amount;
    function vote(uint _opinion)
    only_when_at_least(1000) {
        votes[msg.sender] = _opinion;

现在代码有一点长,但是它强制程序员文档化内部实现,鼓励他们考虑分离条件和抽象重要的代码逻辑,确保没有隐患的copy/paste bugs。执行部分是扁平的,减少了概念打包。它容易被文档化和审计,可以一小块一小块的,全面而有条不紊的来进行。而且,即使没有被文档化,它也更易懂,根据条件的名字,而不是像原来那样将他们和状态变化逻辑混合在一起。

The code we have is somewhat longer, however it has now forced the coder to document the internals, encouraging them to place weight on considering the conditions in isolation and abstracts the important parts to ensure that no copy/paste bugs creep in. The execution structure is flat, easing the conceptual baggage that the auditor must consider. It can be documented and audited, piece-by-piece in a comprehensive and methodical fashion. And, even if left undocumented, it is far more comprehensible, with the named conditions over the original version which muddles them into the transition logic.


Being rather verbose, COP certainly won’t be to everyone’s taste. And without certain language support, it can become somewhat unwieldy with large contracts. However, for small and medium-size contracts it provides the programmer and auditor with a clear path to enlightenment that can otherwise be difficult to attain.


In the next article in this series I’ll take a “real-world” contract, coded in COP style, and show how it can be broken down, documented and informally demonstrated to be correct.


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