Why translators have the blues 译者为何悲伤?压力下的职业


Why translators have the blues


A profession under pressure


Print edition | Books and arts

May27th 2017

TRANSLATION can be lonely work, which may well be why most translators choose the careerout of interest, not because they crave attention. Until recently, a decent translator could expect a steady, tidy living, too. But the industry is undergoing a wrenching change that will make life hard for the timid.


Most translators are freelancers, and with the rise of the internet a good translator could live in Kentucky and work for Swiss banks. But going online has resulted in fierce global competition that has put enormous downward pressure on prices. Translators can either hustle hard formore or better-paid work—which means spending less time translating—or choose an agency that fights for the work for them, but which also takes a cut.


The alternative toschmoozing oneselfor working with an agency is to market one’s skills in online marketplaces. But these display the most relentless price pressure of all: fees as low as $13-15 per 1,000 words translated are not unknown. Traditionally, something more like $50 has been the low end, with literary translation at around $120, and high-end work at $250. Buyers who know little about foreign languages and quality will, in online markets, shop almost purely on price.


To these pressures comes another: the rise in higher-quality machine translation. Just a year ago, machine translation still produced reliably rocky results: both inaccurate as to content, and often unreadable too. Both have improved dramatically with translation engines based on so-called deep neural networks.Those who offer rock-bottom prices for translation are almost certainly using translation software, and then giving it a quick edit for accuracy and readability. By and large,the big translation agencies are excited about technology and the possibilities of scale it offers them. What worries the translators themselves, though, is that the future may lie in nothing more intellectually pleasing than this kind of clean-up.


Like all incumbents, those affected are not happy. To avoid being “the coffee-beanpickers of the future”, one veteran counsels improving specialist knowledge and writing skills to get high-end work. But not all can do that. Translators in the bulk and middle markets will inevitably be doing more editing, or will be squeezed out.


What will the rest be doing? For one, literary translation is under no threat. Sales of translated fiction rose by more than 600%  in Britain between 2001 and 2015, and have been growing strongly in America too, with big authors like Elena Ferrante conditioning readers in those countries to look beyond their borders for good books. Nobody thinks a novel can be translated by a machine. In Roy Jacobsen’s “Unseen”, which is on the shortlist for the 2017 Man Booker International Prize (MBIP), the original dialectal island Norwegian has been deftly rendered by Don Bartlett and Don Shaw into a kind of English that carries the same flavour: “Hvur bitty it is!” (“How small it is!”). The MBIP recognises that translation is, in effect, a kind of writing by sharing the prize money equally between author and translators.

那剩下的翻译们何去何从呢?其一,文学翻译不受威胁。2001至2015年间,在英国,经翻译的小说售量上升了600%还不止,在美国也一直处于强劲增长中。像埃莱娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante)[3]这样的大作家也建议这些国家的读者们跳出自己的国度找好书。没人会相信一部机器可以翻译出一本小说。罗伊.雅各布森(Roy Jacobsen)[4]的《看不见的事物》(Unseen)被列入2017年布克国际文学奖(Man Booker International Prize-MBIP)决选名单,原本的挪威岛方言经由唐.巴特利特(Don Bartlett)和唐.肖(Don Shaw)地道译出了带有同样风味的英文:“Hvur bitty it is!”(“How small it is!”“这个真是太小了!”)。MBIP让本书原作者和译者共享奖金,认可了翻译事实上是一种创作。

Most work is in commercial translation, but that is a kind of writing too. Executives sometimes reject a translation of a speech or a letter because it doesn’t look enough like their original. But a good translator needs to rethinka text, rewording important pieces, breaking up or merging sentences, and so on. Translation software can be accurate, but it translates sentence-by-sentence. Since languages have different rhythms and different expectations for what counts as a good sentence, that approach can result in a mess. So it is often best simply to rewrite after thinking about the intended meaning.


Another market is “transcreation”, in which a translator—often in advertising—is expected to rethink a message, making sure that the version in the new language has the right culturalreferences, jokes and suchlike to recreate the impact, without the wording, of the original. In this case, the “transcreator” is even more of a writer than most translators.


Translationis hardly alone inbeing shaken up by technology. The legal industry, accounting and many other venerable professions are seeing repeatable knowledge work done passablyby machines. The translators of the future need not only language and writing skills. They must, like the partners at a law or accounting firm, gain clients’ trust and learn their minds in order to do truly good work. The loners of the field, in other words, may find it hard going.


This article appeared in the /react-text Books and arts section of theprint edition under the headline "Translators’ blues"





[3]埃莱娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante),当代一名意大利小说家的笔名,《时代》杂志于2016年将之评为最有影响力的100名人物之一,真实姓名未知。

[4]罗伊.雅各布森(Roy Jacobsen),挪威小说家和短篇故事作家。

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